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 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Nice to see you're happy,

'cause I'm not.
It's all your fault.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
It's one of those days
when you just want to destroy something.

But you eventually calm down just enough
to plug in your headphones and destroy your brain instead.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
I'm still waiting for the one

to remind me of sanity

to show me my mistakes without filling me with total guilt

to always be there,

because I'll be there to.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Untitled 2
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
Keep making me smile,

but please don't let me fall.
Oh darling
We're falling apart
I wish it didn't have to end this way
But I'm learning that forever and always is only an overused phrase
and infinite is just an empty word
Sorry could never describe what I want to tell you
I hope that you can find better
But that I remain nothing but a memory
Not an empty memory
A memory with love and a memory with laughter
Distance is keeping us apart
But maybe when we're older, my dear
Because right now, we're just young teenagers in love.
 Feb 2013 Gabi
You're the air I breath.       (how cliché)

The sun I see.

The moon I envy.

You are everything.        (that makes me something)

Now I am everywhere.         (and it makes you nothing)
 Feb 2013 Gabi
We used to spend hours working together,
drinking coffee, drinking wine,
watching films in my bed, on my laptop.
We used to decorate our imaginary home
and come up with names for our children.
Once, we bought a cactus together,
named it, too, discussed our future pets,
future plans.
You told me about your dreams and I
used to be in them.
I used to know your quirks, your favourite tea,
how you drank your coffee.
I used to know the shape of your face and the
smell of your hair.
We talked about our parents and went to 99ct stores,
mixed different liquors, took random trains.
We made a bucket list together but threw it out.
I used to buy you puzzles and erasers,
you bought me Disney stickers and I
read you poetry. I used to leave you
messages on your voicemail, you used to
leave me sticky notes on the refridgerator door.
We had grilled cheese sandwiches at 2AM and
we had diet coke for breakfast. We spent
our days talking, laughing.
Life was easy, we were free.
We realised couldn't change time,
but time did change us, you did the right thing
and I should have never let you.
I have not finished a single cup of coffee
since you left. I haven't slept through the night.
I no longer remember your voice, the touch of
your skin, the way we used to be.
You are the best thing I ever had,
but you weren't mine to keep.
While being left in the dust by the old
But taken under their wings by the new
I have found new people to go to
And new people who care
Though I will more than likely never meet them in my whole life because they're spread out far and wide
I feel like I have become close to them, and I can trust my new friends on the internet.
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