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3.6k · May 2012
Gracie Is A Ghost
Gracie Ghost May 2012
gracie, gracie
is a ghost
of the people
she loves the most

gracie, gracie
her soul shakes
with every single
breath she takes

gracie, gracie
hides her true face
when she dies
won’t leave a trace

gracie, gracie
stuck in her mind
trapped forever
left behind

gracie, gracie
all alone
talking away
at the phone

gracie, gracie
thought she was screaming
turns out she was
only dreaming

gracie, gracie
torn apart
now all she’s got
is a broken heart

gracie, gracie
loved you the most
but now she is
barely a ghost

gracie, gracie
you let her go
so she faded away
faded slow
1.2k · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
You think you’re so reckless
You skydive and play with fire
Adrenaline’s your favorite drug
But I could take you higher

You think you’ve done it all
You’ve taken all the risks
But the greatest risk, you’ve yet to take
So let me tell you this:

The heart is the most breakable piece
Of this body you’re inside
So take the greatest risk of all
Don’t ask your heart to hide

Lay it all on the line
That is the only way
To feel all there is to feel
Let your heart be carried away

Love passionately and recklessly
Feel it coursing through your veins
Love with everything you’ve got
Forget about the pain

You could free my body, yes
But I could free your heart.
1.1k · May 2012
Forever a Tourist
Gracie Ghost May 2012
I am a tourist
In the waking world
My only home
Is in my dreams
I only feel grounded
When you kiss me
In the quietly blissful
World of sleep
For once, I feel
Belonging, connecition
I feel at home
While I sleep
But when I wake
(And unfortunately,
I always do)
Reality returns
And I forever remain
a tourist.
1.1k · May 2012
Sonic Souls
Gracie Ghost May 2012
There is a rhythm

That only we hear

Our slumbering hearts

Awakened by ear

Less heard then felt

Like a gathering storm

Almost tangible

A thunderous form

Not skin but bones

It pounds through your core

Our sonic souls

Each the other’s door
998 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
Ghosts never change
But I am different
With every breath I take
I feel like if I slowed down
If the whole world slowed down
If you made the world slow down
I could feel again
I could shake this numb
That’s drowning me
In this fast paced world
Maybe then I would feel
I wouldn’t have to change
I could sit all day
With you
And just let myself feel
I wouldn’t have to lock
All of this inside
And maybe if I deal with it
Deal with all my feelings
Instead of drowning them
Before they drown me
Maybe I could feel
I wouldn’t have to pretend
I wouldn’t have to change
Not for anyone
Not ever

Ghosts never change
I want to be a ghost
984 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
I’ve been stumbling through the weeks,
Moving slowly as I can,
Wasting all my time until
I get to see you again.

I think that I’m crazy for
Randomly throughout the day,
Thoughts of you drift through my head
And then in my head they stay.

My heart’s a rollercoaster
And my head’s a battle field
My head won’t take stupid risks
But my stubborn heart won’t yield

What I know for certain is
You have got my heart entwined
And this tortures me so, but
In truth, I don’t really mind
932 · May 2012
Late Nights
Gracie Ghost May 2012
It’s really late
and I’m very tired
but I can’t sleep
because of this stinging emptiness
I don’t want to feel alone anymore
I know that I’m not really alone,
I just feel like it a lot I guess
Like how sometimes you feel dead
Even though you’re still breathing
(I know how you get like that)
And I just need someone to hold me
And keep the biting words at bay
The words from my own mind that
Attack me every day
Can someone please just hold me
Please just show me I’m loved
I just want to feel needed
I need so many people
None of whom need me
No one needs me
No one needs me
No one needs me

(This is why I shouldn’t be
left alone late at night)
722 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
I am the Queen of Broken Things

Of lost causes and tarnished rings.

Your glittering world and all its expense,

Is held fast by my rusted fence.

When all the birds have gone but one,

Every piece captured, save a single pawn,

Think of me and my lonely wings.

I am the Queen of Broken Things.
695 · May 2012
i m p r i n t s
Gracie Ghost May 2012
Droplets of blood glisten
Like rubies in the snow.
I cannot lose her
That’s the only thing I know

Every time I close my eyes
I see her shocked face
Looking up at me
From that blood-soaked place

What really terrified me
Was seeing my hero there
Covered in blood and crying
Fear tangled in her hair

Guilt drags me down, down
Like an anchor at sea
All of this is my fault
I made her come with me

We left red marks on each other
Holding hands to lessen the pain
Those surface marks have faded
But deeper imprints will remain
645 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
I like heights and ladders
I like the present fear
The risk of falling makes
The air seem ever clear

The higher up you climb
The brighter the stars seem
I like lying on the roof
And watching the sky stream

I sometimes bite my lip
To hold back desire
I like striking matches
Just to watch the fire

Drop the flaming match
Let the world burn down
Bite my lip until it bleeds
Let me, let me drown

Let’s drown together
Holding, holding hands
Then light ourselves on fire
And laugh at time’s sands

The world will call us crazy
And we won’t give a ****
We’ll drink lots of coffee
And eat our toast with jam
617 · May 2012
Conversations With Dad
Gracie Ghost May 2012
Same eyes
That’s what I notice
We have the same eyes
Green-ringed chocolate
Reminds me of
The low timbre of his voice
Glides over words like
Falling rain
And every word he says
Is more beautiful
Than every song
You’ve ever heard
He is a master
Of words
Words are
I know because
I use words like weapons
As does he
But his voice is strong
And soft
And my voice
Sounds like ice
Against his soft rain
Yet even if he leaves me
With nothing but pain
He has still given me
More than anyone could
From him
I learned words
Words are power

Same eyes
Same words
We are more alike
Than I thought
517 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
You and I,

let’s not say a word.

I want your raw emotions,

Untarnished by

These letters

That millions have already used.

Do not cage yourself

In words.

Speak to me

With your eyes

And with your hands,

And in the silence

I’ll know what you mean.

Because I can feel,

By the way you look at me,

By the way your fingers

Paint thoughts

across my skin,

I can feel you.

And in the end,

That is all there is to feel.

You and I,

We never needed words

508 · May 2012
Gracie Ghost May 2012
He’s a breath of fresh air, a high, clear place
In this low town
He is pure adventure, with freedom for a face

With piercing eyes, he breathes slowly and shifts
Carefully as he holds me
He smells like ink and paper as into sleep he drifts

He does not always speak, and his tongue never slips,
But I know when he does
He means every beautiful word that falls from his lips.

We climb high mountains and sit up in the trees
Everything is silent
Except his voice gliding through me like a breeze

He’s deep like the water out at sea and we have been
Lonely, and when it stains
Us with darkened tears, we will kiss each other clean
508 · May 2012
this is an invitation.
Gracie Ghost May 2012
Step back, sweetheart, and have no fear
I know what I’m doing here
Take my hand now, there’s no need to scream
I’ll spin you a beautiful dream
I’ll pull you into this world of mine
Each of my words is a road sign
I can show you the beauty in everything
I can show you why the caged bird sings
Nothing ever can compare
To the taste of my own air
I’ll let you feel and taste and see
The world to which I alone hold the key
Just let me take you far away
From the darkness of today
Come with me and you can know
The wonder with which my eyes glow
I’ll paint each letter with my tongue
Inside your mind to keep us young
I’ll do for you what no one can
For I know when your sadness began
I’ll whisper away your misery
I understand your internal sea
I’ve risked all I have by asking you please
Come see the world inside of me

What do I have to offer you?
Words deeper than the ocean blue.
489 · May 2012
A Girl and A Boy
Gracie Ghost May 2012
There was a girl who walked

Down the trail

Every day with a boy.

This boy, he knew her

Like no one else could

And like no one else would.

This boy, he knew all her flaws,

All the suffering and darkness

That was her heart.

He knew the looming loss.

But he also knew her sunshine,

And so he walked with her.

Some days, she just couldn’t

Keep up the façade.

She pressed her face

Into his shoulder and cried,

“I don’t want to be lonely anymore.

I don’t want to be broken anymore.”

He didn’t try to fix her,

Because he knew

People are not fixable.

And anyways,

He loved her darkness

Just as he loved her light.

So, on they walked.

And she remained broken.

But her loneliness is starting to fade,

Because right now,

He is placing his hand into hers,

And pressing his lips to her ear

And he is whispering,

“You are broken,

But I love your scars.

You are lonely.

Let me fill your heart.”

And she let him.

And they walked on.
454 · May 2012
Ocean Eyes
Gracie Ghost May 2012
Your eyes are like oceans

And windows and trees

I just sit still

held fast by your breeze

More than anything,

as the waves come and go

the tides of your eyes

I wish to know.

But I am tied down by

ghosts and ink

and people who know more

(that’s what they think)

I hate how we live

all bound by our world

For when I’m with you

My wings are unfurled

So take me away

with your storms set me free

take me away

to your eyes of the sea
445 · May 2012
(night after the dance)
Gracie Ghost May 2012
I like the feeling of your strong hands
And the way you bite your lip when we dance
And how, with each other, we’ve taken a chance

I like the sound of your voice late at night
And how you’re happiest when you write
Well I’ve been high, but this is a new height

I like the songs you spin for me
And how you sing them slightly off-key
I like how we talk so effortlessly

I like how fast I’m falling for you
And I’m a little scared; this is new
But I’ve always loved high speeds, to be true

And It’s kind of hard for me to believe
That you are (and this is) happening to me
But I like how we fit so perfectly

— The End —