A deep and sprawling swell
Crept its fingers deep and well
Around my stomach as it fell,
And rose. Each breath a tell,
She's alive. She is well.
Despite a heart that ceased to beat,
Molded to tawny and rusted to effete,
That despite all attention and treat
Leaked a pussing and steady gleat
That could not help but secrete.
Though I wrapped wrapped my wounds with my hair
Where once hands grasped my neck, wet and bare,
Cocooning deep in skin without care
while I, unaware,
Opened lips and gasped in ecstasy. Or despair
As he shut my mouth, shut my eyes.
Made me convert, communed and baptized.
In making me what he wants, made me what he despised.
Leaves me, but one kiss and leaves, and my heart dies.
****** from the start for what I not knew,
Now I'm ****** for what I do.
A knowledge i never sought to accrue,
Wasted. Through.
****** by me for being ****** by you.