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 May 2013 Gabi
No Regrets
 May 2013 Gabi
You are crushed in my mind,
We are frozen in time.
I feel like I can never forget you,
You make me feel alive.
I'm amazed, how you attracted me.
It must be that smile,
The one that warms my heart
And soothes my emotions.
Although I used to have you,
I love what we had.
I think about it as a winning.
I won't regret anything.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
 Mar 2013 Gabi
did you know there
is something worse
than heartbreak?
(c) Brooke Otto
 Mar 2013 Gabi
and, i swear
nobody could have
saved her
that day, she was a victim
    to graffiti and
       road signs.

you* are my daisy
by the c h a i n l i n k
an old one, but i like it.  it still tells the truth
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Erik G
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Erik G
One day, we will grow out of the soil
Chasing the Sun, seeking the same light, the same warmth
Standing through storms and maintaining posture during dearth of rain

and when autumn brings the strongest gusts
We will not be ripped

One day, we will float in the same wind
Towards the same sea
Spreading throughout neighboring fields

and when the driest of winters comes
We will persist

One harvest
Compatible seeds
First poem on here.
They aren't your friends,
And even they talk about you
Everyone thinks you're an outcast
And everyone IS laughing at you when you think they are
All your self hate thoughts are true
And he doesn't love you
He wants better
Everyone hates you.
It all started with the flip of a coin
Fate is what they call it
Darling I'll never forget
The innocence in your bright blue eyes
The rainy walks through the grave yard
Living on other's graves.
Silent, but our minds loud
Soft, curious lips meeting for the first time
When I explained to you what love meant
And when we decided to share "I love you"
Tangled in each other's arms in peaceful harmony
Darling, I'll never forget.
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
My slightest presence
silences you, no matter who else
is trying to talk to you.
Was I really *that* bad???
Losing sleep
And losing emotion
I can't tell what's real anymore
Is it your missing presence
Or does forever not exist?
Why is it I get anxiety when
I simply think of you.
An unpleasant feeling in my stomach arises
Isn't it true the gut feeling is always right?
 Mar 2013 Gabi
Alice Kay
If I stop working

on pointless projects

I'll start thinking of you.
But I'll keep working

because I don't want to cry.
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