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Oct 2015 · 414
GreenTea Oct 2015
Sending a friend a text
"Is there anything you want prayer for?"
I know I might have just lost you.
But as we both know you were lost from the start.
All I want is for you to be found.
By Christ.
Or rather for Christ to be found by you.
Oct 2015 · 410
Bad poem
GreenTea Oct 2015
Scares me.
Each line
Like tiny needles
under my skin
To explode later
When I go back
To read this.
Oct 2015 · 822
NASA daydream
GreenTea Oct 2015
Mower, with NASA shirt
I wonder what you are thinking
As you hold that handel
As the engine roars
As the grass goes flying
As you enter orbit.
Jul 2014 · 686
Word Jabs
GreenTea Jul 2014
Is like a jab through my ribs of uncertainty

They scare me.
I can't use they well
Why did I ever think I could be a writer?
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
GreenTea Mar 2014
Wearings dads old plaid shirt
Tab after tab of Craiglist adds
pet friendly home
rent 650

I'll be leaving soon
Mar 2014 · 701
Exist with you
GreenTea Mar 2014
Leaving your place
embrace among smokers
desperately taking their last inhales

Complimentary Lipton tea
I forgot such things exist
covering up the mistake
of hour long stops

turn, turn, bump, lean
This tea can't save my stomach
I am happy
I was able to exist with you
Sep 2013 · 588
GreenTea Sep 2013
There's no love in a
empty inbox
empty mailbox
empty grasp
There's no love in a
empty smile
empty voice
empty gaze
Dec 2012 · 660
Poem to humans
GreenTea Dec 2012
I used to be blue
reflecting off the lover
my water
now it’s so dusty
I can’t even see her.

We used to share rain
like kisses
pure, clean
Now I might as well be throwing
dirt in her face.

I used to be respected
as a sculpture
no one dared to cut into my sides
Now the cutting happens on a daily basis.

They pave their roads into me
cars constantly bruising my skin
What happened to coming to me to heal?
Now you bring your greed and problems here.

I used to be wanted
the earth gladly greeted me with green.
People soaking up my rays
now they hid in their houses.

Taking supplements to replace me
then they wonder why they don’t shine
Dec 2012 · 611
why I love rain
GreenTea Dec 2012
Take your hurt, get your coat and your boots
and lets go out in the rain.

The sky is dark, I’m wet all through
yet why is the rain so beautiful.

We wear our trauma on our hands
and lift them up to the sky
saying “wash it away, oh please wash it away”.
Dec 2012 · 561
Love letter to a gun
GreenTea Dec 2012
Why do you keep getting used by the wrong people!
put on the safety switch
lock down
and miss the shots

When you are in the right hands
you protect
when you are used wrongly
you ****
Dec 2012 · 566
Cold day
GreenTea Dec 2012
Cold, dark weather
the clouds look like someone
throw ashes into the air
now they stay there
When I walk it goes deep into my lungs
mixed with the cold
its hard to breathe

A cat behind me
a little calico kitten
meowing asking me to stay
but i can't
and neither could her owner
they had to go to work, school, or whatever
they need to do

Old torn boots
some how they are still cool so I wear them in the rain
then only to find an ocean inside
my feet an awkward human
knowing they don't belong in the rain
Dec 2012 · 932
Help Mate
GreenTea Dec 2012
They tell me, "Your fulfillment is to be your husbands help mate"
That my goal in life is to simply help?

I'm sorry
I'll still get married, and have children,
but I will do more then just help.
Me as the over used stapler,
the poorly kept kitchen tool
is not gonna cut it for me

Instead I will be the words of Solomon
the grace of Mary
the faith of Ruth
the kiss of the beloved
I...will be...his muse
his lover

I will not be a the helper
to come when called on
and put away, to be sent back to the kitchen.
Dec 2012 · 826
High priestess
GreenTea Dec 2012
In the worlds eyes I am
a *****, wasted
sickly, girl
ruined by the world

but in your eyes
I am a high priestess
pure, as ****** snow
clean with no flaw

I will always be wasted, ruined
in the worlds eyes
but in yours I'm whole
Dec 2012 · 588
GreenTea Dec 2012
Take me by the hand
though its just step by step
up this stair case
the steps
are too high
for my weak tired body

but with your strength lord
I think
no I believe I can make it
to the next step tomorrow
and God willing
the next and the next
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
Five dollar chocolate
GreenTea Nov 2012
"I didn't mean that..." he said retrieving his coat
that was resting on my shoulders
Protecting me from the wind and sleet coming down

I can deal with a lot in a relationship
the dates spent with you crying on my shoulder
me, constantly wiping away your tears
The ninja star you through at my picture
reassuring you I said "It wasn't my favorite picture anyway"

but when you sent me a bar of chocolate and the poem
Every day for two months, without much a word
or a minute in your company
a replacement for your heart
a gift that you retrieved
what are your words,
without your actions holding them up

You later told me "I didn't give anything in the past half year to you out of love"
what did you give it out of?

You know better then anyone
I don't need that 5 dollar chocolate, that just goes down like a weight
or the poems, long words that meant nothing, a long way of saying
here is a page with words on it for you.
because you can't tell me in person
"You mean nothing to me but a five dollar chocolate and long words on a page"
Nov 2012 · 669
GreenTea Nov 2012
You, Are the kid whose first word was fascinating
You are the kid that is the level
of a masters in English
You are the kid that can make music
from a wall, Hitting and pounding,
sounds just as good as a drummer so why not?

We try to touch your heart
because we know there is more
Then the video games
the electronic, noisy music
We can see it in your art

The tapping
against everything you can get your hands on
we can tell you are anxious  
why don't you come out with it?

The paintings
Hundreds of them
Of faces, all beautiful in their own way
We know you are lonely

You are the kid that picked up a paint brush for the first time
copied the contents of my painting
and made it look like a Mona Lisa

You are the kid that made more money
then his older siblings
When he was five, a little business man

You are also the kid that can listen to a fight
and ask whats for lunch right after
Nov 2012 · 957
Don't be scared
GreenTea Nov 2012
Don't be scared of the dark clouds over head
they are like Gods quilt over you
with its patch work pattern

And the lightning?
is the same as the light fairies you see when you lift up your quilt
Hiding, dancing, making you warm on cold nights

Don't be scared of the smashes of thunder
what are the lightning fairies to dance to?
They chase the beat of the music
They hit the right beat
and meet together
They make such a energy together
it is as if the sun kissed the earth
Nov 2012 · 391
GreenTea Nov 2012
Searching faces
like searching songs
trying to find one that grabs you
before going on.
Nov 2012 · 610
GreenTea Nov 2012
We shut off the lights
put our "Respect each other"
posters on the door windows.
Hidding under the desk
I was only 11

We have just been out playing
the week before
a man still in his Pajamas walked over
with a gun in his hands.
I started to walk over
thinking the gun was fake
a toy
The I heard the sirens
as I was pulled into the school
realizing I could have died
at 11

Back in the school
we sat under the desks
the girls
taking the opportunity to brush each others hair
The boys
trying to figure out what gun
the killer was using
as if it was a puzzle
to find out in the end
at only 11
Jun 2012 · 1.6k
My darkroom
GreenTea Jun 2012
I made myself a darkroom
and hid myself in it
Working with the chemicals
that harmed me
developing what I pictured
as beauty

coming out of of my darkroom
holding the image with my excited hands
set it down
I waited
and waited
till someone would pass by
see what I saw as beautiful
only to hear
"what the hell is that?'
Jun 2012 · 746
Far off ahead
GreenTea Jun 2012
Things far off ahead
a smile
a laugh
a story to share
a house
with walls
lined with books
to wrap myself in
a garden
for youglings
to run trow
a fireplace
to share memories
things far off ahead.
May 2012 · 708
Last man on Earth
GreenTea May 2012
Last man on Earth
World of rubble
re-found library
a trip
a fall
glasses break
Based on a Twilight Episode.
May 2012 · 499
if only
GreenTea May 2012
If only you were an office
if you were
this would be much easier
I'd just un-clutter
your desks
and delete some memory
off your computers
you'd be happier
and less cutter in your life
if only...
May 2012 · 385
GreenTea May 2012
The birds and flowers
never seize
to come out
in the spring
you do not see them
yet when they do
they give back nutientment
for the earth

So why should you
God cares for even
the smallest of creatures

Why would he not care
for you,
made in his
own image
May 2012 · 464
Natues example
GreenTea May 2012
The stars shine at night
and die down in the day.
They are still up there
even when you can't see them,

just as some beautiful things
are not always seen,
but come out in dark times
May 2012 · 543
What I want to be
GreenTea May 2012
is exactly
what I want to be
I want people
to look in my eyes
and feel at peace
to feel rejuvenated

but they see me
and slowly scrunch up
their face.
I just make them nervous
May 2012 · 376
GreenTea May 2012
Its not that I'm desperate
or maybe I am
its not that I'm lonely
or that I'm scared
I am just human

As God said in the beginning
"Man should not be alone"
Well neither should women
May 2012 · 533
To be discovered
GreenTea May 2012
I am a single  blossom
Hoped to be picked
I am a one little star
in a big night sky

I am a book to be discovered
among a thousand books
A rock on the beach,
Blends in with the rest
but if lucky is picked up
and treasured
Mar 2012 · 484
To love them in return
GreenTea Mar 2012
Only you
can make it possible
to forgive and love
someone that has hurt so deep
that it would have destroyed me

but you were there
like a shield
guarding my weak heart
from the darts shot by the enemy
helping me hold out my weak hand
to love them in return
Mar 2012 · 1.3k
Snow Lotus
GreenTea Mar 2012
Snow lotuses from above
falling softly into my hands
a little gift from heaven
a little reminder
that he loves me
Mar 2012 · 603
All you need to go on
GreenTea Mar 2012
These are the moments
when the touch of soft rain on your face
Smell of new cherry blossoms over head
a glimpse of a small creature stirring
are all you need to keep going
Feb 2012 · 598
Then why worry?
GreenTea Feb 2012
Such fear I had
I was in darkness
scared to be alone
scared to be held
scared to be loved

you took my fear and replaced it with love
replaced it with strength
replaced it with repentance

If he is so great
yet cares for me

Then why worry?
Feb 2012 · 589
because he has changed me
GreenTea Feb 2012
He made a warrior out of me
when I was weak
put a strength in me
that passes the strongest of men

He made a lover of me
when it was hard to love
praising him
even in the darkest hours
I will have my hands raised

He can change the sinner
the depressed
the selfish
the prideful
the liar
the greedy

I know this
because he has changed me
Feb 2012 · 522
Never really alone
GreenTea Feb 2012
You are really never alone
in fact
we meet the maker
of all life
when we are alone

Ever wonder why
you are scared to be alone?
scared of the silence
scared of absence
of things that distract us?

It is because
we meet God in the silence
we hear him
we feel him
when we are alone

can be more frightening
yet beautiful
then hearing the maker
of the whole universe
Feb 2012 · 604
A place
GreenTea Feb 2012
The one place I feel at peace is at a little coffee shop.
I can sit and think through clearly.
Sure, at home I sometimes find moments of peace,
when its sunny out side and I can take walks in my garden.
Yet it doesn't match the peace I have writing, with tea at hand,
by myself in that little coffee shop.
Jan 2012 · 594
Pure love
GreenTea Jan 2012
I want a love
not a humanly love
that has no lasting
not a love that is
all selfish

I want a love
that only you can give
only you can provide

you are the lover
I am the beloved
is there no
better picture
of pure love

You sacrificed for us
you yearn for us
help me yearn for you
help me sacrifice
my personal desires
for you
Jan 2012 · 786
Peaceful Joy
GreenTea Jan 2012
Give me a peaceful joy
not one like a wave
comes as a rush and leaves
just as fast

Give me a peaceful joy
one that stays and lasts
Shower me softly with your joy
unlike a storm of madness

Pure joy does not cause commotion
only heals our broken bodies
and your joy is the purest,
pure as your love
Jan 2012 · 2.2k
GreenTea Jan 2012
So I have this friend
She's pretty cool
She makes lemon bars
and plays cribbage too

We play the ukulele
and dance to Datas song
who said that teenagers
can't get along?
Jul 2011 · 534
GreenTea Jul 2011
People would think I'd be mad
or that I'd be hurt
but God put this forgiveness and love
in my heart

I can't just hid it
its too strong to bare

I'm taring at the seams
trying to hid it
I don't want to be scare

but it well not do
because through everything we've been through
I still love you
Mar 2011 · 593
Two homes
GreenTea Mar 2011
Two homes
I once was welcome
Now the ties
are only broken,
Not able to be
At any of the two
Without feelings of hurt
Put in miss use
Mar 2011 · 481
I want to live
GreenTea Mar 2011
I want to live,
In a place that reminds me,
The bad in life will turn good,
Like how the rain storm clears, and the sun shines through.
Feb 2011 · 488
GreenTea Feb 2011
I don't want to sink back
I thought it was all over

same feelings
I had two years ago
scared to be touched
scared of life
so I hide

I don't want to go back
to that life
I want to fight against
that life

I don't want to let myself sink
when I only had
just reached the surface
GreenTea Feb 2011
Ode to the 7-foot yellow-orange two-oared rowboat,
You smell like paint and old fish,
Mostly old fish,
Your paint is coming off, due to bad paint choice,
Your oars are crooked from bad weather, and me hitting my brother on the head with it,
Mostly hitting my brother on the head
Your hull is cracked due to me crashing you against rocks,
You taste like waste, though I’ve never tasted you before,
You sound like constant cracking and popping,
Cause I never got around to cleaning you,
But heck, you’re the best boat this side of the Rockies
: )
Feb 2011 · 1.1k
Jiggs the Trolley dog
GreenTea Feb 2011
Jiggs the Trolley dog**
was his name
His favorite past time
was basically a game
He got on a trolley
at 9 o'clock
And tried to get home
before it was dark
Jan 2011 · 802
GreenTea Jan 2011
nice but dark
I can at least
make out your face
if I focus on that
the darkness
will go away

its almost too peaceful
but I like it
Its quiet too
not many people
stay up late outside
when its cold
but we don't care
or at least
I don't

If you hold
onto me
and I onto you
it could be
the darkest of darkness
but I wouldn't care
cause you
would be my light
Jan 2011 · 583
Its just slow
GreenTea Jan 2011
It's just slow
please calm down
Things will get better
in a matter of time

The more you worry
The more damage it will be
to our hearts in a hurry
Lets just take a break

Things will get better
Just wait and see
we'll be talking like ourselves
its just slow
right now
Jan 2011 · 571
Sick of it all
GreenTea Jan 2011
I'm sick
sick of it all
I remember walking down
that same hall
People smiled at me
now they glare
Its nothing I did
nothing they did
its all thoughts
Based on nothing
that is important

Same people
used to be my friends
Now they just glance
and look away
Jan 2011 · 577
How can anyone doubt you?
GreenTea Jan 2011
How can anyone doubt you?
Just talking to him
Makes me wonder
How anyone can not
Believe in a creator

The way he talks
and I instantly feel comfortable
No evolution could make
A mind  and soul so deep
Dec 2010 · 670
GreenTea Dec 2010
Stack of mugs
from coffees we didn't really need
talking for hours seems to do that to you

Childhood memories
old relationships
all on our mind

Talking to you is like going back in time
to things I miss
not because they were great
but the innocence that came along with them

Doing things just for the sake of doing them
no worries
no influences
just because

I miss that
but with you
at least I can have the memories
Nov 2010 · 989
Grass stained tights
GreenTea Nov 2010
Ripped jeans
grass stained tights
both of us laughing
we did't care
can you remember?
I got hurt
you'd hide
scared to get in trouble
cause it was your idea
in the first place.
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