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Faith, patience, perfection
Truly one of a kind
Words cannot define
Emotions in my mind
But the thought
Of seeing you again
Makes me smile
Falling forward
The depths of longing
Live my life
Live yours too
In the end
I know we’ll be there soon
It was cold
the night she left us.
Her body ached in pain
as she held the gun.
Her thoughts were dark, dreary, morbid.
We never thought to ask
why she didn't smile anymore.
Her eyes were like a shut down motel,
dark and closed and creepy.
Her teeth were yellow,
for only they could stop the words from spilling out.
She had stopped eating,
she left for lunch.
But we just thought she had met someone.
And we were right,
in one way or another.
She had met a man,
a man that reeks of decay, and death, and sorrow.
He only wears black, even on the hottest days.
His face is made of bone, and nothing but.
We will all meet this man at one point,
he is Death.
How we meet him, well that is up to him.
For her, he chose sooner rather than later.
I wonder if she regrets it,
I hope she doesn't.
She deserves to be happy now.
I wonder what caused her to do it.
Was it Bill, who played practical jokes?
No, she loved those.
Was it Ted, who hit on her everyday?
No, he apologized.
Was it me? Did I do it?
Yes. I must've. I had to.
Why else would she do it?
Maybe it was when I tripped her.
But she knew that was on accident.
Maybe it was when I kissed her.
But she kissed me back.
Maybe, just maybe, it was because I never told her I loved her.
Maybe. That word will be the death of me.
As it was of her.
Will you leave me, love?
Say no, say no
Save me from grief
Of my love's departure
Don't let me shed a tear
Say no, say no
To loving another, dear
Don't be the knife in my heart
Cutting away, slowly and unjust
Will you leave me, love?
Say no, say no
For my life is worthless,
Without your arms around me
And your warm breath on my skin
Say no, say no
To loving another, dear
For my brittle heart can't take it
Not another word, not another lie
I'll grieve until you return
My unfaithful butterfly...

Will you leave me, love?
Say no, say no
Save me from sadness
Of your untrue love
Don't let me shed a tear
Say no, say no
To loving another, dear
Don't pierce my soul with lies
Ripping, quickly and cruel
Wil you leave me, love?
Say no, say no
For my world is crushed
Without you by my side
You fingers intertwined with mine
Say no, say no
To loving another dear
For my fragile heart is still broken
Don't speak a word, another lie
I'll always be your's
My devoted dragonfly...

Say yes, say yes
To being together,
Forever and a day
Don't fret the lies that people
May spread amongst themselves
For I shall always be your servant
Your lover at least,
Forever and a day
My heart will always beat for you
And I shall remain by your side
Speak not for the sake of reaction.
Speaking is to take action.
Speaking requires contribution.
So why anonymously contribute?
How can a speaker write without someone to listen?
When the audience is the thinker’s heart it shall not matter.
Not by the power of the words one uses.
But by the power of the meaningfulness.
Relevance to self is all that matters.
Because relevance to self is what created the idea in the first place.
The fountain of youth
In a place unknown
Not marked on maps of old
Only heard of in stories told.
I don't care for the immortality
Or the fame and riches
I just want to feel the success
Of the discovery,
To lay my eyes upon its clear blue waters
If only for a moment,
I want to feast upon its glory
To gaze at its magnificent beauty
If only for a moment,
I want to reach
My own state of immortality
Even if
It's only a state of mind
Her red shoe heels
made clicking sounds
around the hall
attracting attention;
his shoes,
alluring, plush,
black magic silence
power worn on feet
cried for recognition.

loudness gravitated
towards silence

black silence  angled wild red

he measured her
foot to hip,
she focused on his  intense face

the silence
with in the precinct
approved their
illegitimate cravings.

Avarice for attention
came together
held hands,
kicked up their heels,
to **** competition
in *******.
 Oct 2011 Gio Van Nii
Joseph C
Hands on rope
Swaying frayed and free,
Palms torn and burnt

A reckless lover waiting for arms outstretched,
But free fall in bliss!
Forbidden fruit of Barbados
Oh how she glows.

Sectional sweetness
Bitter in aftertaste

My favorite things in life
Always seem to be similar

Maybe because
I prefer the familiar

The curve and the shape
Contour and ripe

As I slice thee in half
I notice your walls

Serrated spoon in hand
Showing gratitude toward the land

For it bears blessed fruits
The fruit blesses me

Upon receiving sour
Bite after bite

The bitterness sets in
Night after night

Grapefruit makes me happy
Grapefruit makes me smile

I hope that I don’t get sick
At least not for a while
I love grapefruit, I just hope it doesn't make me sick!!

— The End —