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Victoria Apr 2017
What kind of a relationship has an expiry date?
28 day return policy
can be returned earlier, but not late,
ensure your rights are protected
that you get your last say

What kind of relationship has an expiry date?
Shirt looks good on the store
Wear it around for a few hours,
get compliments, that fade.
That's okay.
Go back and return it the next day.

What kind of a relationship has an expiry date?
I'm not yesterdays meal
Prepared with care, eaten with vigour,
delicious with flavour
stuffed leftovers into a plastic box
and frozen until you realise
its been in there a month too long
before you chuck it out.

What kind of relationship has an expiry date?
Spoilt milk left out on the kitchen counter
Spilled onto the withering carpet
Desperate to soak through
But the material was so worn
It wouldn't allow it

What kind of relationship has an expiry date?!
Consume within 7 days
If you're finished with it, just throw it away
The clock is ticking, and theres no promise that
this food, will stay

What kind of a relationship has. an. ex. pi. ry. date?
Well, I'll tell you now, mine does.
I guess I'm the only one stupid enough
to fall for someone
who purchases warranty
with every girl he checks at the counter

I never should have entered a relationship with an expiry date.
I guess a girl can hope and a girl can dream
But I know I accepted this fate
I should have never let you in
Now its far too late.
First boyfriend
  May 2016 Victoria
i've been nauseous every day this week
because i've been staying up until
the sun rises trying to remember
the way your eyes look
when you're in love

and i know
the universe is huge,
i'm always moving from place to place
but of everywhere i've ever been
the only place i ever crave
is your creeky back porch,
with the chipped green paint,
that i'd always peel back
when we were fighting
and i was anxious

still when my heart drops
and my hands shake
i wanna peel back
that chipped green paint


the night before you
slammed my front door
for the last time,
you were curled up in a ball
on the opposite side of the mattress,
and i was wishing you'd hold me
but i kind of knew you never would again

i said,
"i know nothing lasts forever
but i thought we were worth a miracle"

and you said,
"my apathy just got the best of me,
i don't feel you in my fingertips,
you don't send shivers
down my spine,
not anymore.
& i just don't miss
you when you leave,
your kisses never stick,
not anymore."


today i woke up
feeling like i never slept
and yesterday i went to bed
feeling like i was never even awake
venus keeps cartwheeling
backwards and no one knows why;
stars keep falling right out of the sky
and you're the only thing
that's been on my mind
Victoria May 2016
She took it with her,
that girl.

I bet she had a sick smile
a heart of gold
that only you could see
but to everyone else
it was just a heart that was heavy

I bet you thought
it was the two of you
against the world
and I'd bet that night a thousand times
that you still do

I'd never heard a laugh so sincere
come from the lips
of someone so broken and insecure
a voice so calm
come from the mouth of someone
so wild and erratic

I see you now
and when I see you I see her
but just a remnant part
because she took it with her
she took you with her
and you just won't go get it back.
Victoria May 2016
It's a difficult feat to carve deep
into a soul that's made of stone.

No matter which way
what direction you take
the tools aren't there to break it.

For in this world filled with sponge
and soft mousse minds
I used only the meagre
butter knife

But the knives I used to carve my own
Hacked through with gritted teeth
early, near the break of dawn

Weren't strong enough to carve yours
no matter how hard,
how determined I was
to try.
Victoria May 2016
I’ve never loved anyone the way people do in books
I don’t feel a flutter in my chest like a little butterfly has settled there
I don’t know what it’s like to feel my stomach clench and have my heart race
every time i see someones face
I’ve read of girls who sacrifice their lives and boys who fight  
But every time I looked at someone i think I love
I swear someones carved out my insides and left it hollow
because how can i feel absolutely nothing?
Found in notes page of my old iPhone, dated 25/06/2014
Victoria Jan 2016
When you call me at 3 in the morning
From what feels like a thousand miles away
It kills me to hear you say
"I'm not sure he loves me after all that,
in fact, in any way"

I don't know where it came from
but from where you are he cut open my heart too
somehow love's reach
reaches far further out, and through you

I wish I could take some of your pain my love
I wish I could drain it from your veins
but I guess the best that I can do
is try and take some pain from him too
and try and share my hurt with you

So remember my love
Remember that you are strong and
Remember that you are beautiful
But utmost of all
Remember that he doesn't deserve any of you
and that no one ever will.
Victoria Jan 2016
This will be my year.
Unlike the last,
I will not give it away

Flip the pages back
Spiralling spine
Memories flash so fast
In the black print of words
Too quick to read
Only just enough to remember

Back to the beginning
When January came
Back when I had no idea
What was in store for me
All along

I knew it would be bad
But I had no idea it would be war
On myself
and me, on everyone else.

I bled from within
All year long
I filled to the brim
Before I tried to release it
Carving exits
into my skin

This will be my year
I will take what I deserve
and none more
than what
I actually earned.
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