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 Jan 2014 gabriela
Deep within
A genie bottle you and I
Are forever snapping
At wishbones, but neither one
Of us gets the middle wish.
Sent into a plume of empty smoke
That leaves us spent and separated.
I wonder how many dandelions
You dedicate to me.
Dust falls upon our cut pinkys
We lay wasted and dry of all
Childhood promise games,
There's nothing left but to
Pluck out each individual eyelash.,
Our lungs forcing one towards
Another hopeless, begging wish.
We deserve no more pain.
Perhaps it's all superstition or false hope, but god... It warms the heart doesn't it.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
How do I escape this..?
A dragon no more as I shed the scales
Setting my breath alight,
Muscles tightening as the sobs turn to gasps,
Sea water is salt laced by sadness
And my lungs are ill equipt to survive.
Had I been released to my spirit being,
I might have slipped beneath their skin,
Crawling eight boneless legs to happiness.
 Jan 2014 gabriela
My name drips from your tongue like honey
Why is the only question I've ever asked of you

You tore the skin from my bones when you left
You carry around the molted layer of the person I was with you
And you call her Darling

You caress her in your mind
This make-believe
China doll self

You always did say we were just too much alike
How being without you made me more like you

Plagued with the thought
Of becoming the person who hurt me the most
I wonder what pushed you too far away

You used to call me a cynic
For saying I loved you with all my mind
And none of my heart

At the moment
I'm feeling cynical as hell
 Jan 2014 gabriela
darkness signals the
retreat into
the shell
of sea-side
they whisper
innermost thoughts
of blindness and
profound seconds
of suspended
fallen flowers.

the recluse
can see more
in the deepest night
than the lightest

thoughts circle with
the stars, as the
atrophy of apathy
and the menagerie of
faltering frowns
 Jan 2014 gabriela
Sam Moore
bone is bone is bone
is bone.
my hands are forever too tiny,
my hips forever too big,
and you forever the girl
who’s always wanted to leave.
when we first met you talked of
hating the palm trees seventy degrees
traffic clogged grit and smog,
graffiti covered rat sewers
mansions dotting all the hills
and everything else i’ve ever loved.
i reminded myself that some people
need more than a place with
hundreds of stars on the sidewalk
but hardly any in the sky.
when i think of superpowers
i imagine being strong enough
to carry manhattan to you on my
shoulders and all your rain clouds
in my arms.
if you ever turned fragile i would
arrange a fortress out of skyscrapers
big enough to cover all the hills,
and with tiny hands i’d point
to the clouds and make them fill
the sky outside your window;
white as bone, as bone,
as bone.
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