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I must escape the
darkness before it swallows
my body and soul.
Your lustful eyes,
Run chills, down my spine,
It makes you wonder,
Who are you..
What did you do,
To earn such lustful eyes,

Did you break a heart?
Are you planning to break mine,

Not this time,
I won't fall for your lies,
I won't fall into the pit of
My demons,
It waits below,
But no,
Not this time,

Love is overrated,
******* waste of time,
Who has the time,
To sit, and wait for love,
To walk on by,
And stumble apon us,
And **** us over in the end..
Ehh, Oppinions?
I want to make love with you
wildly, savagely, viciously
insatiable need crowds out all thought
except for how you feel to me
it's more than lustful carnal craving
raw passions threaten to explode
we're one, together in that moment
senses burning, overload
hearts pounding, muscles shaking
salty sweat, bodies aching
driven into breathless frenzy
release, that moment stopped in time
once more, to feel that you are mine
 Oct 2012 genbird21freelife
I can see you smiling through the pain
You've been through storms of hurt and rain
Your heart is big, but your eyes weak
But you still act strong, oh so sweet
Although you say you're quite alright
Saying that phrase takes all your might
Such a weak soul, you think to yourself
And begin doing things not good for your health
You'll walk out of bathrooms with nosebleeds
Hiding your face so no one sees
No one knows anything
Just the way you want it to be
Years after rehab, you begin again
But to stop, all you needed was a friend
Someone who cared about you so
And take care of you in times of woe
A friend who loved you endlessly
And to make sure you fell sound asleep
A friend at heart is all you need
To cope with this world full of greed
Do not stand at my grave and weep..
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awake in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star-shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry..
I am not there. I did not die.

— The End —