War is the King of All,
as Heraclitus puts it.
No Life without Strife!
What wondrous distress!
This eternal suffering,
This eternal bliss
I am the ground
I am the ground from which
hatred and love emerge
neck and neck
I am abstracted from these
and yet intertwined, consistent
and unyielding in my birth and rebirth
I am the perennial,
the detritivore
The soil,
the mycelium,
the forest,
the fire
born from a single point,
growing and consuming
that which is colder than I —
until all fuel is exhausted
until I am exhausted
I am the Ugly Lie, the Corrupt
I am the Beautiful Truth, the Just
I am the Bad, the Good
I am the Formless
The Form
colorless, odorless, tasteless
unreachable, untouchable
receive me and
I am no longer myself
a distraction from the truth
I am entertainment
Will you entertain me?