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Michael Alvino
Taylor B
We are all weird some of us are just like in weirdness & thats what we call in todays society normal and those who chose ...
little lost moonchild
Jeremy Duff
NorCal, where it's sunny    I write about girls and the weather and sometimes both. "We laugh in self-defense"
Chris Voss
For best results, read these ramblings aloud. And now, let the wild rumpus start. All works Copyright C. Voss, 2006-2014
Scott T
Jon Tobias
San Diego    Jon Tobias is a sucker for love poems and romanticizes everything. He doesn't mean to, but it's what he does.
Jane Doe
29    This is my diary, I'm letting strangers read it. All rights reserved.
Lillith Foxx
Read more works here; twitter/instagram; @noxinvictal
Kenneth Springer
MIAMI, FL    Write Drunk, Edit Sober
La Jongleuse
Nick Moore
Cornwall    Hi, I write about anything, but mostly drawn to esoteric, philosophy and humour.

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