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 Jan 2012 G C Poulos
Ginger Gray
She has a secret
Hidden behind long sleeves,

Hiding behind the smile.
On the inside she's broken.
Covers her face with
a mask.

Hours spent
Tears shed.
Dark crimson streaks
cover her
pale arms.

Trees sway
Thunder cracks
Illuminating the dark
sullen household.
Pencil in hand
Teeth clenched
Breathing heavily.

She wishes
Only wishes it
wasn't this way.
It never went this way.

She sits.
She waits for
him to come back.
Call for that which moves today above your broken wings
with perfect timing familiar as your dreams.
Tonight, what is true will not accuse how you feel
or tell you what to write
in a torrent of questioning schemes.

Declare that I have something the world loves to place
in glass windows forever to be considered
as part of their past.
To once again be able to face themselves
in the morning and have the will to claim
something that will last.

Tell me that the air I breathe is full of wonder and new life
that no nightmare could ever ask
to be part of its story.
When I sit in the moonlight
let me inhale with devotion
instead of spinning inside a shadow’s quarry.

Remember nothing but that which you hear singing
from a soul with no fear,
a sound more beautiful than the wind.  
It flows like a drink from a cup,
almost deeper than love itself
when seen through the eyes of that which moves
above your broken wings.
© 2012 Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
 Jan 2012 G C Poulos
Curled beneath the Christmas tree,
On this snowy Christmas Eve,
Lay my daughter, nearly three
Upon this perfect bed.
Asleep and warm in footed wear,
Tinsel static-ed to strands of hair,
Glistening lights ‘gainst skin so fair,
Halo her youthful head.

There she dreams of dreams her own,
That circle ‘bout her life, her home;
Doesn’t fear the world unknown;
I pray such times remain.
With eyelids’ flutter, weaves tomorrows,
To fill with splendor, not of sorrow,
From her, such vision I will borrow;
And will live my life again.

Nestled lone, in face of fire,
Breathing deep, this sweet admire,
With new eyes see all my desires,
How life has blessed so far.
Then, with scent of piney resin,
Awakens precious Christmas present,
Blue-eyes sparkle, sleepy crescents,
The babe beneath the star.
Copyright 2009, Fegger
 Jan 2012 G C Poulos
Today before I left for school
I went through the old photo albums in my house
I took out two pictures
My mom and dad at their wedding
And my dad dancing with me when I was still a little girl
On my walk to school I started crying
So I took out the pictures
My mom looked beautiful in her dress
More importantly she looked happy.
My dad stared at her in a way I've never seen before
He was happy too
He looked proud to have me
I could tell
And for a few seconds I felt better
But then I thought of them now
I thought about how my dad is always gone
And how my mom doesn't talk much anymore
And the sadness rushed back.
It still hasn't left

— The End —