He For whom All objects in this universe Are merely a projection Of pure consciousness, Who willingly consumes The poison of human desires, And grants each true seeker The elixir of immortality, I offer one bilva leaf With all my love....
me too just groped by a president or two #me too just ***** by a senator or two #me too just fondled by a celebrity or two #me too just pinched by a pervert too
#me too where you care not to seek consent cos I'm a woman and therefore branding me to be "on sale too"
a black cobra with a raised hood slithers around his blue neck gaping in awe at the primordial being adorned with a crescent moon on his matted locks
even the dance of the atom comes to a standstill pausing to catch a glimpse of his half-smile delivered out of pure compassion for all human-kind, so caught up in their pettiness missing the bigger picture
parting with something dear subjugating personal desires giving up for a greater cause.... like a son sent to war for country sake, like selling her body each night to feed a big family, or seeing this brave mother donate vital organs to her dying son just to see him live for a few months more...
i need no ***** to fuel my flames, i need no drugs to make this claim, i need no stimulants to feed my passion, all i need are those kisses which you so cleverly ration
to the cosmic nomad wandering from one end of the universe to the other riding his faithful bull with no place to call home except the heart of the pure devotee, i offer one bilva leaf with all my love...