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Every night I fight the feeling of sleep
For when that beast begins to creep
into my body
I alarm myself with a continuous beep
A siren.
A shock.
Anything to prevent a leap
Inside the abyss of my mind I find
many things askew there is nothing I can construe
My dreams leave me shaking and begging for awakening
each one mars my sanity as I writhe in agony
You see
every night
for almost a year now
I die in my dreams
They are quite vivid deaths some I can even feel.
I've been stabbed and beaten
with knives and tire irons
and impaled by metal beams
I've been skinned alive
set on fire
murdered several times
eaten alive by spiders and beasts. Some of which too horrific to describe
All I can do is fight in vain and be an unwilling audience to my own demise

There is some kind of psychological aspect to this I have yet to understand

I always end these hellish nightmares the same way
screaming at myself to wake up and hopefully I do.
I am haunted by something I do not understand
I know this because I can feel knocking on my soul's foyer
I fear going to sleep.
© January 23rd, 2013 by Timothy R Brown. All rights reserved.
Through untamed shadows and blurred silhouettes
The moon remembers what the night forgets
it was a time before all, before the time we met
the form of a shadow and my love's silhouette

Gathering darkness of the collective noir
the hellish display of Satan's bazaar.
The passively insane, jokers and boars
of Victorian plays and Spanish guitars!

The view from here is lovely indeed
the vantage point of insanity.
A suit of skin is miraculous, I see
The stunning cloth of evil dreams

My, my, what a treat
ah,Visitors we see
all waiting to share
a shallow moment of care

Please show us, what's new
in the world of the living, this paradigm stew

A dance on the roof summons suspicion
from the mess below of ugly submission
I plead, I implore, abandon all tradition!
Before you pummel down the world's attrition...

I have seen the wonders of the other side.
Where mass ballrooms of dead reside
all swooping, crying, laughing with pride
While the they truly live and you surely die.

The fires of madness, the abundant endeavor
strikes a chord with those, whomever,
enjoy such masked adventures, whichever
Such with Boris, Phil, Julie and Trevor.

beating pain out from the brim
Retching blood and bile from within
Yes, of course I'll obey
Please...could you stay?

Yes my lover, my illustrious shadow tamer
the other that is here but only I can see, my sane reclaimer....
Thank You
From the core of my damaged soul

Your time taken to read my thoughts
Are more precious to me than silver or gold

                        I am as blessed
                        As much as my work
                           Gets read

And so i forget my tribulations
For in writing my feelings-I am whole!!

All my best wishes
An ode to everyone of you who takes the time to read my work!i believe im blessed because i am heard!i value your time for it nourishes my soul!

A big thank you for all of you who follows me!i hope im bringing something unto your hearts and minds!

I have 20 followers so far!i hope its just the beginning!you who follow me-i happily follow you too!

You bring hope to me-
You give me a reason to try
You make it all worthwhile!

I am deeply touched!

May you find hope most of all-for thats all we really have in this life!

I am not alone-




Till next i write
 Jan 2013 Geovanni Alfaro
I wish
I pray
I could spend sweet moments
like this
with you
sitting over warm cups of black coffee
with sugar
or cream
or however you wanted it
early morning
late night
anytime would be alright
with you
right here
all the cares might disappear
your eyes
and lips
**** slow contemplate burning cherry tips
our fixation
not caffeination
brings me the kind of buzz I want now
to kiss
to hold
someone to share and savor the cold
on those
silent days
everything but us could fade away
all over
these things
tell me what your heart springs
It's love
I'd show
cuddle, huddle, breathe, slow
don't need
any thing
smokes, coffee, the silence they bring
no words
just connection
sit silent sweet in reflection
stoges, coffee
now or never
perfect seconds we'd be together.
What’s happened to the human race?
We’ve turned so cold and dark
Instead of reaching out to care
We feed on hate like sharks

But that is just a fraction
Of how we have evolved
Instead of reaching out to care
We don’t get too involved

We shun away from feeling guilt
It doesn’t fit our style
Instead of reaching out to care
We wear a pseudo smile

We offer God as solace
So we don’t have to love
Instead of reaching out to care
We point to up above

No wonder bullets fly
No wonder anger blooms
Instead of reaching out to care
We lock them all in rooms
 Jan 2013 Geovanni Alfaro
So much temptation in the world...
So much bad to choose between..
being good has never been so hard..
So much can go wrong...both seen and unseen...
So what do you choose to do in this case??
would you rather be an angel with wings??
or a devil with horns and boredom to eraze??
What do you rather be...or do...
when you're divided between yourself and you??
choose wisely...take time to find...
because always remember...theres no button to rewind...
He comes at night
When all is sound asleep and tight
When darkness overcome the light
Its announcing His arrival

At first his shadow can be seen
When you are lost in magic dreams
Its He who"s presence in moonlight gleams
Bringing forth fear in flight

Silently without motion
He calls upon your inner notion
And with a lift of just His finger
Dark thoughts and fear that lingers
Is called upon to life

His main ambition is with submission
And purposely driven
To darken dreams into oblivion
As nightmares  enters your subconscious

He walks away from no man
The excecution of His plan
To silently disturb your slumber
And overcome with fear to numb
Your magic fantasies

His power overwhelms all men
Its He who smite your nights wonder
And whilst He smiles -upon He ponder
How terrified you be

And in your realm of sleep
He locks your dreams to keep
With nightmares you are burdened
Till morning light will creep
And you awake from sleep

Fear is what His nightmares feed
And where faith guards not your own belief
He grows a little stronger
Till when peace withold Him no longer
And Truth become weak
He waits to rule as dark leader
At night when all"s asleep

So say your prayers
Before you close your eyes
And hold hope tight within your heart
So that He will have to skip
Your dreams He then can't keep
With fear and with lies
At night

Before sunrise
If you suffer from lack of dreaming and its been a while since last you had sweet dreams!
She'll never see you.

She'll never see the love behind my eyes.
I think you must be color blind.

when you see red
can you love me instead?

You know me  better than I do
what can I say? To get you to stay?

When you see blue
I'll still be here for you

Brown eyes **** me in so deep
that part of my heart? That peice you can keep

When you see pink
I wont let you sink

You crept up on me and i didn't see it comming
you showed me affection and I stopped running

Because when you see grey
everything stays the same way

So open up your heart to see the love behind my eyes
because it's not fun being color blind
I'm sinking into the sand that will never let me surface to the sea
never let me surface to the top of the waters, where i can breathe in the stuff that makes me, me
I'm lost in this smothering scandal that drains my soul of its life
i can't get out of this unbreathable stuff,
its ******* me down,
and its shrill taste is tainting my life

I'm stuck in this mess and ill never come out
I'm stuck in this mess; will i be stuck here for life?
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