Jesus was a liar and Ghandi was a fuccboi.
Prophets hate themselves the most.
Try to be pure light and you will never be.
You are not a single drop of ***** in an ocean of ****.
You are an ocean of **** in a single drop. Don't tell me that's not ******* beautiful.
You came from sacks of fat floating around in primordial goop.
Don't tell me that's not ******* beautiful.
You are 99% vacuous void but that 1% still makes you visible to me.
Tell me that's ******* disgusting.
I used to think I was all love and light and that was it.
Everything else was shame.
Everything else was to blame.
Everything else was also me.
I am mostly nothing and mostly darkness.
Don't tell me that's not ******* beautiful.
That despite being a walking maelstrom of empty space and spasmodic dance,
I am a ******* universe expanding in all directions simultaneously.
The only reason you can see the stars in the sky is because of all the emptiness.
The only reason you can look into my eyes is because of the little bit of life that shines through my pupils.
The only reason you can hold me in your arms is because the trillions and trillions of quanta that hold me together hate themselves and love each other because they all know that they hate themselves.
It's because they're entangled in a hot mess of spaghetti, sauce, and melted cheese.
Like a functioning dysfunctional family, we are trying our best and we all hate ourselves but we are trying love each other anyway.
Because we feel it.
Vacuous void. Chaotic dance.
Mostly nothing and a little bit of everything.