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Frida Virrueta Aug 2015
Body next to body…  
Her breathe sounds like the ocean…wavelike, giving meaning to my silent waters
The tap of her fingers on my skin play a melody never before heard, and they dance along to songs on the radio
Songs that no longer sound the same, songs that make it impossible to be listened to without her being the resulting thought, songs that - in me - have become our songs
Our atoms bonding through the power of Oxytocin in order to create the ultimate love molecule
Mutating through ******…
Feeling the slither of her lips on my lips - and I'm not talking about the ones on my face…
Her breathe becomes one with mine, and it's unreasonable not to wish to spend every winter with her breathe being my only heater
So by now It'd be unreasonable not to let love take the wheel
So I sit back,
and enjoy the ride…
                                                   - F.V.
Frida Virrueta Aug 2015
We all need a stimulant
Something or
That makes us feel good
Something that gives us a tease of ecstasy
Someone who by the simple meeting of the tip of their tongue against yours reminds you why life is still worth living for
                         - F.V.
Frida Virrueta Aug 2015
I swear she has an atheist praying to God and believing in heaven
And I swear I've always been insane but I've never met someone who's made me feel this sane
**** might be crazy
But suddenly,
In love,
Theres a good kind of crazy...

                                             - F.V.
Frida Virrueta Aug 2015
I'm in a tragic position
I'm too afraid to write
Too afraid to write and diminish you with every word that's typed
As if the words in this dimension failed to live up to your mind
As if the words in this dimension failed to live up to our love
I'm in a tragic position,
For the human world fails to provide any description that will live up to our surrealist love
Frida Virrueta Jul 2015
I knew I was ****** once I started feeling much too comfortable, much too safe around her
I knew I was ****** once she was the only thing on my mind, even when I was high
She has overpowered each and every one of my thoughts,
She's the conqueror of my mind
I can't even write about anything that isn't her anymore, she has become my only topic
I knew I was ****** when every time someone hugged me I wished it was her instead
All of a sudden everything reminds me of her
All of a sudden I wish I was doing everything with her
All of a sudden everything smells like her,
I even smell like her
Her smell is penetrated on my skin
All of a sudden I believe in everything I didn't
Or more like,
She has me believing in everything everyone else made me not believe in
                           - F. V.
Frida Virrueta Jul 2015
I've always said "you don't always meet people for the reasons you thought you did, or wish you did", and although applicable in any kind of relationship, I focus it on romance.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that although we didn't end up on each others beds, breathing in each others air - like I wish we would have - and although you cut my wings sooner than I wish you would have, and you killed my high sooner than I wish you would have; I accepted where we were about to stand
I accepted that for the thousandth time I was going to watch a muse walk away due to my habit of seeing them as nothing but a muse, as seeing them as nothing but a spur of the moment; spur of inspiration
And I frankly don't have an explanation you know?
I don't have a logical reason for the wall I created between us
And it ***** because pushing you away meant pushing myself away
But I don't know why I am the way I am or why I do the things I do
My pointless point is that we didn't meet to commit, we both know that by now
We met so I could meet someone else, we met so I won't do someone the way I did you, so I don't create with them the barrier I did with you
We met so I could allow myself to take a risk with my muses, we met so I could stop using people simply for my art
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I met you because you weren't for me
And maybe she isn't either,
But I'll have to figure that out by experiment
I guess the point is that now…
After you… I won't just sit here and let my emotions replace my bloodstream without acting on it
I guess,
Thank you
                               - F.V.
Frida Virrueta Jul 2015
Maybe this is just my ego talking
And maybe I'm simply trying to make myself feel better
It's not every day you'll find someone who wakes up,drained in sweat because they were just dreaming of you wet
It's not every day you'll meet someone who irks to meet you on every path of pain
It's not every day you'll meet someone who
Never mind… You will…
You will meet someone who is just as beautifully haunted by you just as I am
How can someone not be ? It comes easy with someone like you
I guess what I'm really trying to say is that
I hope you're his muse, just like you are mine
I hope he's awake at 3:03 AM because he's too busy creating poetry inspired by you, just the way I am
I hope you linger in his mind, as much as you do in mine
I hope he sees you beyond sexuality
I hope he sees your spirit
I hope he sees the depth in you
I hope he lives off of you and that he is so in love with you he's almost afraid of you,
Because theres nothing more frightening than a female who has you wrapped around her finger
I hope he worships you, sees you as nothing less than a Goddess, as nothing less than nature in its full,infinite glory

Finally, I hope he commits to you
Because I know I was incapable of doing so…
                                                                    - F.V.
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