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Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Early Morning Bottle Jam
Despite the right to spite the far away
Of only what I know is nothing as a word
Only what I know is everything as a meaning
******* **** in this early morn
******* love of that metal music

ENOUGH OF THIS (will make you crazy)
Heterosinea contractual echinacea of aviary actual sack attack
FLACK BOMbardment of horse willed ensnarement
Wiley wicker writhing in illness

Loose found youtube through fool rude nudes
Useful contraptions trap attraction for creative adoration and many more "things"
Wrote this kind of early.  Apologies for mistakes and bad poetry.
Precipice mountain fondled the fond of fondling fountain spouting love-crusssst.

I bob this bobble-headed dead-set-on-deafening those who will or would but cannot and could not stop my pupil-dark-mind-lark sent out and over that previously spoken-of precipice of a mountain so that, and, hereby, I fly continuously into space-spacey places of radiating-planetary-beauty yet you try with futility to reach me so you never will, I am above you.

I win.
I am better than they who berate me or have in past done so.
Mar 2014 · 652
No Idea Bro
With nary a thought to pose or process
With scary, a way of thinking
I am someone, or the type who, tends to do certain things in a certain way
But what is it worth if it does not read well?
Or to call someone who sounds like yourself and the ensuing contrast of awkwardness
**** n' ****, luck or gettin' lucky in any way colloquial terms for coitus or *** in general, I've none which is not to say I've not in the past or won't in the future but right now there is no significant two-way companionship which I really do want for a variety of reasons to be.
To simply, with cliche, be.
No such comfort will exist in my life for longer than a comparably short while, it would seem.  Nope, no happiness for me, only discomfort, depression, and stress.
No such great is a thing as a two-person love and experience.
And I am alone, truly.
And I am alone, more truly than my peers or fellow poets or parents or family or any other being sharing a universal genus or scientific similarity.
You know nothing of insanity so stop spouting and spewing this beautiful word and defaming and relegating it to a common "lol" or emoticon or any other thing that is obviously below it.
Standard crusted creation of melting erasure dissolving dissipation and dead-eyed cuffing stuffs stuffing still with tough metal roughs of through-bred thoroughly fed fattened and read something a little like this - DISGUSTING MUSK-SCENTED RUSTING HORMONE RIDDEN DERISION OF A TEENAGE HUMAN ****.
Operated in an operation inside of an operation on a mechani-borg.
Even if needed, that I continue that is, I couldn't, my right earbud's busted.  ****.
Mar 2014 · 639
Youth Tool Tacked Through
Particulate disintegrate berate and inflate the absence of sense or packed, harden, racked, garden.
I see clearly when my eyes arise through the atmosphere's tears' arrangement of derangement of eminent containment in hell-house entertainment.
Luck, ****, and **** have in common, many things limited to their convalescence in my head for lack of a better working word.
I can't write right now.
Feb 2014 · 649
If And Or Go Out The Door
Thursday crushes my gold
My gold flattens out, at first paper thin
First paper thin, then immediately invisible
Immediately invisible, but after, she has growth
She has growth that itself grows, in an exponential way
In an exponential way into infinite-small
Into the throughout and ethereal pig sty, combinahybrae
The pig sty tells me to charge green with second-degree maturation

Therefore my left eyebrow is heavenly and my right, flash-shoots by earthen core  into opposite space.
My eyelids reveal paper and these eyelids, still tight and rubbery, stretch over what some might call my infernal youth.

Technology fraught with rot

Let technology terrorize the terrible illogical ideologically daft and shallow whose facts are fallible and beyond logical rabble. And it does, to me, induce reality rattle.

True rhymes are for ******* who want stitches or who'd rather itch neath' ******, in pain, teeth which retain and spew the words of inane... times two.
Feb 2014 · 733
Undo Thought Through
NEEDLE!  Through the middle of a razor-edge!  Face in face out face sin face spout!  I cannot see through the masochism of honesty, corrupt the faucet and leak and drain into a towel of wet PAIN!  Holes rid themselves of fantastic-type dust! (And on the cusp of agony's grateful constitution hereby is a sitar scimitar). Unwilling to grow old into throats of bold and I am here today so what does it matter?  Cough n' clap n' clasp n' rappin' sapping my soul's voidy tounguester. Have I become throats?  Or abomination ropes?  Tungsten blow-hole deep neath the depths of water-disgust!  Rapture came along with whipping writhing throngs of toothpaste convolution tongs pulling out the wrongs and wrong doings of King Kong's rightful songs.  Randomize architecture so that a building can grow from blue dirt into the sky and spread at the top and cover the entire planet of the human-beings where there'll be forever-shade shading shaded, faded, blue.  Tuesday is a monkey banana bonanza bizarre bizarre scarring n' scaring little toothpick carrying caring creatures faring their merry way past curds and whey fields.  Acclimate to constipate and betroth-berate irritate-type tube tape.  Youthful castor plaster made from youngster disaster number: one.
It's all I felt like writing.
My thoughts are not
I am my thoughts
So I do not exist

My thoughts are all
I am my thoughts
So I am everything

My thought is an infinite line segment that is always extending into zero
I am the thought
Who am I
Because I am the test!
I am the question, the statistic, and your precious stupidity.
All of you bow to me, unconsciously.
You are that which you so hate
I am that which you so adamantly are pursuing to destroy
You will tear each other apart while I watch
And you crumble neath my fingernail
And you crumble
You crumble
Feb 2014 · 896
The Fox
Whence the red fox doth heave itself, taking flight via muscular thighs, through gates of fire it will be that blurry human figures shall be waiting beyond in slow motion while the fox jump-runs, multiplying infinitely into a gradient gray and into a branch-pattern (lightning), past them.

The fox is running and is only running and has run and will run, forever, past all.

Past time and space and reality, past you and me and our dreams and nightmares, forever running.
I just wrote this.  Tell me what you think (I like it).
Feb 2014 · 1.9k
Stomach Gremlins
I've got yelling, dancing, and partying gremlins inside of me next to you
They and you are good friends who flew the same coop in the same town called "Brown"
And you travel
Among the stars and the same stars' starlit bars
(Lit additionally by cars' glowing (picture-perfect) flowing headlights - growing ever-closer until all you see is the bright-side of the brightest white slighting the night's slightest, however plentiful they may be, "maybe" sins)
While yelling, dancing, and partying inside of me
Next to them
Feb 2014 · 376
I Let Em'
I let em' push me
I let em' tell me
I let em' ignore me
I let em' judge me
I let em' berate me
I let em' because in every case of getting pushed, told, or ignored, every time I'm judged and berated it is at least a penny's worth added to my ability, skill, or to feasibly achieve things that are above average and in most ways above those who will, would, or have...
Push(ed) me
Tell(Told) me
Ignore(d) me
Judge(d) me
Berate(d) me
Go ahead because when you think you win , will win, or have won, I do, and will, and have already, actually and in reality all in ways you'll never be able to comprehend.
Feb 2014 · 622
Asterisk Plus Question-Mark
The wackiest debacle of spoof-esque and entirely haphazard manipulation is profound and wholly visible whilst seeing tradition being drowned and beaten oh so violently at the many spindle-thread-thin hands of progress.
Unknown etymologies spring into the air then fall approximately six-feet down and initiate rearward propellers and jets that're (in place of a better single word) one after another, in order to breathe.
And I learn
And I learn
And I learn
I appropriate and accumulate, store and enunciate, words that contemplate at any rate and though this senseless, nonsensical, principle poetry does destroy me by poison or curse or by noisy disperse, I continue to spite and despite my deriding exciting writing for those and they who've no forte or way nor say for both the beauty and ugliness of language and textual perfection.
This is probably one of my personal favorites, I really like how it turned out.
Crutches and caskets filled with coffins filled with crosses filled with crushing expectations

You are here now though I remember
You're in my dreams because you're my dream-girl

Blackness coming through the bright coming through ballooned faces coming through crowds who'd have it that angels come down and drag them into the sky

Now I'm without you though our fingers touch
I'll be someone new with someone new
Jan 2014 · 525
Useless Rue
It is useless
To regret
It is fruitless
So forget
Or was I supposed to remember
All of these terrible things
And all the feelings she brings
Or was I supposed to dismember
All of those terrible thoughts
Those which my heart rots

December dismember forever because I can't stand to be around you anymore (you tragic *****)
I write best when angry
Just like love's been captured behind a cold camera for a painter or a director
I will bring hate to you because these love movies - I do despise.
Quite, indubitably, henceforth, whence, this lass of gun-lances stares into my kung-fu stances like I'm the crazy one, who uses tongue and lips to expectorate upon thy tips of canister rips.
It's enough to say that I am quite wild in ways yet is no where near to...
Lays her down long' its messy bed while taking off clothes and keeping her fed. (Because I like bigger girls)

There should be a big girl anthem.
Creatures called "sores" hover at lightning speed across the grey earth, hence, ere is the apocalypse's eve.
Just as it always is, and the future attains enlightened poisoning which eats slowly at its being and existence.

Feelings, misplaced
Confidence, misplaced
Balance, misplaced
Senses, scattered and blown by opaque wind into small tornadoes which settle and hide in the corners and crannies of my skull

The fascinate-opal is shining above the impossible-springs where blue vegetation is next to molten rainbow cascading through, over, under, and beside digital holograms of people.
Illusory picnic in the chapel-a hollowed sheet of milk
Can you see through my insane
I can't relax
And so I've chosen to be hyper
I can't be comfortable
So I burn comfort

The bellow is a random personal explanation of what I typically write.
Less than poetry, this might be more told than expressed with metaphor or symbolism.  My writing is in some ways an extension of myself, I would however love to believe that that's where any parallels could be drawn between my art and others because, at a level, I'm attempting to create something innovative yet ugly.  I should mention also, that often there is philosophical depth in many (and if not many than at least a few) of my pieces which if absent completely, is replaced with an abstract idea of beauty fighting with ugliness or ugliness fighting with beauty.
Must you be here in such an interesting illusion?
Why must you sit in such... vogue?
Here though, you exist in fashionable cyst.
Bygone futures of blighted sutures
Youngster-stale and eight-hundred pale
Destitute pasts of layer passes present
Horses gather at the gates of heaven
Spitting at me
And in this way, I've given myself nightmarish feelings.
Yellow blocks provides battery-colored translucence a doubt of mortals
Tungsten belated harmony
I've got a another sense
I've had it ever since
I broke my mind, hence

It allows me
To see
What is actually free

And flail
In the harsh hot wind

Make the sun into a cone atop a spear
And send to the earth
Into my eyes
And to the back of my skull
Left deep within withering and writhing branches neath the Moon's bewildered feeling of all-around confusion lays a broken shell behind a distant monster who's forgotten, already, about it.

There, underneath the Moon's trying faux-sunlight, I was born.

I am everything that you fear.
Jan 2014 · 290
Little Bits
I can still feel your warmth under my soul
Thank you
For your little bits
Of happiness
Jan 2014 · 538
Many Reasons Through Strife
The jazzy overtone leaves me alone
In a beautiful world, away from
Difficult to breathe now
I drown in purple terrorism
Just to see if it's possible
Useless absence of past
Torn into pieces that're now pulled through deadly veil
Improper destitute-grey scenery
I am now
I am then
I am after
You can't send your materials into me
You must take them back
You are a monster of loose-luck frill
And then I nod beyond the sod
Of the
Other side
Of the
Hereby I am
Therefore you cannot
Fore I must
Lest you be
Organize phase altitude decrease
Open this chest of greasy bowels
Or fit through the acronym of anonymous anthology ridden lock
I am perfect
I am perfect
I am perfect
I am perfect
Jan 2014 · 298
Oh Well
That's one lucky guy
That's always the case
My luck doesn't exist
So I must make my own
I suppose

Look at my weeping words
And may you smile
Look at my ****** tears
And may you know joy
Look at this terrible writing
And may you be good
Jan 2014 · 638
And so
I decide
To forego
The regular

I decide that
I'll do this
Instead of that
And that

Most simply
It is not
For me
Jan 2014 · 440
Backwards From Opposite
Back and forth
From again
To never before
Or always
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
Opportunity or opposing unity to unify and untie
*****'s lesion sipping each seasonal reason for loving your flowing hair and knowing care

Strike the stench and light the match and throw open the hatch jump inside along with furry-toad-love
*** and lust and the vex of the ****** of what is on the television gone up and through and something grew inside my skull where IT is thus, null
And I speak of course off course because of this coarse curse of your love
Flinching finch-pinch-tense, since she's, hence, a personal goddess
I'm a man of fetus-like love of birth and woman-girth

I like my girls to be bigger
Though perhaps for a less redeemable reason

I am the humanoid-elemental-embodiment of low self-confidence
And most are out of my "league" (at least physically and aesthetically)
Jan 2014 · 678
Quick Eye Capture
Bouncing round' a mindless institution for the righteously sane
Play it loud
Play that **** n' blow them speakers
Explosions surround my insides with cartoon missiles and true artistry
Frame rate, corrupt
Wishful testimonial contracting embalming with a side of hot vinegar
You must not be here at this particular century
You must be here at this particular void
Touch the fire
Lick the tongue of ash-grown slash-sown fash-i-own
Whether you weather the feather or whittle a little or blow the flow it doesn't matter because I don't know
Slide the note over the note noting that the tote is on his merry way to fairy day
I scratch my neck off and pull head into the lower half of my extra escaping toe
Where am I
Where am I
Where am I
Jan 2014 · 808
Loathing Sky
Underneath a loathing sky
Angry at me
Destroy me with your wind
And hail on my brain
Puncture my thoughts
To let my seeds burst through
The soil of my nullified skull

Cocked back eye
Filled blank pupils
Uncolored moon irises

The beauty of intelligence
Trumps the beauty of
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Hawk winged devil
Full of tension
About to tear
With tears of hatred
About to listen
With twenty-thousand ears
About to burst
With infinitely single energy
With eternally green sky
With epilogue analog (I had to look up the meanings of both of those words)
Variable similarity connects with my contradicting parallel-like soul-mind fight
Match the material and move!
Search and revive
Heal and derive
From absence of hive
In abscess I dive
Or compound I create
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Long Youth
Long youth is apparent in my crushing stars
I see those... stars
I want them, crushed
I want myself back
I am shattered
I can't focus
My thoughts are dust
My brain is cracked crust

They must not see me
For I am invisible
I must not see them
For I am invisible
I can't appear
I, an apparition, gone
Yet still there, hiding

Circling encompass my horn
With halo
I am heavenly rhino
I am gold and encrusted with sapphires
Diamond feet neath' me
And many zebras, around
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Steel Eight
The Steel Eight
Fight for him
I am him
And they aren't
And I can't
And they will
And I can
Fortitude brisk is unimportant
Much like messy-brain-muscle's curvy few
I've lost my soul
I am coal
Jan 2014 · 642
Suffer me quick
I am sick
Out of mind
Be so kind
And down here
I stare fear
Straight through to
Eternal and undo
My belated opposite
Jan 2014 · 773
Hath Thou Anti-Prose?
Be it
For it is
It is not
Getting's been got
And a poet's folding hand is torn loose from love, keyboard
Though I am grotesque looking I now flatter it's self
Open up, steep the tea, swoop down, eat the fee
I am lucky enough to see
I am lucky enough to see
I am lucky enough to see
Jan 2014 · 832
Scream Lethal, Then Been
Hacking husk ***** tusks
Tongue-twist terror-mist
Let them cry out!
They be lengthy roads, dem' tools
Horror fascination fascinating faucets
Lucky crutch ******* CLUTCH!
Limp and hobble through corridor-cobble
Hear the listening fly?
Hear the glistening try?
Watch the bright
Go bright
Jan 2014 · 458
Still though you burn
My heart, my soul
When will you learn
I've no hope, no goal
Save for this
My experience
Of no-kiss
But, instead
Is, bliss
Jan 2014 · 602
I Am The, Or Was It?
I am the monster of monsters
I am the one who Lucifer answers to
I am the perfectly imperfect
I am wordless, speechless, and mute

I am your God and your gods
I am nothing before everything
I am everything before nothing
And I am not

You will contribute funds fundamentally to me and my cry
You will forcefully fit into me the contradicting flee from city to city to answers for pity
You are my very own self and individual mass of crowds of millions
But you are null

I love myself
As much as I love you not
I hate myself
More than you ever could

And don't forget
And don't forget
And don't forget
Dec 2013 · 485
Easy There Mr. Murphy
She loves you... and me


Squeal of a hawk's only finite point of glottal hoarseness

Hack n' cough

Not a single drop be here my love

Lest she be a T.V.
Dec 2013 · 5.1k
Spartan Nightmare
This is not poetry
This simply spoken on earthen tombs
Or was it tomes
Or was that tunes
If it was then it wasn't
Because the past is the future and the present is but a thinned out pancake of a reality
Double bongo tulip termination
Implied with the finger-ly pleasure
Upon my love's blackened buttons
Drunkenness sensibility declining reeling sealing the post-operative convolution of Tarzan's missing breath
Target, TARGET, (target)
Reckless love leapin' side' a train-station tumor
Dec 2013 · 959
Along With Inflection
Along with affliction
Along with infection
Along with affection
She speaks like Mother Earth paranoia
And whispers like drunken *******
Frill and forgetfulness and thrill and fullness
Decorate or mightn't you know how between the doors solidified
Trapped into the garden of fire and lava
I need not
I need not
I need not
Dec 2013 · 752
Roll Up Thy Sleeves
Cast into the glass
Sharpened tight
Make me torn
Brought back from Heaven
And what makes this good
Repetition Repetition Repetition
Marker scents and elephants
Porridge and the crumbs of Lucifer
Along with types of archetypes of subtitle psyches
Lucifer proud, go away oh you sinners and saints
Too many tools of thoroughly-bred rules
Dec 2013 · 529
Sorry Today
I am sorry today
Apologetically I say
I lament what's been the future
I rue presently
Or what is an apology
And I regret this

Sign on him
And magic hymns
Knapping hard skins

Brutally brutal
Utilize useless
Unfitting misplacement
Nonsensical ravings
Dec 2013 · 616
Feel Like
****! Tuesday now! Weekend NO!
Common catchphrase deplete my atmosphere like a swooning sphere BLUE!
About to throw up nonsense!
Don't care how loud this music IS
Must SCREAM talk of beanstalk! ALL CORRECT!

I'll talk like you!
FML LOL *****
Oh, and I is typically capitalized when used in the way you're going for!
In fact, I can't think of when it's not capitalized when being used in the STUPID way you use it
(but seriously, I'm pretty sure, however informal your intent, it's capitalized.)

I am inconsequential, you see
I don't matter, you can't see
I'm not here, quite all the way.
Get's me angry, get's me hot, get's me hard, give's me rot

Nothing but writing...
Isolate self
I'm so wrong
It's so bad
I'm incorrect
It's so sad
Dec 2013 · 472
Loose Ends
No revision yet I WRITE SLOW
For every single line and curve
For every single one is many
Every solitary bead of humanity is a zero, death
Every string is a life
All to be swallowed by me
All to be thrown-up through my esophagus, as souls
All light is here
All darkness is near
All sight is rear
AND I've COME through you as a GHOST yet to be my throat. Beautiful saxophone and back to the left and back to the left
FORget TenSION Bring me into it. Whatever I've ever wanted to say!
If you only said what I said to bring you through me!

Dec 2013 · 436
Get Ready
I will tear you down and feed you to my plants they are loosened by star dust in the morning light too bright too bright too bright, continuous breathing HALT continuous thought WROUGHT (rot) no pause for room or time or groom THUS I am **** I can STING the KING with RRRUUUUSSST! quiet quiet quiet quiet LA LA LA LA LA and then a boom crash split my ear and my fear goes away and my mind goes astray as I fall into a pit with all of the other zombies trying to climb to breath in the sun (sounds so fun) I am just another, I am just another.  And my rhymes evil stench is a gas choking your (self) and throat of course but also the sight and other various unheard of senses like...
Dec 2013 · 442
Tear Tear
Because for every insult upon me is a cut on universal fantasy
Because for every wrong is a bad thought created for you
Because of these injustices you will burn in obscurity with me

You are pitiful
You are mediocrity
You are a molten fingernail

And I am the space between these letters
And the letters are crowds
And the sentences are people

But the sword is null
But the void is dull
But every living thing is meant to die and purpose is a particulate of dirt
Dec 2013 · 359
Use the time
Just how I want it right now
I love you
Drool, oh delicious drool
Spool, oh ravenous spool
Oh how these remind me of who I was, who I am, and who I'm going to be
Good stuff so far
Those lyrics, oh these lyrics excite me
But I need something faster, cue the quickness...
Untie the bonds and CUT them loose
Too bad
Too drunk
Too many people
Too many steeple
Too many seed pool
One by one by one by one by one
Listen to the guitar my babe
Keep going

You must stay up tonight
Dec 2013 · 560
Hot spit
Decisive uselessness

Letters surrounded by black
Colorful absence

No goal, no ambition
No soul, no ambition
No words, no ambition
No cords, no ambition
Nothing but drunkenness

Typical phrasing of society
Dec 2013 · 588
Where Have I Gone
Each letter typed with emphasis, aggression, and flowing lyricism!
Dab the towel in soaking wraith and smelly faithful hatred!
Use THE syllable CON-tract for without it we've been doomed
Bring forth the lights and sounds into living-room-reality, FULL OF STARS AND ESCAPEES!
Faster, faster, faster, faster! This is ugly poetry. Bubbling from the nostrils of the seas COMBINE!
Spurting spirit and saline souls and gaping holes all without the inclination or implication of the hereby too cute to put on television!
Rhyme now or allow the furrowing brow to narrow the growl into pinpoint anoint!
Make it stupid and lucid so to push it through the suffering new and deadly few!
Terrible practice of sense un-make ill-conceived fake words aren't my specialty.

Quiet now, no sound, just gentle music, jazzy yet ex-peri-mental.
Words in formal lines marching to their next food product.

A-GAAAIIIINNNNNN! I hear the crash of cymbals in my ears and erratic guitar noises and collectively profound inspiration.

Oh, right, where have I gone?
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