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206 · Jul 2018
harlee kae Jul 2018
i dreamt about you.
it was the beginning,
we had just met.
when everything was exciting
and beautiful.
before cowardice
or the world
got in the way.
and in that second
before i opened my eyes
i missed you so much
i ached.
205 · May 2019
the revolution is near
harlee kae May 2019
here we are
a secret society
essentially strangers
but still alleys in this fight
who encourage, admire, anger, inspire
each other to continue
it's said at the end of the day
all you have is yourself
i think we writers have each other
as well
so raise up your pens
call forth the troops
blast out your battle cry
whistle your words
rally together behind the truth of your poetry
and the convictions in your heart

we are here as one
hurting and healing and harmoniously having
our fits of passion, heartbreak, doubt, and discoveries

maybe not in the first line of defense
but really, what's a good fight
without someone to write of it
sorry hp, i stayed up reading. i'm full of declarations.
205 · May 2019
fuck you
harlee kae May 2019
maybe there's a fine line
between love and hate
maybe we're together too much
and it's something we can't escape

but i don't know
if i've ever met  a bigger *****
then you
205 · Jun 2017
harlee kae Jun 2017
I keep getting off track,
but I guess I can’t talk about falling in love
without talking about all that it entangled.
And let me tell you, when you fall in love
it will change every aspect of your life.
It isn’t all laughter and joking around like in the movies.
Sometimes you don’t even get to talk to each other.
Sometimes people don’t even know you’re in love.
But no matter what struggles you go through
it will always seem worth it.
At the end of the day when you’re lying in bed
with an important person’s face splayed across your eyelids
you have a sense of belonging,
and that’s when you know
it will always be worth it.
204 · Sep 2017
Just another thought
harlee kae Sep 2017
Sometimes when I'm driving to school
Or washing the dishes
Or going for a jog
I think about how I will never see you again
And recalling
That friendships
Are actually quite fleeting
Fills me with an
Overwhelming desire
To cry

And it's been years
And I'm doing great
Better even
Then I was before.

But I think my mind forgets
That some things are forever
Even if those things are endings
harlee kae May 2019
cried in the shower again
i can't believe it's the end
somehow, a child's my best friend

she just always brightens my day
in her goofy, intelligent way
and i wish that she could stay

but that's the profession i'm in..
im ******* lame
203 · Aug 2014
harlee kae Aug 2014
I held my breath
in an attempt to stop the tears.
I think I passed out
before I got there.
202 · Sep 2017
How is it only Monday
harlee kae Sep 2017
I have a cough
And it's insanely hard
To stay up past 9:30
And I am so tired
Of being sick
And being tired
And feeling adrift
202 · Feb 2019
harlee kae Feb 2019
there's a void
maybe its always been
empty from the start
maybe i ignored it or
maybe i enjoyed it

but it's gapping open
and there's nothing
to fill it with
harlee kae May 2019
i get sad at night, lonely
i explain
trying to let you know
what's in my head

but you roll your eyes
as you
scamper off to your boyfriend
slamming the door
in my face
i wish i knew how to make friends
192 · Mar 2018
in a place
harlee kae Mar 2018
where my dreams could come true
and i'm wondering
if i dreamed
big enough
191 · Nov 2017
harlee kae Nov 2017
I don't think I can do this.
191 · Feb 2018
dreams are weird
harlee kae Feb 2018
and i dream of you
a lot.
186 · Jul 2017
thoughts from 2013
harlee kae Jul 2017
she holds my head and I hold hers
and we press our foreheads together
and I feel strong.  
I don’t know what she is feeling,
but I don’t think its strength.  
Me though,
I feel strength.
  I feel empowerment.
  I want her.
  I want us.
  And nothing
and no one
will stand in the way of that.
  Of that I am certain.
So, I was wrong.
But that's okay. All love is beautiful, even if it's only right in the moment.
It's now 2017. I'm with someone new.
And nothing and no one will stand in the way of that.
185 · Apr 2018
things i hate tonight:
184 · Apr 2019
something silly
harlee kae Apr 2019
me and you stick together
we're like glue
i'm the gloopy stuff
and you're the bottle
said by my favorite student
as she wrapped her arms around me
making the negativity seem to dissipate
i have no idea what i'll do this summer
182 · Nov 2017
harlee kae Nov 2017
and that's the worst part
of an empty room
the thoughts
can't be distracted

i need human interaction
and crowds don't count
i need someone
to look me in the eyes
when i talk
then tell me
everything's going to
be *okay
181 · Nov 2017
Invariably Lonely
harlee kae Nov 2017
I'm on the cusp
of greatness
but even in my victories
I feel like an outsider.
179 · Mar 2019
close your eyes
harlee kae Mar 2019
you beat me to it
the words in my head
cant say i'm surprised
always one step ahead

cause you missed that part
closing your eyes
when you wake up and shower
and think of my thighs

yeah you missed that part
after cooking and breathing
the closing your eyes
to keep me from leaving

but as i was jamming
and noticed whats missing
you wrote it all down
as if you were listening

so maybe you dont
close them anymore
to rattle the stars
as you stand on the floor
178 · May 2019
harlee kae May 2019
that comes together
has to fall apart
maybe that's the only
true thing from the start
176 · Nov 2017
too high
harlee kae Nov 2017
have a way
of building

these moments
replayed so often
they are made great
before they exist

and sometimes
just doesn't match
174 · Jul 2017
harlee kae Jul 2017
they're still there
but you have to be close
to see them
and really
most people
just don't care enough
to look
172 · Apr 2019
untitled again.
harlee kae Apr 2019
now we can't speak
and the rain hurts my head
and i try to remember
all the words that were said

because this one hurts worse
it's not the same kind of end
before we were anything
we were always best friends
171 · Apr 2019
just be you
harlee kae Apr 2019
said my counselor
i'm not sure i know who that is
i responded

you are worthy she said
you are in charge of your happiness

so i'm trying
i'm not sure who i am
but i'm trying to find it
not really a poem. just me, holding myself accountable for my happiness, for once. trying to find my way no matter what anyone thinks. just be you.
165 · Jan 2018
harlee kae Jan 2018
sometimes I wanna be 16
to remember what it felt like
before I had my first kiss
to remember what it felt like
before I fell in love for the first time

sometimes I wanna be 30
to know what it feels like
to be married with kids
and a job I love (hopefully)
to know what it feels like
to know my purpose (hopefully)

most days I just don’t want to be here
164 · May 2014
harlee kae May 2014
im so ******* tired of this fight.
everyday its the same.
but not today.
im done.
163 · Jun 2014
harlee kae Jun 2014
Remember when our biggest problem was finding a way to be together.
God I wish I could go back.
I'd love you so perfectly  
that you'd never want to leave.
163 · Mar 2019
harlee kae Mar 2019
if life came with instructions
would that make it any easier?
163 · May 2017
permanent paint
harlee kae May 2017
your name's still on my floor
from that spring break
years ago
when we painted it
for something to do
and i see it sometimes
when i go home
and i laugh
remembering how badly
you didn't want to sign your name
even though everyone else was
that should have been my first clue
even at the beginning
you didn't want to leave a permanent mark
because you knew
you wouldn't be
161 · Mar 2019
you're the moon
harlee kae Mar 2019
because even when i cant see you
i know youre there
you control the tide
control the mood
you make me stop
and stare
and smile
you arent afraid to stand out
to be bold
youre completely unique
surrounded by things
that could never outshine you
159 · May 2019
there's a cotton candy sky
harlee kae May 2019
that's what i imagine
as i watch the sun set
of course i would
think of it in terms of food

i've got a lot of extra stomach
where my stomach used to be
and i don't feel happy
in my own skin

maybe i should try cutting out junk
7 days? start summer off right
but i don't have a good track record
with self control..
i'm just another american problem
159 · Jul 2017
harlee kae Jul 2017
we're just two needy people
needing each other
158 · Apr 2018
here alone
harlee kae Apr 2018
the silence
is deafening.
and my body feels
so heavy
so deep.
tears ready
at the surface,
but letting them cascade down
would take too much effort.
i guess nothings wrong,
but i'm here alone.
155 · May 2019
a sext
harlee kae May 2019
talk conspiracies to me
146 · Feb 2020
who am i without a voice
harlee kae Feb 2020
two quick words
and out the door
tell me what
i'm living for

i love yous
shut in my face
like it's my fault
you have to race

off to your work
while i am alone
and you can't even manage
to pick up the phone

i guess i just miss
getting to tell
the things from my day
that went really well


i'm not good at silence
and it's all in my head
so many things
always unsaid


i'm not good at friends either
so alone i will stay
and suffer in silence
until the new day
141 · Apr 2019
small talk
harlee kae Apr 2019
that's all it is
my day
surrounded and consumed
with hi how are you
hows your day
good i guess
is always what i say

but small talk is boring
no one here knows me
surrounded and consumed
by an environment of falsehood

i just want a real conversation
139 · Jan 2020
harlee kae Jan 2020
new year
overcast sky
cold surrounds me
i want to cry

i try to be different
i try to find change
but embracing joy
is foreign and strange

living's still hard
when will that stop
i submit to the challenge
to not be a prop

in my own life
i will take back the lead
i will rattle the stars
seek adventures i need
crazy that the first two paragraphs were written before counseling and the last after.. close your eyes. breathe. find someone to talk to and live your life.
137 · Apr 2019
what's a phone
harlee kae Apr 2019
if not another reminder
that i have no friends
137 · Jan 2020
again. but different.
harlee kae Jan 2020
so many times i've said i'm a vault
i'm a lock with no key
that i'm hidden away
and it would take a miracle
for someone to get to me

but that's not it
that's not ******* it at all

i'm surrounded by people
so many people i can't move
crying out for someone to listen
but they don't even look my way

i'm not a vault
i'm an open book
that no one cares to read

— The End —