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Jan 2013 · 768
Full Circle.
Hannah West Jan 2013
Oh, how I wish I were laying in your arms,
Being swooned by your special brand of charm.
The room, darkened by the night,
Though with a soft glow from moon light.
I'd know I was safe.
With every breath I take
But it is,
A second later, stolen by your kiss.
A kiss that I lie here and miss.

A kiss stolen from an innocent girl
A kiss, that changes her world.
She is a child no more;
Yes, she's quite different than from before.
She's a girl, she herself never knew.
What's this girl to do?
Why, she's guided by boy, of course.
A boy who's willing to gently show her the works.
A boy who will unknowingly captivate her heart,
He'll find himself hating the two being apart.
He'll find that he cares for this girl,
This girl who's changed his world.
The two souls will intertwine,
And they'll call one another, "mine."
Though unsure of what lies ahead,
She'll still dream of laying beside him in her bed.
As she lies in the soft moonlight,
Darkened by the night,
"Oh, how I wish I were laying in your arms,
Being swooned by your special brand of charm."
Nov 2012 · 657
More than it appears
Hannah West Nov 2012
Please dear, you  know I
Love you, and that I need you.
Everything in my life has gone down hill,
As this bad luck
Streak persists.
Even though it all went bad, I was

Still happy I had you. But you've
Taken it away from me. Well, perhaps not completely.
Amorous activity kind of engaged, and
You said, "Maybe

It doesn't have to end."

Everything has gotten a little better, yet I have this
Eerie-like feeling.

You really still want me, just as much as you previously did?
Obviously, you still have feeling, but I'm
Unsure if its the exact same as before.
The poem is more than it appears.
Jun 2012 · 558
Typical, yet always true.
Hannah West Jun 2012
She's             the one who looks indifferent. Only because she's

Dying           on the inside.

To                  most, they only see a girl who wants to

Be                  all she can be. But when she's  
With              The person she loves most, she's with

You.              All she wants is for you to love her, too.
Jun 2012 · 568
I just want you to know
Hannah West Jun 2012
I'd cross mountains,
Ride trains,
Swim the seven seas,
Fly across the skies,
Run the distance,
Walk the length,
Drive on rough roads,
And to be completely frank,

I'd do anything to be with you.
I wonder if you'd do anything to be with me, too.

I'm not sure if you would,
That's okay,
As long as you let me stand by your side today,
It'll be worth it anyway.
Late night+thoughts=silly poems like this one.
Jun 2012 · 681
Hannah West Jun 2012
Music is a passion.
Not a describing word for your fashion.

Music is an escape,
To some other beautiful place.

Music is a form of expression,
That keeps you away from that depression.

For some people, it's an obsession,
But that doesn't give most a bad impression.

Music is a wondrous thing,
All it needs is a person to sing.

Music is a dream,
A piece of cloth, bursting at the seams.

It drives us to be who we are,
It drives us to go that far.

We walk the distance,
And run the length,
Of persistence.

All because of the melodies and notes;
The beats that play in our ears,
Those rhythms that wash away our fears.
Jun 2012 · 649
Unrequited Love?
Hannah West Jun 2012
What if you love me?

What if you want more than this?
A fake relationship.
I love what we have now,
But I can't help but crave more.
I sort of wish we dated again as before.

What if you push me away?
I'd love nothing more than to stay.
Stay with you,
For all my life
But what if my hearts is stabbed yet again by your metaphoric knife?

What if you care more deeply than I?
This should be as easy as pie.
When I tell you how I feel,
And you say the same in return,
And no longer will I have to yearn.

What if that's not the case?
A love unrequited because I was just a pretty face.
Not something more,
Just a body
That you like so fondly.

What if you love me
Like I love you.
And we're just both too afraid,
To admit the truth?
Apr 2012 · 1.4k
Hannah West Apr 2012
Sometimes in life,
I pause where I stand and take a breath,
Forgetting about my sorrows and strife.
For once not fearing death.

Sometimes I live,
Like the seed of a tree,
Not needing to forget, or forgive,
Just flying around; free.

Sometimes I lie,
Just to get people off my back.
I'm feeling upset because of a guy,
But it's not like many people really give a crap.

Sometimes I cry,
Because I want to let out the stress I have
Over that one guy,
Who is just a chav.

Sometimes I smile
Because once in a great while,
He makes my happy
Even though at the same time he makes me life ******.

Sometimes I shake,
I can't handle what's really at stake;
Loosing someone like you,
Is something I can't live through.

Sometimes I want to scream;
You did break my heart
And I'm only happy in dreams,
Where we're not living worlds apart.

Sometimes I want to yell,
Because you feel compelled,
To keep secretes from me,
As if it'll keep from making bad memories.

Sometimes, I feel the pain
You caused with a knife,
Through my heart's vain's.
Nearly ending the meaning of my life.

And yet,
Somehow. . .

Somehow in life,
I pause where I sit,
Taking a breath, no longer feeling the knife,
Planted there by some twit.
Random Definitions!
Chav: British slang for a particular bloke.
Apr 2012 · 1.1k
Hannah West Apr 2012
The knife has been placed in your hand.

You look at me and know what will be done,
You'll know the tears I've shed,
You'll know the pain I'll feel,
You'll feel sorry for what you did.
You'll feel guilty, the way you led me on.
You'll feel like a thief for knowing what you've taken.
You'll see the hurt in my eyes every time we'll speak.
The disappointment.
The reality of it all
Scares you.

The knife has been placed in your hand.

And with all the bad you've already done,
You can't bring yourself to plunge it down,
Into my core.
Where life begins
And where you've made all your sins.
Apr 2012 · 662
Biggest Fan.
Hannah West Apr 2012
Hold me tight,
Kiss me in the moonlight.

Caress my face,
Close in on my personal space.

Whisper in my ear,
Make all my fears disappear.

Play with my hair,
Tell me that you care.

Hold my hand,
Because I'm your biggest fan.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Hannah West Mar 2012
Within the recesses of my
Is the young
Innocent girl
They used to know.

Within my
Are the
I used to think
When I was young.

Within my
Is what I used to
Before I met you.

But on
Is a wild,
More mature girl,
Daring to break the

She's new in these parts.
She doesn't belong here.
This isn't what I'm used to.
Who does who think she is?
Waltzing in here,
Making me do things,
I used to never agree with.

Maybe this is apart of growing up,
Or maybe this is what crazy people do.

Either way,
I'm a bit scared.
Feb 2012 · 432
Do you like me?
Hannah West Feb 2012
                    Can't tell what you're holding back. Do you
                    Me? Am I the only one who feels this way about
You . . .?
                    Is there some who you
                    Love? Does she love you? Or is it
                    Who's afraid to confess his feelings. When you
                    Someone, how long do you wait to let them know? With
                    I've always loved you. But will you ever love me
Feb 2012 · 555
Do you like me?
Hannah West Feb 2012
                    Can't tell what you're holding back. Do you
                    Me? Am I the only one who feels this way about
You . . .?
                    Is there some who you
                    Love? Does she love you? Or is it
                    Who's afraid to confess his feelings. When you
                    Someone, how long do you wait to let them know? With
                    I've always loved you. But will you ever love me
Feb 2012 · 436
My Love.
Hannah West Feb 2012
                    Dear! My
                    It is true. Love
                    Returned to my mind.
                    And see me, my dear. I've missed you so. Come
                     And give me hugs. I want a kiss
                    Your sweatshirt. I want your love.
                    So perfect. Perfect for me;
                    I am, perfect for him. It won't take much
                    Get him to
                    I just want to be interesting, **** and fun
                     Him. I want
                    From him. I want more
                    A kiss from him. I want
                    Relationship in the form that we have. Only a
                   Weeks have passed. In only a matter of
                   We've began a certain relationship that's put my brain in this haze.
I love this poem a lot. ^-^
Just because it works both ways. :3
Nov 2011 · 642
Why must my mind reel?
Hannah West Nov 2011
You're back in my life.

You're nice,
You've forgiven me,
You've apologized.
You want to see me.
See the things that surround me.
You talk back,
You smile,
And you're not annoyed anymore.

I love it but I wish it didn't
Make my mind reel,
Worrying about messing up,
And loosing you again...
God ******.
Oct 2011 · 763
Slanty Face. :\
Hannah West Oct 2011
Every time I think about you,
I wish I could talk to you.
I wish I could call you,
Or text you,
Just to see how you are.
What are you up to?
How's your life?

I'll never know.

Do you still think about me?
Do you hate me?
Are you still annoyed with me?
Are you willing to still be friends?

I guess I'll never know.

What would happen if I spoke to you?
Would you ignore me?
Talk back, but not be happy about it?
Talk back because you want to?

I suppose I'll never know.

Do you ever miss me?
Do you think of me with a smile on your face?
Rather than a frown?
Do even remember my face?
Do you keep our memory?

I will just never know.

I'll never know,
Until I try,
To talk to you,
And see for myself.
Jul 2011 · 494
Hannah West Jul 2011
I finally cracked.
My world came crumbling down around me.
And even with my loved ones around,
I'm still alone.
Jul 2011 · 581
Thank you.
Hannah West Jul 2011
Thank you
For telling me you loved me.
Even though it turned out you didn't.

Thank you
For catching me
When I fell.

Thank you
For being a charming boy
And letting me fall into your arms.

Thank you
For teaching me what it's like to truly
Feel safe.

Thank you
For making me
Blush all of the time.

Thank you
For making me feel what a
Genuine smile feels like.

Thank you
For being the sweetest boy
I've ever met.

Thank you
For letting yourself be my
First Love

Thank you
For teaching me things about

Thank you
For doing all of that
Without realizing more than half of it.

Thank you
For being the
Greatest Mistake of my Life.
The 6th line and 9th also go together as one sentence. :3
Jun 2011 · 596
You're My Sister At Heart.
Hannah West Jun 2011
I use to cling on to you,
I would follow you around and begged you to be my friend,
honestly I had none.
Even though I made you want to cut my head of many times,
you became my friend.
Over time we became better and better friends.
Soon I was glad to call you my best friend,
we had our up and downs like anyone else.
Best friend we were and yes that is a lot,
lots of memories and endless nights.
Now though,
I call you my sister.
Without your smile and love I would be lost.
Without your laugh my days would be gloomy and dark.
Without you I would have never had a friend, or best friend.
You have grown in to my life and my heart.

I love you Hannah West♥
(Read the Note if you are confused.)
Abigail hacked you and also writes poems to here. :)
Jun 2011 · 458
Hannah West Jun 2011
I wonder what you think of me now.
I could ask, but how?
I'm afraid of what you'll say.
I think about you each and every day.
God, just take me now.

You'll never love me again.
Am I still your dear friend?
The confusion irritates me so.
Why won't you just go?
Will this ever end?

But you can't leave me,
We're not meant to be.
But maybe one night,
No fear or fright
Then we can make this right
And I can say good bye,
Find someone else,
Even though I fell
For you, my Love
You have flown away, you gentle dove.

You've soared away
Out of my reach

You taught me many things;
Not to dwell on the past,
Not to hold grudges.

Patience is Virtue,
Something you once said
When we talked about future relations
And something I'll never forget.

I hope you keep your promise..
I've learned you're a man of your word.
Not just something I heard;
It's something you said.
Let's do something together
Before we're all dead.
First I was doing Limerick's, then I was just rhyming then I said ***** it.
I don't have good timing.
Jun 2011 · 437
Heart and Mind.
Hannah West Jun 2011
You've made your way
Into my heart and Mind
And not matter how hard I try
You won't leave.
Short; Sweet; To the point.
May 2011 · 436
Too heavy.
Hannah West May 2011
You picked me up,
Dusted me off,
But I was heavier than you thought.

You picked her up
Dusted her off,
She was the perfect weight
But to her,
You're arms weren't strong enough.
So she took comfort in his.

I want to pick you up,
Dust you off,
Because I know I can.
But I fear that you think
You're too heavy for me.
May 2011 · 492
Hannah West May 2011
I see you there in the distance.
You're broken,
Fallen in the dust.
I want to help
Even though
In the distance,
Fallen in the dust,
Not too long ago.

But you'd be there to help
So I want to be there to help

But you're falling hard.
I'm trying to catch you
You don't notice my hand
Reaching out to help you.

You're hitting the ground
You're feeling hopeless
But if only you'd notice me there,
Trying to help
Even though,
I don't know how.
May 2011 · 697
Bad Karma
Hannah West May 2011
Now you're all alone.
She left you,
Like you left me.

There's a hint or irony
And bad karma;
For the way you hurt me,
She hurt you.

Maybe you deserved it
Or maybe I just don't care.
I can have you now,
So why am I not chasing after you?

Maybe I'm waiting for the right moment...
Maybe I don't want to seem desperate..
Or maybe
I just want you to care enough
To make the first move.
Not my best. >.>
May 2011 · 517
If only
Hannah West May 2011
It only you had been a little closer;
If only we stayed together a little longer;
If only she hadn't come along;
If only I was a little less nervous;
If only I had the courage to kiss you;
If only you could handle distance a little better,
Maybe we'd still be together

Maybe if that kiss happened,
You'd still love me.
May 2011 · 505
Hannah West May 2011
I smile every time I think of the days we were happy together.
But then it disappears as quickly as it comes
Because I know you're happy with someone else now
Instead of me.
May 2011 · 456
Without Thought.
Hannah West May 2011
My brain no longer commanded me;
My hands took over,
Saying whatever reply came into my head.
I no longer had control;
The first thing I thought was said.
I know said what was on my mind
Without Thinking
Everything I knew
Didn't matter.
I stopped using my head,
And started using my instinct.
I'd Flirt with Disaster.
I wouldn't think ahead
Of the consequences that could be said
Or done.
I stopped thinking;
My hands took control.
I didn't matter now
But then,
I thought:
Is this a turn for the
Or for the
May 2011 · 934
Hannah West May 2011
My heart
Beats so hard,
That my shirt moves to the
Beat of the sound.

My hands
Shake like crazy
When I await
Your reply.

My cheeks
Feel as if they're
On fire
When I think about the things you
Used to say.

I get really nervous
When I think I'm
Loosing you.

I get so
When I think about how she's
Changed you.

I wanna
Slap you
So you snap out of this *******

I want to cry
When I think about how you probably don't even

I want to go back in
So you could have never even been
May 2011 · 395
Nothing Like You.
Hannah West May 2011
I want a guy
To Love me.
I want a guy
Who caresses my face.
I want a guy
To hold me tight when I'm scared.
I want a guy
To call me Beautiful.
I want a guy
To hug me and tell me he never wants to let go.
I want a guy
Nothing like you.
So why,
Oh why,
Do I still want you?
May 2011 · 493
You only know.
Hannah West May 2011
You only know
True Love
When it's

You only know how much you
When it begins to slip through your

You only know how
You are when you start feeling

You only notice your
When you start feeling

You only notice your good
When others don't have

You only hear the
When it's never even

You only believe in
When you see that the other's are

You never know when things go
Till the thing is dead and

You only know of true
When someone puts the blame on

You only feel
When everyone else consists in pairs of

You only let people
When you know that's it's the right thing to

You only know when a fights
When it's gone too

You only know when you want someone to
After they're already in the

You only know of
True Sorrow
After it's been

And You only know who you
Till they're out of
Hannah West May 2011
I won't forget;
I'll always remember;
It'll never leave my mind.
It will always stay,
Even if it's to my dismay

Memory loss isn't possible;
My thoughts are unstoppable
When they consist of us two.
And that's why

I'll never forget you.
Apr 2011 · 13.1k
Blue-eyed Boy
Hannah West Apr 2011
I never really cared for blue-eyed people.
Bright or pale;
A common color for the male or female.
But let my tell you a tale
Of a blued-eyed boy
Who never toyed with this green-eyed girl.
He put her head in a whirl.
Love is what they called it.

She'd look into those blue eyes;
The color she never cared for
But now she could never be bored
Of looking at these blue-eyed people,
Who were more abundant than she thought
Maybe they fought
For the same thing she was looking for;
The Love of a boy
Who wasn't the one to toy
With that green-eyed girl.
Apr 2011 · 523
I think. .
Hannah West Apr 2011
I think,
You're gone forever,
But then you come back.

I think,
We'll never be together
But then you'll speak your crap.

I think,
You're serious
About liking me still.

I think,
You're serious
About the ***

I think,
Maybe you'll be mine
In the years to come

I think,
It'll be okay.
But who knows?
Maybe I'm wrong.
Apr 2011 · 699
Patience is Virtue
Hannah West Apr 2011
I make an effort to rid you from my heart.
And it works quite well.
Though you still dominate my mind;
You're still a part of my soul.
You'll never be completely gone
For I don't want you to be.
Because I still day dream of the day
When we reunite
For I know it will happen someday,
So I'll wait.

Patience is Virtue
Something you once said.
So I take that to heart
And as a hint
To wait for the day
We meet again.
Apr 2011 · 455
Your Memory
Hannah West Apr 2011
I sit here and think
Of everything we've been through.

I think about those moments
Of happiness;
Small things,
That make me smile.

I think about how
I used regret ever meeting you
And then think,
Why should I regret it?

You made me feel pure happiness.
Pure safety.
And just purity.

You taught me things,
Showed me how to live a better life,
How to let things go.

Though you may be something I can't let go of,
And though you may never make me feel pure happiness,
I'll cherish the memories of us,
When we were both happy
Mar 2011 · 1.6k
Sarah Smiles
Hannah West Mar 2011
She sat on the pier,
Kicking her feet as they hung over the water;
Sarah looked at the sun setting
The young boy behind her.

His name,
Loved Sarah so.
But Sarah was off in her little world;
Because she just didn't care.

To the
Sarah smiled as Brendon approached her,
A bright red blush blossomed on his cheeks,
He awkwardly sat beside her.

Formally normal,
He was a young kid
But after laying eyes upon her
Velvet lips,
And deep eyes
He knew that his Destiny
With her.
Inspiration from the Panic! At the Disco song: Sarah Smiles.
Mar 2011 · 487
Get out
Hannah West Mar 2011
Just leave my mind.

I wish I never met you,
So I wouldn't have to hold back the tears now,
As I look at how she changed you.

Get the **** out
Of my heart!
You've over stayed your welcome.
I want you gone.
I wanna stop wasting my time loving you.
But I want you so badly.

I can't figure out how to get you out.
I can't tell you to go.
You've already seemed to have left on your own
But that boy who I fell for is still there.

He encourages me to stay.
He tells me I'll have him someday.
He tells me to keep striving.
He tells me it's going to be okay.
He tells me not to forget about him.

And it's not him who says it,
It's his personality,
It's his old words,
It's just him existing that tells me to hold on.

So who do I listen to?
The ******* who can't last forever?
Or the one I fell in Love with who must return someday?
Mar 2011 · 707
A Limerick
Hannah West Mar 2011
I wish I was older.
I wish I was a little bit bolder.
I wish you were single.
I wish you'd come and mingle
With a single who wishes she was older.
Mar 2011 · 726
One boy; One girl
Hannah West Mar 2011
One Boy
One Girl.

One healed heart.
One never been touched.

One new friend.
One new hoping-to-be-his-new-girlfriend.

One with a crush.
One in Love.

One with an interest.
One with none.

One in Love.
One already there.

One out of it.
One who still cares.

One with another.
One without.

One forgetting about her.
One can't live without him.

One maybe committing a sin.
One wishing to begin.

One losing interest.
One losing her appeal.

One not knowing how he feels.
One wanting to tell him everything.

One not caring;
One who wants to be daring.

One ignoring,
One's eyes full of tears.

One happy.
One will be sad for years.
[First line: Him]
[Second line: me]

[First line: Him]
[Second line: me]

Mar 2011 · 610
Rest in Peace, Micheal.
Hannah West Mar 2011
What is death, really?
A fear?
A want?
Some people find death living life and drinking beer.
Some people find death writing a note in a sad font,
And a body to prove it.
But some don't chose it;
They accept it.

Death is scary;
Death is fear;
For Micheal,
He knew his death was near.
The boy was strong,
Yes indeed.
He might have been afraid
And the family did get paid
To save the young boy
From the cancer he fought for,
For so long.
But I think he always knew,
He wouldn't make it
And his family wouldn't take it.

I once heard
He used a wish,
For his family not miss
Out on special things,
Things he'd want
But he had a fight that he fought.
He fought well
But soon lost
The cost may have been high
But I'm glad we all tried.
Though I think the boy is at his peace
Knowing we will all honor him.
We know he tried his best
But you just can't fight off death.

So Goodbye Micheal
A good fight you put up indeed
But now you just need
To Rest in Peace.
As God intended
In a beautiful place we named Heaven.
For a boy who recently died from Cancer in my school
Mar 2011 · 507
"I hate you."
Hannah West Mar 2011
She blushes deeply,
As she gets real close.

Her face an inch apart from his,
His mind races.
He doesn't know what she's doing.

He blushes a little,
And gets really nervous.
She's going to kiss me.
He thinks.

She gets a little closer;
His heart pounds in his ears;
She takes a deep breath;
He ***** in his;
She goes to speak,
And she finally says,
"I hate you."
And quickly moves away.
This one was just for fun :3
Hannah West Mar 2011
They gaze into each other's eyes.
He looks at the damage he caused.
She looks at the boy she belongs with.

They lean in close,
They know it's wrong,
But she's waited for this much too long.

Their lips meet,
For a passionate kiss;
She sure will miss this.

They pull away slowly,
He's realized what he's done.
She wants to scream in horror.

Did that really just happen?

"I'm sorry."
She speaks quickly.

He doesn't know what to say.
He'd committed the thing he never dreamed to.

They're heads rest upon each other,
One hand on another,

Her heart beats in her ears;
He stares at the floor,
Considering walking out the door.

But she opens her eyes,
Leaving the story left unsaid,
As she imagines it all,
While lying in bed.
This one, is actually not based on a true story >.>
Mar 2011 · 594
Like the old days.
Hannah West Mar 2011
I wish life was like the old days.
When Love was real
And Lust didn't exist.
When you'd communicate by love letters,
And not cell phones.
When a kiss on the hand meant so much.
When boys and girls didn't, "Hook up."
They just loved each other.
When parents didn't have to hate your boyfriend,
Because he wouldn't be an *******; He was a real gentleman.
He'd treat the girl right.
And then boy would ask the Father for permission to take the girl's hand in marriage.
It'd be wrong to steal a kiss or two but they might anyways
Man, I wish life was like the old days.
Mar 2011 · 607
If I could go back
Hannah West Mar 2011
I wish I could back,
And be with that person
Who you used to be

I wish I could back,
To that December day,
When everything was perfectly okay.

I wish I could go back,
To that December evening,
Where the Love between us was just beginning.

I wish I could go back,
To that December week,
When you were so cute and meek.

I wish I could go back,
To that December month,
Where I found you, met you, and loved you a whole bunch.

I wish I could go back,
To the days before we talked,
So I could stop myself from talking to you,
So I wouldn't have to wish for the days,
Where you were the person I loved,
And not the person who I'm beginning loath.
Hannah West Mar 2011
I apologize,
For Loving you,
For Caring about you,
For ******* everything up,
For being so Stupid,
For ******* you off,
For causing you obvious irritation.
But did you accept my apology?

Maybe you need to man up;
You need to realize it wasn't just me that made me fall for you;
It was you, too.
You've given me false feeling.
And it made me fall harder.
You have to accept that I desperately want to be apart of your life.
I want you to be happy, so badly.
But making this happen,
Is really making my life ****.
You need to start setting your feelings straight,
Rather than letting me think there's still feeling
When there isn't.

Tell me how it is,
Before it's too late.
Mar 2011 · 622
Man up; Face me
Hannah West Mar 2011
You need to man up and face me,
Come and say good-bye to me,
If you hate me.

You need to man up and face me,
Come and tell me you care,
If I'm a Dear Friend.

You need to man up and face me,
Come and hug me and kiss me,
If you really feel bad because I love you so much.

You need to man up and face me,
Come and tell me we'll never be,
If you really don't like me.

You need to man up and face me,
Come and tell me you like me,
If that's even true.

You need to man up and face me,
And tell me the truth,
If I mean anything at all to you.

You need to man up face me,
Before I cry too much over you,
Before my heart is much too scared,
And I won't be able to move on.

You just need to man up and face me,
And tell me everything that I need to hear,
Whatever that is,
So, maybe, I can move on,
Leave you behind
But that seems so hard right now;
I don't think I could do it.

If you maned up and faced me,
Maybe I could.
Mar 2011 · 835
I'm not going to cry.
Hannah West Mar 2011
I'm falling
Deeper and deeper
Into a hole.

A hole that's called Love.
And I'm so scared.

I don't have you this time.
You're not going to catch me.
I'll fall deeper and deeper
Till I hit the ground and
I'll never be found.

My eyes well with tears
As I write
Of the sadness and sorrow
That fills my heart.

I'm not going to cry
I'll say
But to my dismay,
The tears come anyways.

I'm not going to cry.
I shout.
This isn't what falling in Love is about!

You're supposed to catch me,
Like in the books.
But she took away!
**** her!
I'll say!

I'm falling deeper and deeper
Hitting the ground.
Yet the only thing that shatters
Is something that really matters.

The thing you were supposed to save.
The thing you're supposed to steal.
But I don't even know how you feel.

So I'll fall deeper and deeper.
All alone.
Till you come,
And take me home.
Mar 2011 · 506
Hannah West Mar 2011
Why must we get confused?

Why can't we explain our feelings?
Why can't figure out if something is good or bad?
Why can't we read minds?

Why can't I see the real meanings behind your words?
Why can't I stop getting my hopes up?
Why do I keep trying?
Why do I love you?

Why can't you love me back?
Why can't figure out if you really want me?
Why are you still with her?
Why can't you see that I can't stop loving you?
Why can't you see how easily your words hurt me?
Why can't you see how unhappy I really am?
Why can't you notice the sadness behind my words when I know you're with her?
Why don't you apologize for everything you did?
Rather than just telling me my unhappiness makes you upset?
When I don't even know if it really does?
Why don't you come and see me?
Why don't finally figure your feelings out?
Why can't you realize liking someone when you're dating someone else, is wrong?
Why can't you just fall for me again?

Why can't you answer my questions?

I guess my big question is,
Mar 2011 · 634
The truth; In my eyes
Hannah West Mar 2011
People would tell me,
You were just another crush.

People would tell me,
You weren't worth my time;
You weren't worth my tears.

People would tell me,
You were just like any other boy;
A ****.

People would tell me,
"He's ugly anyways."

People would tell me,
You never cared

People would tell me,
You lie to me.

People would tell me,
You're never coming back to me;
To give up hope.

But you know what I tell myself?

I tell myself,
I'm in love.

I tell myself,
You were worth every minute, every second
And every tear.

I tell myself,
You're not like any boy I've ever met;
You're amazing.

I tell myself,
You're the most adorable and really cute boy I've ever seen.

I tell myself,
What we've been through,
Has been too much to make me, "Just-another-girl."

I tell myself;
You have no reason to lie to me.

I tell myself,
Yes, perhaps you never will return,
But I'm allowed to hope, aren't I?

I tell myself,
That I believe
To be the truth.
Mar 2011 · 620
I remember
Hannah West Mar 2011
I remember;

The way we used to talk.
The promises you made.
The sweet things you said,
That I'll always cherish.

I remember;
The cute crush you had
On a girl like me.

I remember;
The cute crush I had
On a boy like you.

I remember;
How you wanted to be with me,
And how you wanted to show me off
Because I was, "Your girl."

I remember;
How much you said you loved me,
How you said you would never leave me,
And how you said you'd never stop loving me.

I remember;
How you left me,
How you went on to her,
And how you broke your promises.

I remember;
The tears that fell,
The words that were said
And the apologies that were thrown around.

I remember,
My miserable weeks;
Feeling sad and alone
Because I had lost you,
And you wouldn't come back to me;
You wouldn't return my love.

But now I sit here and remember;
The things you said last night;
Those words in those texts.
You want me;
I want you;

I sit here and re-read those words in my head.
I said we both wanted each other
And you agreed.
So why you're still with her
Is a mystery to me.

I sit here and remember,
Those old nervous feelings on when we first met,
And I sit here and re-live them.

These nervous feelings of possibly sharing a kiss.

But now I sit here and think,
*It's more than sharing a kiss, that's making me nervous.
Mar 2011 · 581
Love or Lust
Hannah West Mar 2011
Our look of Innocence
Could be true
But we both want so much more
From each other

We never even stole one kiss,
But I can see more being
In the future.
My innocence;
Your virtues.
Could they be gone,
So soon?

I can't be, "Just friends."
With you.
I don't think you could be with me

For me,
It's out of

For you,
Could it be out of

I could know,
If you stole
More than just
My Heart.
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