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1.4k · Jan 2015
Freddy Young Jan 2015
When i was a child
they asked me
"What do you want to do when you grow up?
What will make you happy?"
and i said that i wanted to be an ambulance
i didn't know the difference between that and a paramedic.
So they laughed at me.

The question came again when i was 16
"What do you want to do when you grow up?
What will make you happy?"
It took me a while to answer this.
My heart said "veterinarian"
but my head said "they'll laugh again"
so i remained silent

18 years old
"What do you want to be when you grow up?
What will make you happy?"
Well, i have no ******* idea what i want to be
but moving out of the house will definitely make me happy
so young and full of potential
i just needed space to let it grow

"What are you studying for?
Will that job make you happy?"
i want to do so much
but i had no idea what i was good at
probably nothing

Forget the "job" or the "studying" studying question
let's get right down what's important
"What will make YOU happy?"
well that one is simple
It's her.
It can only be her.
Nobody else can make me feel as elated as when she's around.
She is the moon in the dark sky of my life lighting the way.
She is the magma in my core driving me to motion.
She is my best half.
She is my sunshine.
and now at 24,
She is my wife.
"What makes you happy?"
everything that is in my life makes me happy
starting with her.
1.3k · Jul 2014
Freddy Young Jul 2014
You must be exhausted
Because the thought of you
Is constantly running through my head
And I'm right there with you
Shoving past obstacles
And hard times
Together we will continue
Fueled by we each other
Until it ends
1.3k · Dec 2013
Freddy Young Dec 2013
Let me take a moment
To study you
I want to discover every intricate detail
I want to memorize
The way your eyes light up the room
The way I can see your wisdom
Your kindness
Your your love
Pool in the vast oceans
Of the most beautiful blue I have ever seen.
I want to savor
The way your lips move
When you speak
As the sound moving through those lips
Washes over me
Filling me with warmth
Infinitely sweeter than anything I have ever encountered.
I want to lose myself
In the beauty of your hairFlowing down
As Elegant and breathtaking
As a waterfall
It's scent filling my nostrils
Overwhelming me with the feeling of home
I want to permanently embed into my memory
The curvature of your neck
So soft and warm
Captivating me with the feel
The smell
The taste
Of your skin.
I want to synchronize myself with your heartbeat                  
Steady, rhythmic                  
Stronger than the largest river
Spreading your blood
Your life
Your love
Throughout your body.
I remember your hands
Strong and delicate at the same time
Wiping away my tears
Stroking my hair
Holding me up
Fighting away my fears.
I want to memorize your body
Every curve enticing and beautiful
The way it feels perfect while it's against mine
No part of your body needs any change
Its perfect that's all there is to it.
I want to keep these all in my mind forever.
I never want to forget
The way you make me feel.
I want to love you forever  
That's what I intend to do.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Freddy Young Jul 2014
Tangled legs
   Under the sheets
My arm
   Our pillow
Your hair
   Flowing underneath your head
      Like golden streams leaving your scent
Your skin
   Soft as silk
Your face
   Still and peaceful
Your breath
   Slow and steady
      A prefect lullaby willing me to sleep
I drift away
Lost in your serenity
Never wanting to get up
1.1k · Dec 2013
Freddy Young Dec 2013
The taste of your skin
Remains on my tongue.
Your smell
Lingers in my nose.
Your touch
So soft and loving
Is burned in my flesh.
The warmth of your body
Eradicates the slightest chill
In my soul.  
With you
I am at peace.
I long to feel your touch
To hear your voice
Screaming my name.
I long to feel your body
Like the ebb and flow of the ocean
Underneath mine.
I long for the satisfying reward
Of your nails
As they rake across my back  
I long for your teeth on my skin
Nibbling at every sensitive spot
In my possession.  
I long to please you
With a near primal urge
That drives my existence.  
I long to see your expressions
As your eyes cry out in joy
In resonance with your body.
I long to feel our minds
Melting into one
As we reach perfect ecstasy
With an exclamation of
"I love you"
I long to hold you in my arms
And fall asleep knowing
That I belong to you
And fall asleep in such comfort
I don't ever want to get up
I don't ever want to let you go.
870 · Jun 2014
Freddy Young Jun 2014
There's a carnival in town
And he really wants go
But he's not going alone
And nobody will go with him
He's so ******
That when someone does ask him
To go with a group
He almost says no
He almost misses out
On the dinner
And the rides
And the conversation
That will change his life

"We never talk anymore" she said
"You should text me some time"
And just like that his anger is gone
Dwindling away as it was
It wouldn't leave him
Until then

He's so stressed out
Money just doesn't want to help him
He's exchanging so much of their time
For no help
As he begins to lose control
The little that he had left
He wants to throw his fists
Through everything he can
He wants feel the pain of that
Because maybe it'll bring him back to earth

She walks up to him
And wraps her arms around his neck
He leans forward
Into her chest
And listens to her heart
And starts to cry
Tears of relief
As her voice
Sweet as an angel
Echoes through his dark
"Baby it's OK
We don't need anything fancy
We've got each other
I love you"
And all of the worry

He's is so excited
He's been preparing for this day
For some time now
Planning on the right time
The right way
The right words
He's ready to take a leap
To make a commitment
All he wants
Is to be with her
Support her
Lift her
Laugh with her
For the rest of his days
So he asks
"Will you marry me?"
And watches as her face lights up
Losses himself
As her arms wrap around him
And her lips touch his
He soars
As she hugs him
And he raises from his knee
A very different man
In front of the woman
Who changed his life
834 · Jan 2015
Freddy Young Jan 2015
When she texts me
"I love you,"
I feel like not responding
Just so that I can see
Her picture and her message,
"I love you"
Anytime I look at my lock screen.
737 · Nov 2014
Freddy Young Nov 2014
Why is it so hard
To sit still
When all I want to do
Is feed you your teeth?
648 · Jan 2014
Freddy Young Jan 2014
En mi mente te veo
Tu cuerpo fluida
Cautivando mis pensamientos
Como el mar.
Tus ojos brillantes y misteriosas
Como las estrelles del cielo.
La luna llena no compara
A tu belleza.
Te veo bailando
Como si nada te molestia
Pero a la misma ves
Veo en tu mirar un
Pensamiento desnuda
Que no quieres esconder
De amor
Y te quiero  totalmente.
572 · May 2014
Freddy Young May 2014
Tu mente desnuda
   Your naked mind
Es la mas fuerte señal
   Is the strongest sign
De tu amor por mi.
   Of your love for me
Sin cerca
   Without fences
Sin paredes
   Without walls
Sin secretos
   Without secrets
Y tus ojos me enseñan
   And your eyes show me
Tus sentimientos
   Your feelings
Y cuando me dices
   And when you tell me
"Te amo"
   "I love you"
Las palabras me lleven hasta
   The words take me to
El cielo
Y cuando yo te digo
   And when I tell you
"Te amo"
   "I love you"
Te lo digo con toda mi alma
   I say it with all my soul
546 · Jun 2015
Keep Singing
Freddy Young Jun 2015
Your song
Is one I will never tire of
It is sweet
And beautiful
It lifts me above the clouds
And gives me life
Your song is undeniably you
All of your highs
And your lows
And everything in the middle
Your song is one of hope
And faithfulness
And love
Harmonizing with the world
And mine
Harmonizing with yours
Is all I want forever
440 · Apr 2015
Freddy Young Apr 2015
There are many Jones soda bottles
on our bookshelf
My love is a collector.
People in the sun
A Ferris Wheel
A note "I (heart) you"
Two dogs with their noses pressed to each other's
Each one has a feeling.
We used these bottles at our wedding
Unique little vases for flowers at every table.
It was definitely one of my favorite parts of that day
(Short of making my lifelong promise to her)
They used to be just nice to look at
for me
But each and every one of them
now hold a very dear place in my heart
As her collection became ours
We grew closer.
Just so,
as our collection grows
so does our love.
Though I'd say
if it were a race,
Our love would win.
428 · Feb 2014
Freddy Young Feb 2014
This shell is host to a broken soul
Yearning for release
longing to be whole
Ignored for so long
Seemingly pathetic
But in actuality
The lonesome soul is strong
It's been rejected
And yet it has the strength to
Continue fighting
It has the will power to
Even in the worst of times
This shell is host to a warrior
To a tame beast with the potential
To do anything it wants
This shell is me
My soul is strong
I will overcome
357 · Feb 2014
Freddy Young Feb 2014
She flies
On wings of light
way up high            
My angel
She lights my dark
She makes me whole
She gives me breath
To her essence
I follow
I don't need to be
Just in her wake
But that's my favorite place to be
It's a give and take
A yin and yang
She has the wings
I am her warm current
We help each other soar
With her wings of light
She shows me the way
She pulls me out of the dark
350 · Nov 2016
Freddy Young Nov 2016
I can't write poetry anymore.
There are no rhymes in my head.
No witty lyrics pop up
For me to use to compare your beauty to a flower
Or the moon.
Nothing that can be used to show how deep my love is for you.
Nothing to describe the way I feel when our skin touches and our breaths mingle.
It's all gone now.
And I feel like I'm letting you down.
Like the days in which I would woo you
Or sweep you off your feet with a romantic gesture are behind us.
Though I still try.
I know that you know that I love you.
I know that I've told you that my life is better off with you in it.
But how can I prove it
Without the eloquence of my former mind?
You are my everything.
You are my love.
But I can't write poetry anymore.
So I hope that my eyes can show you everything my words no longer can.
342 · Feb 2014
Freddy Young Feb 2014
The sound of her broken heart
is all that we could hear.
It weeps it's delicate tones into the distance
only to echo back as an ominous whisper.
Is there nothing i can do?
I search for something to hold on to
something that will help pull her out of the darkness.
Alas, i find nothing.
If her heart were a machine
I could repair it with a turn of the wrench.
If it were a cloth
I could sew it up, good as new.
But her heart is a heart.
Once it is broken, it is near impossible to repair.
but try i will
for then her heart will stop weeping
and it will sing as an angel
ringing a beautiful melody throughout time
and space
335 · Feb 2014
Enemy of the Mind
Freddy Young Feb 2014
These words are my enemy
For they will never express
With the clarity that my mind
Let's You and I
Experience so thoroughly
That our senses betray us
Let's smell the beauty of a painting
Let's taste the wonder of a song
Let's feel the brightness of the sun
Not the warmth
But the brilliant blinding light            
Let's hear the touch of each others embrace                                    

Let's experience the insanity
Of emotions
If only to be brought back to reality by them
Let's get lost in the maps of our minds
Drawn in the details of our eyes
And discuss the very meaning of
Our love
Without uttering a single word
We'll fall into each other as one
And see things from a new perspective

We'll love madly
With a blinding clarity
Reserved for those lost in love
These words have been my enemy
Betraying the clarity in my mind
But with you
And I
As us
Everything makes sense.
308 · May 2014
Freddy Young May 2014
I really hate it
When she has to leave

— The End —