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Hank Helman Feb 22
Ah my patience waxes thin,
Silence suffers. annoyance wins,
Grit, persistence, self control,
An intolerant world, our new black hole.

Can we not or will we ever,
(I pause because I think I'm clever),
Be kind, be open, yes less is more,
Patience first then eagles soar.
Hank Helman Feb 19
When you trust no one,
The person you trust least is yourself.
Hank Helman Feb 17
Is it worth all the worry,
The tension, the cost,
The poor sleep and fatigue,
The happiness lost.

The what if's or maybe,
Will it happen or not,
Worry is wandering,
It never will stop.

So learn to accept,
Your life is a scene,
A chapter, some improv,
On a three dimensional screen.

Those you will love,
And some you will lose,
Each day is a painting,
Worry works as my muse.
Hank Helman Feb 15
What is regret,
But a moment of fret,
Is life a missed opportunity.

We live and we die,
Surely I'm not that guy
Who goes to the grave without scrutiny.

If I could repeat,
This whole meet and greet,
I would learn to lie much more truthfully.

And I would learn about love,
And this mystery above,
A god who rules so brutally.

No, we get a few years,
And we shed many tears,
Suffice a few things said in our eulogy.

So smile and remain,
Yes love is a chain,
And kindness always brings unity

( Kindness. Why do I have to remind myself constantly!)
Hank Helman Feb 11
She: What is the worst thing you have ever done.

He: I refused to give a dollar to two starving children.

She: Were you broke.

He: Nope. Had scads. I wanted to take their picture and they asked for a dollar for the snap.

She: And you said no.

He: Yup. I was insulted. The nerve of starving children to ask for a pittance for a pic.

She: Does it plague you, this memory.

He: Ya. I think about it every couple of days. It was a cruel,arrogant, disgusting thing to do.

She: What's the second worst thing you have ever done

He: Pretended to love someone.
Hank Helman Feb 9
Will the Aliens save us.

The answer is not a yes or no.

It's a why.

Why would they.

There are no saviors.
No heaven or hell.
It will be up to us to figure it out.

And you wonder if your life has meaning or purpose.

You make a difference. A huge difference..

Set goals. Build hope. Immerse in optimism.

Resiliency, resilient, resilience.

I will not give up. Ever
Hank Helman Feb 8
The oddest memories.

The day the swing hit me in the head, full force.

The day I ran into the concrete wall,
At the end of a dark corridor,
At full speed.

The day I wet my pants,
In grade two,
And the teacher made me sit over the puddle
For two hours.

Standing on the side of the road,
For 10 hours,
End of November,
Minus 25.

5 days in jail for a speeding ticket,
My choice.

My mother unable to speak,
The nurse held the phone,
Moments before she died.

Memories delicate and fine,
The past and present intertwine.
share your memories hh
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