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Haley Adshead Jan 2012
you wanted to know me,
on a deeper level,
so i opened my heart to you,
i poured everything out.

you were astonished
at the amount of pain
i carry.

you were astonished
at how little i wanted to

you saw all i had,
you felt all the pain
i held.

the flood gates
they opened
and you took on all my fears.
Haley Adshead Oct 2012
I had that opportunity, the opportunity to be with you
but I blew it, and that
is something that I deeply regret.

with your beautiful scraggly features, that I long to hold,
I want to feel you move with me,
come back here, I'll let you stay awhile with me.

but I blew it,
and now, you're gone, I'm alone,
and all I know is your first name,
nothing else.
Haley Adshead Dec 2011
Our bodies fit together perfectly,
intertwined in the sheets,
warm and graceful.

heavy breathing,
slow caring movements,
being careful,
but not too careful.

the feeling is powerful,
not with pain,
but pleasure.

your heart stops,
the moment is over,
your body relaxes,
still intertwined and blissful.
Haley Adshead Sep 2012
they all mean something
and another something
based on the context.

but why
why do we worship them
why do we say so much

the unspoken words
reach the farthest
mean the most.

you are an open book
waiting to be read
poured over
no one seems to care

they're lazy
they wait for your words
many of which will never come
Haley Adshead May 2012
my words to you go unspoken
my love for you is there
but you wont take it

im a broken piece of pottery
you disregard me
laying crippled in the dirt
shattered right where you left me

you wont help me though
not even a glance
to make sure im okay

as i lie there
Haley Adshead Dec 2013
it's times like this that i wish
i were a cactus
and i didn't have to deal
with people things
like being in college
and trying to transfer
and writing essays.

i just want to be a
Haley Adshead Dec 2011
i still love you,
and i know its mutual,
you say that we cant be together.

that we should try again in the spring,
i cant wait that long.

i need someone to hold me
during the long cold winter months,
i crave your warmth.

you wont give in to me,
you wont sit with me for hours,
just talking about everything.

you wont have me.
Haley Adshead May 2012
thoughts swirling
around me
my mind is unable to focus

constant movement
a constantly thinking mind
always filled with ideas

all is but a blur
a fantastic
colorful blur
that spits out images
that i have no choice but
to create.
Haley Adshead Nov 2011
you left,
and now i'm alone.

they say, there's someone else out there for me,
but i don't want anyone else.

they say, i'm beautiful and i can have any man that i want,
but here's  the thing,
i don't want anyone but you.

come back to me,
please, im begging you,
come back.
Haley Adshead Nov 2013
when i think of you
i think of the rest of my life,
i see us everywhere
but never me alone.

my future is you
you make my life
Haley Adshead Dec 2011
your ever changing emotions
are just one part of this relationship
that confuse me so.

you say that we should wait until i'm over him
we have a relationship now
just without the label.

you don't know what you want
but i do
you have us confused.

al i want is to be with you
in the simplest sense of the phrase
you want to make things complicated.

you make my brain hurt
i don't know why i want you
i do never the less.
Haley Adshead Sep 2012
glimmering acrylics paint
your reflection,
while you
ponder your ungodly existence,
in the empty atmosphere,
surrounded by
inhospitable solar air.

immediately glowering,
even in your imagination
you are insignificant,

you disintegrate,
for an eternity.
Haley Adshead Apr 2014
life is pointless
when you have nothing.
every ounce of happiness
is just evading you.

lying on the kitchen floor
you reach maximum

your tiny frame
being wracked
by heavy hitting sobs.

your helpless fiancee
cries too
out of fear for your life.

you want to drown slowly
in the bottle
so maybe you'll feel
before you depart.
Haley Adshead Sep 2012
i've realized
how truly obnoxious
human beings can be.

horribly loud and destructive,
everything they touch
is instantaneously damaged.

other people.

we are all terrible creatures
each one worse than the next
but in some different way.

never stopping to consider
what's being done
is potentially harmful
Haley Adshead May 2013
i want to hear the stories
that ****** expressions silently tell,
how they came to be
who they are.

the ***** face of a  child
with wet streaks running down it,
what's their tale.

the tragedies of the small
inconsequential things
that matter so much to a child
of six.

and the worn face
with folds and a lifetime of stories
caught in the wrinkles.

what has he seen,
or heartbreak? left without
a wife.

just waiting for death
to take him too.
Haley Adshead Dec 2012
i've felt love before,
it was different than this
refreshing new thing
that i wouldn't let go of
for anything.

i will keep you
until you want to leave,
as long as i can.
i see flaws
but they don't bother me.

this time
everything is different
i know who i am
you will not define me,
morph and grow with me.
Haley Adshead Oct 2013
you ask me who i really am
i won't tell you without questioning
that's just who i am.

you tell me i'm beautiful
i can't accept your compliment
that's just who i am.

you say wow
that's ****** up
you're surprised that i'm offended
that's ****** up.
Haley Adshead Nov 2011
you're new,
i'm not sure what to think.

you make my mind go crazy,
i can't stop thinking
about you.

you tell me i'm beautiful,
when no one else does,
you think i'm wonderful,
even when i don't agree.

you intrigue me,
i want to know you,
your thoughts,
and all about your life.

share your secrets with me,
i swear
i wont tell a soul.

get to know me.
Haley Adshead Feb 2013
the slumbering giant
has been asleep
for so long.

but now
he has awakened
he's hungry..

releasing him is the
simplest of things,
it's just a matter of where
and when.

but, will you
accept my giant?
and tell me to leave
just as i have done
to others.

or will you embrace him?
and release yours,
so mine isn't lonely.
Haley Adshead May 2013
i can't say that you're perfect,
neither am i.

that doesn't stop me though
from loving you like you are
the most flawless specimen
i have ever encountered.

pushing me until i'm irate
is a favorite pastime,
but staying mad
while looking at your oceanic
that's impossible.
Haley Adshead Apr 2014
it's nights like this
that i see the true sadness
that seeps into my life,
leaving me drained
a nod to my lack of enthusiasm.

my life
isn't important to me,
my willingness
to carry on
is not there.

when i'm gone
no one notices,
i do not exist
i am
Haley Adshead Dec 2013
when a person says home
you think of a house,
something that's unmoving
a place to fall asleep

home can be a person
someone who is unmoving
from your side
who you can call on at any hour.

you are my home
my stability in life.
Haley Adshead Mar 2012
i see myself with you,
being a couple,
doing romantic things.

i stare into your vast blue eyes
and wonder...
do you feel the same about me?
am i just another girl?

i want to let you into my world,
let you know all there is to know about me,
im not sure that you want to be let in.

you can see my sadness,
im sure of it,
but i think
youre pretending its not there,
thats what i do...
and im okay with that.

welcome to my world
Haley Adshead Aug 2014
i have dreams
of one day
being totally free,
of anyone
and all responsibilities.

to exist
just because,
and to have no agenda.

i strive to be alone,
and purposeless.
Haley Adshead Mar 2015
becoming an entire person
is an insurmountable task

tossing the barrier that i built
to the side
leaving me exposed
admitting fault
rekindling faded out relationships

revealing why you vanished
and how you reached that precipice
deciding to turn back
for one more go at life
Haley Adshead Apr 2012
my  mind
is this strange pit
of jumbled thoughts

but you
frequently show up
in those jumbled thoughts

even though
i'v tried to eradicate you from them

you're relentless
i thought i was over you
but i guess not

i don't think i ever will be
no matter how hard i try
you'll always be there

i wish you wouldn't though
i want to move on
but i can't see your face
and not get drawn in
i still love you
and there isn't a **** thing i can do about it
Haley Adshead Apr 2012
you're the only one i'v seen lately
you're the only one i'v wanted to see

you don't pass judgement
even if
the comment i make is weird as ****
you accept me
tie-dye pants in all

you beg me not to leave
even though its midnight
and we both need sleep

you make me wish
that i could stay
stay with you forever

i'v fallen hard
and i don't want you to give up on me
not now
or ever

i don't know where you came from
or why i didn't find you sooner
i'v got you now

that's all that matters.
Haley Adshead Nov 2013
my insides are like lava around you
when you leave
they solidify
into strange shapes in odd place

i am jumbled
everything is out of order
and then i see you
they re liquify and leave me

your presence is enough to heat me
but your absence leaves me
chilled as though i've been with
the penguins.
Haley Adshead Mar 2012
you say you know the same pain that i do.
but that makes me want to call you a liar.
for you didn't have the same experience that i did.
you are not me.

so don't talk.
i don't have any desire to hear what you say.
i feel like a ***** saying that.
but it's the truth.

i'd prefer that you leave me to my thoughts.
i don't care what you have to say.

so please.
leave me be.
because no.
i don't want to talk about it.

i keep my emotions to myself.
they're for no one but me to see.
Haley Adshead Mar 2013
you're green eyes well up
when you speak
of our future.
unsure of how
and when our end
will appear.
scared that you will loose me,
that i won't want you around
Haley Adshead Sep 2012
you don't know my body
not yet
but you will
just give me the chance.

the chance to show you
how i move
my passion
my thirst.

give me the chance to give you my all
let you see my every curve
every flaw.

give me the chance to show you me.
Haley Adshead Dec 2013
poems are supposed to come from passion,
i don't have any passion when
you're gone.

you breathe life
into my dull life
that i refuse to go through
without you by my side.

all you need to do
is come home
and hold me in your arms
once again.
Haley Adshead Sep 2012
such a strong
overused word
not one to just throw out there
think before you say this word
to just anyone.

always mean it when you say it
not a word to be tossed around
be careful
be truthful.
Haley Adshead Nov 2013
watching you walk away
tore my insides to bits,
i know you'll come home,
but my fears are irrational.

when you love someone so much
that it hurts badly when they leave
for an extended period of time,
you know that you'd die
if they ever truly left you.

his green eyes watered
as he departed for the marines,
and i knew that this would change

i have a ring on my finger
telling him that i'll keep loving him
no matter how long he's gone,
letting him have that faith.

i don't know how long
i can keep my sanity
i cannot live without him here.
Haley Adshead Apr 2012
i sit here
you're all i can think about
all that's on my mind.

i'm trying desperately
to keep holding up my wall
i can feel it though
i'm melting.

my resistance is getting weaker
every time i see you
giving in means letting go
and being vulnerable to you.

my emotions are battling
i want to give up
to fall hard.
Haley Adshead Feb 2015
living a godless live
is one without the fears
of regular enjoyments.

to live a godless life
is to see everything
for what it really is.
Haley Adshead Apr 2014
If I had something to save
Maybe I would feel
Remorse, anything.

But I became numb,
Pushing anyone who cared
Far away.

Now I'm alone,
With nothing left to lose
Except for you.

The man that keeps me here,
Without whom, I would be dead.
A harsh reality
For someone who lost their
Haley Adshead Apr 2012
i'm giving you my all
you're the only one that i want
but you seem

i don't want you to disappear
i'm counting on you
to stay for awhile.

getting left again
that is not an option
not something
i can handle.

i'm counting on you.
Haley Adshead Dec 2014
some days
i feel like i've got nowhere to go
some days
i think i have too many choices
none of which
i want.

most days
i'm alone
people make me tired
most days
shrivels me
and depression
makes me stand still.

so i stay alone
not headed anywhere
scared and perpetually
Haley Adshead Sep 2013
your touch holds me down,
you keep me from floating
into the sea of self destruction.

i need you to keep me,
on your beach
away from all sharks and danger
that lurks below the surface.

but, you must go soon,
and with you, you'll take my soul
leaving me breathless and dried out,
so i'll go to the water
just for a sip, and fall in head first.

your memory will keep me alive,
but your voice isn't there to lure me back.
so that's where i'll stay, until you dive in
to take me back.
Haley Adshead Nov 2011
i want you to hold me,
but you dont want to hold me.

i dont want you to love me,
but you do anyways.

its never right,
theres always something
on the back of your mind,
never fully at ease.

i love you,
and you love me back....
Haley Adshead Oct 2012
boldly stepping out of the words,
that I, was doing the right thing.

my motives are pure,
and i apologize
but you yell pointlessly,

I offer all that I can think of,
and you reject it all
still terrifyingly mad.

the others show up,
they are kind to me
and treat me with respect.

they understand
they are calm
I appreciate them.
Haley Adshead Sep 2013
it seems that we all get left,
weather it be alone
or for a short period of time,
at some point you're by yourself.

sitting with nothing but your mind,
offering no help,
you are utterly alone.

no one can help you,
the desperation you feel
your innermost being
bereft of any feelings of joy.

a husk until the one who you worship
returns to rescue you
and your mind
from the hopeless corner
in which you stow yourself
when they leave.

disoriented is the o n l y
word for your feeling without
the holder of your
s a n i t y.
Haley Adshead May 2013
sleep only comes to the deserving
the ones who have earned their rest.

not greedy little children
without a care in the world
begging to stay up
just five more minutes.

but the ones who barely make it by
the ones who cherish the little sleep
they get between jobs
the impoverished
who need it the most.

sleep comes to the deserving.
Haley Adshead Mar 2013
black ink creeping across your flesh
forming crisp letters.
i trace them endlessly
with my fingertips
as you breathe slowly.
deeply sleeping.
Haley Adshead Dec 2012
i see now
that i still love you
and still miss you.

but i see that
i don't want you back,
that is of no interest.

we have moved on
and grown as people,
i love who you are
in my memories
not who you've become.

that love will never fade
but grow with appreciation
for all of the things you did for me
and how you helped me
become who i am.

thank you.
Haley Adshead Nov 2011
you stab slowly and carefully,
trying not to put me in pain.

the whole time,
you repeat,
"i love you"
over and over.

you let me hug you,
kiss you, and cry on your shoulder,
even though im bleeding all over you.

when you pulled out the knife it was quick,
an attempt at being painless,
but it hurt,
even more than when it was going in.

when you left,
soaked in my blood and sadness,
you took a piece of me.

you gouged me,
ripped my limbs apart,
and told me you loved me,
and then you left.

you promised me you always would,
and with that,
you took another limb.

when you walked out,
leaving me there crying,
unable to move,
you finally took my soul,
all that i had to offer.

now i am nothing,
i try to survive,
but im slowly bleeding out on the floor,
begging for help,
begging for you to come back,
to give me my limbs and soul,
to let me breathe freely,
but we both know
that will never happen.

so i must wait,
for another man to come along,
with spare parts,
whom will fix me,
but the pieces will never fit quite right,
not like the originals.
Haley Adshead Nov 2011
i try to scream,
but nothing comes out.

i try to cry quietly,
as not to wake anyone,
but loud
sobs come out.

i try to mask my pain,
but sometimes that mask,
that guard,
it falls down,
weak from standing strong all the time.

people think i cant be harmed,
im a strong woman,
but im not...
i let them keep thinking that though.

i dont like people to know me,
my emotions,
they are for me,
and you,
but you left.

so now,
my emotions are not allowed to roam free,
they are caged and trapped,
not allowed to move,
unless everyone is asleep.

thats when i try and scream,
and rein them in,
but i make no noise,
and they come flooding out
in the form of sobs and anger.

they like the night...
Haley Adshead Dec 2012
words tumble out of my mouth
landing in a disarray
leaving you to piece them together

you don't mind that i talk to much
because you still make me nervous
you just laugh
and try to make sense of me
Haley Adshead Dec 2014
i'm ******
i can't tell people anything
i can't show
how melancholy i am.

asking for help in a floundering family
making things worse for those i love
in a family full of mental illness
letting them know that i've got it too
i can't do that to them.

i'm supposed to be the normal one
i can't say that i'm almost always thinking of death
so i contain it
and suffer in silence.

it seems like the easiest option
for everyone around me
i abandon my friends
so they won't know
and i only say the bare minimum
to those around me.

he doesn't know
that i've been suicidal
none of them do
i just keep quiet while life passes me by.
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