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Hank Helman May 29
I used to have a cause.
But now it's a because.
Hank Helman May 20
Doubts are dreams we all cast aside,
Wishes are friends we invite inside,
Regrets are moments frozen in time,
Joy is a collection of pennies and dimes.

Love is a hat, worn smart with a tilt,
Fear is bite of anger and guilt,
Sorrow is a song, sung all alone,
Grief is wound from a very sharp stone.
Just having fun on a cloudy day
Hank Helman May 20
Undress me, she said.

My pleasure, he responded.

I want to stand naked in front of you, she offered.

I won't be able to control myself, he countered.

You must. Enjoy me, devour me and once you are aroused and wild eyed put on the blind fold, she instructed.

With pleasure, he replied.

Accept the darkness as you explore every inch of me with your hands and your lips, she added.

Is there any forbidden territory, he wondered.

None. I am yours, she declared as the first buttons came undone.
Hank Helman May 19
We love to fight, our favourite thing,
**** and slaughter, God save the King,
War is when we do our best,
Medals pinned on each brave chest.

Will it ever end, our anger gone,
Can we ever say we all belong.
I think, I dream, be still no more,
Make love,be kind, say no to war.
Play chess. Eat popcorn. De-escalate
Hank Helman May 18
Krista makes me want to dance,
Rob paints words with circumstance,
Victoria smiles, the kindest eyes,
Melancholy knows that love is wise.

Bones is searching for a hopeful heart,
Emmanuel smiles, all humour's art,
Solange sees others first and pure,
Melissa's kindness will pearl endure.

So why is now the only time,
Surely things will always rhyme,
Is dawn a beginning or a sweet revenge,
A time of day to think of friends.

We walk alone, it's our sealed fate,
We search at night, we consummate,
Your naked body pressed to mine,
Love is our boast, your lips divine.
Hank Helman May 18
If I make a donation,
I get a standing ovation,
Yet scrimp and be stingy
And I'm treated as cringey.

Or maybe I'm lost,
And my work just gets tossed,
A lost poet who pouts,
For sure on his way outs.
Does making a donation to HP improve one's trend performance. Or am I just writing dumb **** now. I have no ******* idea.
Hank Helman Apr 30
Let the little things go,
Let your thoughts run free,
Yes, ghosts will appear,
We won't always agree.

Beliefs are assumptions
Just a branch or a twig,
When grafted all together
Our kindness will grow big.

Now I'm not naive
Nor a sweet and silly bean,
I know evil is a shadow,
As it creeps along unseen.

So smile at a stranger,
Whisper in an ear,
Listen first and then reply
Our words cause all the fear.
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