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 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
My mom has been trying to get me to go back

to my old phycologist again,

just because I lock my door at night.

Some mistakes are bigger then others...

why did yours have to destroy my life

and leave it for me to fix when I was old enough to understand?
Thanks bro :-/
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
You know it's completely over

when you've given up even trying
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Someday I'll give you a tattoo

it will be right on your chest and will be a heart.

Just so it at least looks like you have one.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
heavy bored
I once found solace
in your arms
before everything changed
I'm slowly turning to dust
Everything is becoming pointless
I'm withering away to nothing
Flames licking me away like a child and a poisoned sucker.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
One of the hardest things

is being in the same room as you

and knowing I can't even look at you

without receiving your look of disgust.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
As I turn up the volume,

I turn down all sense of feeling.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Why should I continue

to work towards something

that I hardly believe in anymore?
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Please help me find the smiles,
the happiness,
whatever is left of the joy,
and if there’s any love left,
please show it to me.
I know it's bad!

I might edit it later.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Just about now I could use a lecture

Yelling at myself for not moving on,

for not letting go,

for not being happy.
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