New spring wind, a
cold sick fate
For me that I've not
seen you for years,
Though I loved, and
still do, forever
Ah! that you come
but to quiet these
my lonely tears;
I need you now more
than before,
Spring may come,
and summer
follow with joy
and laugher,
Something without
you is broken at my
We parted, a long
time has passed,
I've not been
alive after
I've come to see your
smile no more, no
more kiss
On your lips, that
sound of your
voice--are you
not now dead,
And where are you if
alive, where's all,
the love and
So much time without
you, our years are
closing-in, soon
to be led
To sudden goodbyes,
then the eerie
silence of lonely
Where we cannot
O me--was that all
Love gives?
Hakim H.Kassim.
(d. May 01,2023)