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There are few absolutes.
Even less that speak as true,
To the golden hues of bygone ages
Or savage whirlpools of our youth.
We were born and we shall die
Shackled to these certainties
Eternal pirouettes of life.
Yet in the doubt we are alive,
A parable of the possible,
The probable or the just might.
Existence in the absence
Between two points of light.
In the uncertain we survive,
A ripple in the darkness,
A dream within the night.
 Jan 2024 Glenn Currier
One person’s sadness
Is another person’s happiness

One person’s want
Is another person’s need

One person’s reality
Is another person’s dream
 Jan 2024 Glenn Currier
Sometimes I take the ease
And turn it into a battle field

Ignoring the blessings I got
Just wanting what I want

Building walls up high
Between my happiness and I

Keep thinking about tomorrow
Daggers filled with grieve and sorrow

Why can’t I just turn my head around
And enjoy life for what it is now
 Jan 2024 Glenn Currier
I am not sad
I am not sad about the lies you told me
I am not sad about the ways you fooled me
I am not sad about the fact you left me
I am disappointed
I am disappointed at the memories we made
I am disappointed at the time I have waste
I am disappointed at the person you became
 Jan 2024 Glenn Currier
Do you see me ?
No you can’t
Do you see me
For who I am
Or do you see
What you want me to be
A person you desire
That’s not me
“But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue.”

“To a Child Dancing in the Wind” by William Butler Yeats

saw this poem on the site,
and it ripped a tear in my warp,
shredded edges rubbing each other,
violently, volubly, saying be wary child,

for what we don’t tell the children well
in advance of their sad discovery
that the world is not the perfection  and
that good night moon story world
is not as it purport does if
it really exists,

and I am bitter that all warning asunder,
inutile, wasted, going unbelieved till time
is they must discover in their own pain,
their own sorrow that our world and words,
are imperfect, and that I am sordid saddened
that there is little one can do to protect them,
other than,
speak in a barbarous tongue

”But I am old and you are young,
And I speak a barbarous tongue.”


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