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 Apr 2013 GeordieTheMonk
Can there be anything redder than her lips?
Is there anything colder?
Anything sweeter?

Qui e t   e   r .    .    .

Can there be anything sweeter than her heart?
Is there anything redder?
Anything colder?

"Sof t  e   r   .   .     .*

Such a face
With a tounge that can so easily
Put you in your place
With a collar of velvet
That tickles the skin
And a sweet
Quiet heart
That has so much to give
And is without sin
 Apr 2013 GeordieTheMonk
Swirling patterns of freckles
Across the bridge of your nose
Along the curve of your chin
Above the heart that nobody knows
Will I know it?
Will I touch your freckled skin?
Is it the place that nobody goes?
Are you also afraid of sin?
It's eating me away
And I'm afraid I can't stay
But I'll say
I guess I wouldn't have it any other way
Constellations on your cheeks
And your whole body reeks
Of alone
 Apr 2013 GeordieTheMonk
A week can start with blue
And end in red
A look can start at my feet
And end at my head
A day can start on the street
And end in my bed
A journey can start with a birth
And end when you're dead

Red hair
The water bleeding through the fabric of you
Red hair
I'm not sure if it's good or bad
But there's someting about you
 Mar 2013 GeordieTheMonk
It comes back in pieces
When I lie in a bed too big for me
With a blanket too heavy
A shut of the eyes
Spikes my adrenaline and the memory
Of the greasy wheel between my hands
My right foot slipping on the perforated pedal
The engine, tiny and angry
Purring like a asthmatic lion
The victory of pulling into first
The beginnings of a whiplash headache behind my ears
I see them
Grey and intertwined
Trying to focus on myself and my driving
And not that with every kiss they steal
Their happiness is being ****** away
And when the interest runs dry
I will be the pillar on which to lean
 Mar 2013 GeordieTheMonk
It wafts up from the South
Where it sleeps, eternally huffing
Thick and red like a ****** steak
February yearns to be over
The lazy month, cold and short
It can't wait to be done
So it begs the Summer to come
And it does
Swirling in flaming patterns past the coast
It breaks the knots in my hair
And whispers in my ear
Telling me where what I yearn for is hidding
Goading me to jump
Forcing me to fall
The Summer whispers secrets in my ears
And I answer its call
 Mar 2013 GeordieTheMonk
 Mar 2013 GeordieTheMonk
Don't tell me there are plenty of fish in the sea
When the silvery, slimy things hang from coral reefs
And are stuck in frayed netting
Not yet frayed to the point of breaking
When they drown in oil and choke on garbage
Scaly flesh peirced by razor blade teeth
Captured and smothered
And beaten and gutted
Frozen and thawed and chopped
Stewed and grilled and covered in salt and sauce
Tossed and sliced and torn and diced
Delivered to my table in a trice
Don't tell me that there are plenty of fish in the sea
Because one of those fish could be me
 Mar 2013 GeordieTheMonk
You holding the pan, hands shaking, pan seesawing
Me feeling doom growing in the air like electricity building
You crumbling
Me swallowing danger
Them coming through the door, a bed on wheels
Me thinking that was funny
Him in the background, acting uninvolved
Me standing on the couch, forbidden
You lying on the funny bed
Me wondering if they would laugh at your clown slippers
You…I can’t see your face
Me looking at him
Him sending me away
Me sleeping in the neighbor’s bathtub, where it was safe.
You. Alone.
Me. Alone.
Him. Alone.
 Feb 2013 GeordieTheMonk
To my lover
I don't think I could ever be a mother
Watching a child
That was not my child
Fall and hurt her head
I screamed
And panicked
Thinking she was dead
So I'm sorry
My lover
But that was terrifying
And I don't think I could ever be a mother
 Feb 2013 GeordieTheMonk
It's always the same
The way I whisper your name
And I can hardly believe it
That you cannot conceive this
I've fallen again
Tried so hard to win you with sin
It's not a matter of money
When my honeytrap is missing its honey
I'm a person kinda person
And I know I'm a prison
My arms hang like shackles
You're no good to me now
I can't believe the lie
That I'm going to die
When I hug you
You ought to say ow
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