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1.8k · Dec 2014
don't judge me!!!!
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
don't judge me..
i won't judge you if,
you don't judge me,
i wont judge you when your wrong if,
you don't judge me when i'm wrong,
i won't judge you if your gay,
i wont judge if your feeling down,
i wont judge you if your having problems,
i wont judge you if you don't judge me.... <3 :)
1.2k · Dec 2014
i met this guy named......
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
i met this guy named,
he was a very handsome young man,
but he was just a little too old for me,
i wish he was my age so i could have him to myself,
he will be mine in some years,
but i met this gut named!!!!!
622 · Dec 2014
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
it was a challenge,
to make it to the end,
it is a challenge,
to keep a long distance relationship,
i'm faithful so it is not a challenge,
but it is a challenge,
to be me,
it is a challenge ,
to finish high school,
it is a challenge to keep in contact with him,
it's not a challenge,
to live life,
but it was a challenge......
511 · Dec 2014
kiss me..!!! <3
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
kiss me,
kiss me passionately,
kiss me til the end,
kiss me one more time,
kiss me until the moonlight,
kiss me like you'll never kiss me again,
just kiss me!!! <3
i was in my feelings so i just wrote this!!! comment and ask questions
478 · Dec 2014
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
Why is this happening to me??
why is life so hard??
why do people lie???
why why why??
471 · Feb 2015
My mom
Gabrielle Cox Feb 2015
My mom doesn't understand,
she doesn't understand what i go through,
i'm only a child,
but she just doesn't understand my life,
i'm just trying to help her understand,
i love her but she makes me mad,
Mom why won't you listen,
do you even care what im saying,
My mom doesn't understand
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
there are bullies,
there are liars,
there are thieves,
there are bad people in this world but,
don't let those people get to you,
i've been bullied,
i've been lied to and about,
i have gotten stuff stolen by others but,
i'm not letting those people get to me,
people are mean now these days,
people are committing suicide,
i feel this world is coming to a bad end,
Don't let people get to you!!!!! :"(
453 · Dec 2014
i don't like liars!!! </3
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
hey guess what??
i don't like liars,
i thought about it and my mind say,
why does she lie,
why does he lie,
about simple things that you don't have to lie about,
it's simple tell the truth,
don't fall for your own lies!!!
hey guess what???
i don't like liars!!!
i don't understand why people lie on me about simple thing that the truth can be told about... treat others the way you want to be treated
452 · Dec 2014
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
Love Love Love Love,
What is Love,
Love is,
the affection for another,
Love is not a feeling it's a choice,
I Love You,
means nothing to me,
you tell me you love me but your not showing it,
I Love you,
i know but why,
I love you but its crazy,
how you don't love me back,
359 · Dec 2014
my feeling for him!!!!
Gabrielle Cox Dec 2014
i don't know why i like him so much,
he's cute,
he has a sense of humor,
he has a cute smile,
i wish he was mine but i don't know,
somebody help me,
i don't know what i feel for him,
what is my feelings for him???

— The End —