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your heart-rate
improve your brain
Fish oil.
© March 26th by Timothy Brown. All rights reserved.
unknown entirely
not only to the throngs
but to myself as well
a shaded mustang such as myself
may never be labeled "dark"
until victory is upon me

and i plan to come from behind
from way behind
whipping a breeze along side
the champions from races past

but for no laurel
or hardy hoof shake
for only the chance to stretch my legs
lounging in pastures
has only stagnated me
but all potential must
as some point become kinetic

and here i am now
neck outstretched
teeth breaking the tape
by-standards ripping up tickets
because i was the last one
supposed to win
what does this say about my stud fee??
White wash walls
White starch coats
Translucent skin/veins
Vision blinded by numbers
Personality sequence
My numbers
The label stapled across my eyelids
Like a chip for feeble shoulders to bear
A dash of this
A dab of that
Happy member of society
Girls stuffed with modelling clay
Feed me lye and cigarette ash
Replace my brain with silicone
Paint cherry red lips
And tell me to be unique.
its not filthy
its just unappealing
its just the grooves
the places between the melody
that desperately need a cleaning
the tune no longer resonates
the tone dull
and crackly
its has nothing to do with
or projection
its the source material that fails me
im no good at this
at a loss for tools
which could make completely clear
the soaring voice that is love
impassioned and dedicated
but they are contained
within the outmoded technology
wax or vinyl

it could be
that my table is just on the fritz
**** you stanton
...Dead bats and
rats and a hat to
cover the blood
We all dream
like whispers in the
silence of despair
Trying so hard pretending not
to be hypocrites
when everbody else is
So we could deny the
pain and blame it for
the rain
We are people
gathering stones for a miracle
But when the hunger strikes
we feast on soil and
remember that we
i bet it all on black
the clanging of the pebble
around the separations
its the same story
i lost

long nights and love
all thats left
its not just about the dollar
its about the way
the dollar means that im yours

i cannot spare a dime
this is our way
to feel like love
You're a coward,
Hiding behind your lies
"looking back with a smile"

Got the juggle
But your hands are full
Dropped the ball
Now we see the truth

You're buried deep
You still cheat
All your words are cheap
You are cheap
Cold floors, and the doors are open
Rushing white coats, we're running
Bright room, and sharpened steel
Stripped down, injection is relief

How could this be?
I finally feel like a human being
This can't be happening.
My life is drenched with disease.
squirrels and opossums and birds of paradise
because im screaming
profanity into the trees
they can hear me scratching my sores
flaking scabs onto the crumbly floor
to integrate myself with the remains
of generations past
they can all hear me
crack the first beer of the morning
and pour it out for my love
no longer here
they can hear me all
repeat myself and pace
atop the pecan shells crunching
but the cap of the bottle spins
whirling around its rings
for a glug
and they all scutter, scamper, and waggle off
only proving my point
a terrible mood to be around
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