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Frida Virrueta Jan 2014
Ive kind of forgot what "human" is ..
Even If I had a clear description of the word It would be meaningless..
Why? Because Im not human..
Unless you consider the desire to butcher and slaughter others humane ..
Unless you consider the act of hanging this woman by her ***** and concluding it by devouring her mammilla off humane ..

Then yes .. I am human
Frida Virrueta Jan 2014
"Curiosity killed the cat, you're the cat."

Of course I had to be the **** cat..
I was looking for pleasure and I found it..
I found pleasure in the expression of her face after I forcefully slipped my member in her ******
Seeing humans/animals (or what ever we are) in discomfort was my only comfort..
I craved bizarre,
Torture had become my nature, I couldn't stop it, and I didn't want to..
"Why fight my nature?" I thought ..

"So you're telling me, that sin pleasures you?"

"You can put it that way," I said; sniggering
In my dictionary "sin" translates to "pleasure"
Let me tell you one thing though.. Yes, Indeed I am that curious cat, But curiosity did not **** me, It led me to discovering my bizarre pleasures, and nothing makes me feel more alive than that.
                                         - Narcissist
Frida Virrueta Dec 2013
So here I am sexually desiring this woman, my natural habitat begs to be pleased
but my bit of conscious is telling me to stop ..
" Its my nature," I think immediately;  trying to avoid guilt

I pleased myself, I ***** this woman
I felt passion burning in my gut
I enjoyed seeing her facials expressing all the pain
It was all so very lovely
And I wont go to hell cause there is no sin.

— The End —