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 Sep 2013 HA

and lips
add lust
pour out of veins

mingle with
philosophical brains
and made up stories
to feeding the needy
and indeedy
there are many who need

but what
those simple
words say to you?
are these but spells

knocking on the doors of heavens  oh so ,   bells

profound are the notes that escape the woodland forest at  noon

typewriter quickslips

and merry go round fish lips

rooftop jelly bean highs
chinese restaurants on the sly , back ally vibes

pools and sala's

dancing in cabanas
by rivers soft meander

how sweet

dreams left in invisible seams
an atom
an atom
i an atom
i , many atoms
i , atoms many

i , light bearer plenty.

need a fix,
i got the goods

hips, lips ,lust misunderstood.

hips, lips, kisses and midnight snacks.
moment writing
spiraling from my fingertips
 Sep 2013 HA
 Sep 2013 HA
Reading poetry in a language unfamiliar  
Your mind focused on the pages before you
Only returning to reality to inhale fumes from the lit Cigarette you hold in your hand
Perfection is what I see
Glowing in the ambers and the topaz from the suns brilliant rays
I brush your lips with mine taking you off guard
The book falls from your hand
My skin taking its place
If I could have a moment forever,

God it would be this.
 Sep 2013 HA
Have you ever noticed
how everything looks so different
when the sun don't shine
the colors they don't change
just to hide everything
behind our fragile
gentle  mind
the man on the moon
just staring from his room
then he notices,
how even the trees
looks so different
when the sun don't shine

the colors hold my views
hidden beneath the light
of the dark side of the moon
the man is oh so crazy
dancing in the sounds
lost in the blackness
where you thought to go and hide
*** you always believed that
everything looks so different when the sun don't shine

the colors swirl around me
help me get lost in the time
when everything was perfect
just you and i and space
to help guise us through the light
we are one together now
walking through the fields
and just then we realized
that everything looks so different
when the sun don't shine
 Sep 2013 HA
Lana Fraser
 Sep 2013 HA
Lana Fraser
i fall asleep
with plans to change the world

i wake up
wondering why it didn't end in my sleep
 Sep 2013 HA
Kairee F
I wish
my words
could grow arms
that embrace
your aching bones
to a staggering tremble
of flooding emotions
and weeping flesh
of love.

I wish
my writing
was a sturdy staircase
that allowed you
to climb
to your safest haven
from your relentless

I wish
I could purge
your every wound
the way
your poetry
has released
my misery.

I wish
my blood
had merit.
 Sep 2013 HA
JK Cabresos
fly into the clouds
along the wind and the birds
find her, my lover
she left me wounded, speechless
hope she can read your sweet words
My first TANKA. :)

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