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Here he goes again, Another love story, He's back with his imperfection trying to create attention, But Perfection is my profession, Didn't u notice my intention in my mention?

Now your eyes are opened wide, Your ears raised like an antenna, Hearing yourself read, to d wonderful words of human creativity, just to know why, Wondering why with an endless gaze of suspense, bagged with a humble smile of confusion,

Look at the stars tonight , As we see the same light, Even though we are miles apart, You are never far from my heart. I will face this battle of love, till i defeat d loneliness within, Through the pains and through the gains.

I searched round but found no one, I decided to turn back And found one shining like the moonlight, And knew she was made of beauty light. She was one that attracted everyone, But how did nature create this one,

My heart ran into liability, So i searched for a gold with ability, Now I found my responsibility, Its time to show my capability, A round of applause to d precious one, The heart beat f d beautiful ones, You are surely nature's most beautiful creatively.

I loved you then, I love you now, I see no one, But you the one, U my love, in u I call, Take me back to yesterday, All the wonderful things We throw away.

Your absence away from me, doesn't take away your presence from my heart, You are enclosed in my heart, like a bad habit without a cure, You bring sunshine to the rain Is that why they call u D Dew from Heaven?

If I was made to choose over and over again, btw u and them, btw u nd the others, I will always choose u, Only you!
Its alright they say,
Raise your head high and pray,
Nobody has time to play,
Its another day,
Everyone wanna be on the spotlight,
It has become more frightening,
Turn on the news at 5,
It's another fight,
Everyone is fighting for their right,
Just to see the light,
It's a gunfight,
All we see is candlelight,
Only few could see the night,
I remember back in the days ,
When we play in our place,
Sand on our face,
As we ran in the race.
But its too late,
The memories has faded,
All in the name of war,
We stare at the sunlight,
the world is changing each and every day,
The days are becoming dark,
the hearts turning black,
The minds are becoming wide,
the people are turning aggressive,
A beautiful world full of happiness & laughter,
Caught in between a raging war,
the innocent were murdered,
by men of war,
With solid guns,
Who spare no life in battlefield,
Spraying to destruction & death as if they weren't
meant to be,
I see humans, but no humanity."
Insane u were born,
Hypocrites you have become,
Hell you will abide,
If only u knew,
Life is not yours,
If only you understood,
War has options,
If only u could think,
Am only 18
Acting like a teen ,
trying to survive within time,
to live and fight another day!
I am young
I am dumb
I am the one who waits until I numb
What to do?
What to say?
Staring in a gaze
Under the sky I lay,
Passing away the unforgiving day.

I am old
I am wise
I am the one sharing for the unrealized.
You are young
You are dumb
But you never lived the way I sip my sweet ***.
your smile is contagious
your hair is perfect
you have those brilliant blue eyes
you're an amazing speaker
your look of determination
you're pretty **** attractive
you are obviously on fire for God
how you always volunteer to pray
you are a fantastic singer
you will never leave me
you're adorable
you're my knight in shining armor of a specific un-chosen color
you try to understand me
you respect me
it's easy for you to open up to me
you have a thesaurus(to go with my dictionary)
you say I'm beautiful
you trust me
you care a heck of a lot more than others
I love your writing
you're pretty hilarious
you like my laugh(even though others don't)
I like your laugh
you are a true gentleman
you can jump over chairs
...that one time I had to wake you up and I threw a dictionary at you
you're intoxicating
when you stare at me you always say I'm attractive
I like your voice, a lot
you apparently talk about me a lot
you are one of the most intelligent people I know
fireworks go off when I see you
I always get jittery and nervous when I know you are in the same place
you enjoy spending time with me
you say you love my hugs
you're like a party somebody threw me
your mind is brilliant
you're special
you're truly kind
we go together
you talk about how we compliment each other, how we fit
you have that heart that wants to help
you're just fantastic at everything
you don't mind telling me about the times you've messed up
you want to hear what I have to say
you want to know me
you're so very talented
you yearn for more knowledge
you're concerned for my well-being
we planned a future for ourselves(even if it was a joke)
you said I can live with a room full of books
your family adores me
you couldn't wait until summer just because you could see me
*Yeah I took some lyrics from song, shut up
You have an awful habit of smoking a little too much
and drinking cheap wine
and flirting with girls that aren't me
and reminding me of the simple fact
that I am not yours
and you are not mine.
Have you ever thought that maybe she doesn't talk to you because she wants you to talk to her first;
That when you walk by all of her emotions burst.

When her phone beeps she wishes it was you;
But realizes that you probably have better things to do.

She hopes you'll say 'hi' in the hallway;
Even a simple wave can make her day.

All of her hopes get raised because she thinks you care;
But when her dreams are crushed, the pain she can't even bare.
There are so many types of pain one can endure;
And sometimes the person can't find a cure.

There is a physical pain of the body which stings every time it's touched;
The scrapes, cuts and burns that can't be covered up that much.

Then there's the emotional pain which makes your heart feel like its being stabbed with a knife;
This type of pain occurs everyday depending on ones life.

The amazing connection between the two types of pains is that one of them is caused because of the other pain;
When you're emotionally insecure you tend to hurt yourself, which really just makes you go insane.

When you have physical pains it actually hurts you emotionally because of the pain you're trying to deal with;
You can't help but feel these emotions and make a better switch.

In the end, you have to accept everything that happens no matter how much it may hurt;
There will always be a resolution to keep hanging on for even though you may feel like dirt.

— The End —