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Frankie Gestone Sep 2012
Beautiful, sad, and true
Just this little story of me and you
It's always over before you know it
Your laugh, your smile, I once was sure to commit
The beginning, not sure of its start
Not once did I imagine we could ever part
Too perfect and too good to be true
My mind will never forget or get over you
I say deep inside I know you will return
But my heart, oh, how it slowly continues to burn
I have never known love, only hate
But it's you, the way, and I can just see it in your face
Quite sure about where my heart stands
Your soft, smooth skin I feel especially in the palms and tips of my hands
Your warmth is always where I long to be
The artistic wonder of your body always reassures me
Out of the seemingly infinite amount of women
There's just one, your elegance, I am sure to win
Your melodic, finely tuned voice is always on my mind
Your heart-shaped face and flawless smile always sends shivers down my spine
One has to stop and stare as your kind is quite rare
You are every boy's dream, his life he gives to you forever to share
Your fire is my desire, my passion for you I have no shame
Your being, your hair and outline in the dark is like a hungry lion I will never tame
Unleashed, please go freely and teach yourself to learn
For I wait, perhaps one day, you will happily return
If we see each other again, in love, under the sun
It will be only because of the reason that you are and I am the one
Frankie Gestone Apr 2012
We are young, but much older
We are loved, though only by a few of us
We remain restless
We watch out of our windows envious at success stories
Those who have written chapters of promise and wealth
We are the world's forgotten children-who once played in the backyard of our land and kingdom and who swam in oceans of eternal youth
Strangers rob us blind-and we know it
We try to convince ourselves that we are strong, but we shiver clothesless
We know what is wrong, but we do it anyway
School failed us
Society has ***** and stolen our identities
And we watch our neighbors die without saying goodbye
Our friends have long left us
The church we grew up in
is now just a cold, abandoned house; the ghosts never leave
They lived in another lifetime, but we all stay here for safety
  So carry me in your arms and hold me tight
Let us take what is yours- you are little mice and we prey on you like hawks
We want what was ours
We love the excitement at the expense of others
We become our own victims and kidnap our freewill.
We learn, though, and see our shadows in the dark
The silhouettes fool others into believing we are bigger than what we are
We leave them painted on the walls so we are always remembered
The goal is to stain something so deep onto the world that we immortalize ourselves, thus we are not vanished along with our bodies
Frankie Gestone Apr 2012
~In a cemetery, you carried her
She could not walk anymore
You dug the deepest hole and let her rest
Sometimes when it rains,
The bodies flood your land
The graves are too shallow~

When you and I buried
The children in the pouring rain,
We looked up at the angels in shame
As their tears washed the dirt in which
The young forever sleep
The winter pushed its sharp, icy wind
On us the day the Father and Mother
Returned to the earth and below it
Kept our secrets silent
I waited until the summer to bury you
For the hot sun nourished the seeds in the dirt
And allowed your flowers to grow undisturbed in harmony
With the others who have left and gone
I bury my memories when they interrupt my peace
And I dig everyone up when I am lonely
Frankie Gestone Apr 2012
I cried out, "Man is so lost, he does not even know he is lost anymore!"
He chuckled and told me, "No, man knows
he is lost. He just does not care anymore.
In fact, man knows that man
has always been lost, but when he realized he was lost,
he began searching only to soon stop the search."
I screamed, while trying to cover my ears, "Why?"
"Well, it is more comfortable.
The truth scared him, and so did the path to freedom.
So now, man hopes to forget this realization and maybe one day he will be
unaware that he is lost again. Ah, paradise!"
I put the covers over my head and hid safely in darkness.
He was there and lay right with me.
As he opened my eyes, he brutally reminded me,
"The problem is, once it is realized, it
will always come back again to haunt him."
He collected all of my pain in the palm of his hands and blessed me with my own tears.
"This," he said with absolute certainty, "is what you have been hiding.
Bathe yourself, for this is the Truth."
Frankie Gestone Oct 2011
All the people I have ever known
Gather around inside me
Remain forever as a distant memory
Never forgotten
So mysterious how I knew you yesterday
But today you are just an illusion
I often ask the question:
Did you really ever exist?
It seems like all the people I have ever known
All disappear, yet today they seem so real
But when it comes to the end, they are all dreams
Just another form I have invited in my life
Just another aspect of myself
Are they all outside of me
Or inside of me?
When the day is gone and I lay in the dark of night
All that is left is me
Always at the end of every road I have ever traveled,
The only thing
I ever find is me
At the end of my life, the only one left is me
One day when I am gone, will I still be?
What about all the ones I love?
Each and every one of them
Where do they all go?
Frankie Gestone Oct 2011
A creation in somebody's imagination
Became a reality in my dreams
So real, so vivid
An unknown location in my mind
Held happiness and joy
Emotions were quite strong
Yet, so weak was its existence
Because any sudden movement of the rationale
Faded the beauty into nothing
So sad, I lay there
Thoughts wondered what it was
It was all just a reflection of myself
There was no trace of its reality
It was only born and died in my mind
What I loved was something I felt was missing
It was not a particular place or person
I am the place and person
When I look at my love
I see her as the beauty in my dreams
I already have that
If it was once evident in form
Then the formless is inside me
My own creation
If I want you to love
I need to love the nature in which I dwell
Frankie Gestone Aug 2011
The night introduced us to our deepest desire
A bed only for two could hold us like a nest
A black room and a hint of light from the moon
With only the subtle outlines of our bodies
Then fear came along by tapping on our shoulders
And now narrating a brand new scene:
Uncomfortable, he said to her,
"I am sorry, but we are unfamiliar with each other."
She said, "I have waited so long to meet.
Strangers can become lovers.  A seed may become a flower."
Slightly more comfortable, he then thought and said,
"A garden of flowers uncared for will become a manifestation of weeds."
A drop of sweat rolled across his body,
Not long before he became a flooded town,
And she became a rain shower of tears.
Time ran by both of them and left behind a trail
Of disappointment and confusion
Now indifferent to what used to matter most
Pain was buried beneath them
Hard to even feel, but they knew it was somewhere in the background
Now, so distant are they, yet just an inch apart
So alone they felt, yet both were accompanied by one another
The appointment was over
Sleep arrived and took each separately away to another place
The morning spoke to him when he awoke telling him
"You may have died, but you are born again
The night will always come again
The next time it comes, Love it
Speak to it slowly, Hold it in your arms
Be gentle, and Take care of it."
She last said to him,
"Being sorry keeps you in the same black room. The lock is inside the room.
Just feel to find it, and unlock the door. I will be waiting."
She closed the door.
He was alone in a room
Bare of all that he was
Wondering if he would ever see her again
He heard himself inside say,
"Next time you lay next to her alone,
Water the garden."
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