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Francisco DH Mar 2014
And the
And the mountains echoed
And then there were none
And the band played on
And the waters turned to blood.
Found something about making Google poems and I tried it. lol
Francisco DH Mar 2014
Let us
Let us play with your look
Let us love and sing and wonder
Let us reason ministries
Let us go then you and I
Francisco DH Sep 2013
Resting my heart on the pillow within
Taking this chance for it to rest.
Closed the walls and the doors
Go to sleep Heart
You deserve it.

You don't have to worry about
Working everyday trying to get his attention
You don't have to worry about
hiding the tears away.

Just go to sleep
you deserve it.
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Every tear drop
Stains your shirt
but you don't care.

You rather I stain
A hand me down
While I am down
Than stain my skin with red.

It's no lie
I've done it before
Carved my tears
Deeper and Deeper
into my
Not so hand me downs
When I am down
Just not deep enough to be dead.

Each tear drop
Stains your shirt
But you don't care.
Francisco DH Oct 2014
The sun evicted itself, let you own its place.
As a welcome home gift, it left it’s rays
it knows you are a girl who needs to be seen
And I, on cloud nine, got front row seats.

Free falling like the shuttle as it orbits the earth
I’m enamored by the beauty you are able to birth
You best mark my words from now until forever
For this is a bond that can never be severed.
It was a deadly beating in my heart
As we fell apart.
I was losing all my will
It was like I couldn’t feel.
I numbed it all with other names
But there ain’t hope when there’s pain
Even though you said we’re through
Nobody could ever replace you.
I wrote a note with the words
“I really need you back Baby, I can change.”
hung it on a purple string

Three days later you found my body on the floor
With tears, “Why” your only heard implore.
Above you was the string, you noted its existence
O, never waking up is my only repentance.
I rewrote what my friend did cause he said basically have fun with it. and I did so this is what I got, Any suggestions?
Francisco DH Dec 2013
It's hard to get up
in the morning
in your
He is there
whispering everything will be okay
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I was a fool
I am a fool
Waiting for the chance, waiting to experience your love
and being the imbecile, being the simpleton that I am
I talked to your sister to have that chance

I wanted, GOD, I wanted
But now it's like I don't even matter
Like what you said, what you told me in person doesn't matter
None of it matters anymore
Francisco DH Nov 2013
The wind shreds at the tattered remains of his heart
And steals the pieces, scattering them every which way.
What's suppose to be the agonizing perception of being in pain
is the perception of relief.
No longer will tears hit the the broken remnants to play the somber tune of heart break.
No longer will words be able to salt his exposed arteries.
No longer will he feel the silence dance around him getting closer and closer when he is alone.
For not bearing a heart
leaves no heart to bear scars
and perceive pain
Francisco DH Jan 2013
Can you hear the noise when a heart breaks?
Could you hear mine?
I did

First the Violins pulled and a warm sound came to my ears
It was like a tiny flame warming it
But it was actually preparing it for the shatter

Then The Violins pushed and screeching was heard
It cracked once, than twice, than it shattered
it felt like Glass was thrown at the floor and the shards were pushing against my arteries
Like Rain drops were frozen and hitting the inner walls letting hollow sounds echo

Could you hear the Heartbreak melody mine was making?
Can you hear the song a heart makes when it breaks?
I did, oh I hear it
Francisco DH Jan 2013
A wail wants to come out to echo across the room
But these tears are in the way,
Don't know when they will be through

What ring does the heart makes?
When it doesn't know what to do
Turn right, turn left, it don't know which way it's to take

It beats on drums
It plays the harp
Plucking each string like it's plucking shards
Likes it healing the heart but fails

It strums the guitar
Voices the Voice of the hearts that are breaking
But it strains too much and only a sharp sound of pain is let out

Shattered, cold, wanting to be alone
Tattered, sold, What is needed to be shown

Stopped, froze, it is now gone
Singing, silently The heart Break song
Francisco DH Apr 2013
Can you hear the noise when a heart breaks?
Could you hear mine?
I did.

I felt the hums and I heard the creaks
Then the groans echoed throughout my body.
It cracked once, It cracked twice, then it shattered.
It felt like shards of glass against the arteries,
Against the inner walls.

Could you hear my somber tune?
Can you hear the song a heart creates when it is broken?
I did.
Francisco DH Sep 2013
My Heart’s on a line
Drying the tears that were shed
Time to bring it in.

Again on the line
With a hole I need to mend
Wasn’t loved by him.

I mended the hole,
And now I must keep it dry.
Until the next time.

On the line but whole,
Just waiting for the right guy
To pull it inside.

So I won’t have to
Keep my heart hung on a line
So it can be dried.
Francisco DH Jul 2013
I left my heart out on the line,
To dry after my tears
washed away the pain.

Hurry up Heart.
Dry so I can fold you
and place you neatly back in my chest.
And then take you out.
So you can be worn again
on my sleeves.
Feeling a bit love sick
Francisco DH Feb 2013
Holding on when I should let go
Everything makes me think of you
Letting my mind take over
Please just leave my mind

Moments away from forgetting
Eventually I do forget
Francisco DH Jan 2014
He stood there
All she could was stare
He had no words to say
But she had plan
Only her mouth was forced to a close with a kiss
Only it was anything but bliss
He tainted the kiss
when he tasted the girl
Two lockers down
Just another aimless thought about high school love ~shoulder Dance~
Francisco DH Mar 2014
And then I heard faintly his voice
A muffled whisper in the back of my mind
Beckoning me to embrace fully his memory.
And then I saw him walk alongside the streets
Blurred as if he were distantly
Making his way towards me.
But I, a lover only in dreams of day,
Looked the other way.
But I, a navigator of unrequited roads,
Turned up the radio and drove further into the cold.
Francisco DH Dec 2013
Each blow was every word he told me

Each blow was every word she told me

Each blow was every word I told myself

The tree no longer looks the same
Francisco DH Jul 2013
There was space between my fingers but now the space is occupied
with my other hand who felt cold.
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Holding onto the rope
     Rope fibers tear at my skin.
I kick my feet and try to hoist myself
      Fatigue weighs me down.
What lies below is nothing but a dark entity
     Waiting to consume
Francisco DH Mar 2013
However long it's between you and me I will always love you
Of the times we spent together, I chose all of the them to represent you and me
Let's hold each other, you hold me and I hold you
Don't ever let me go and if you have to just let me down easy

Most of the time I think of you just holding me of us just resting together
Every moment spent is a moment I love to the extent I want you to hold me and never let me go
Francisco DH Jan 2014
I tried to write a love poem
But my words, like my tongue, were tied into knots
Not able to pass through the pencil's lips
and onto the paper
For you.
Was in the shower and thought of being Tonged tied and then thought of how some can't write love poems because of the subject of the poem ~shurgs~ lol Hope y'all enjoy :D
Francisco DH Sep 2013
When you can't stop thinking of them
When you wake up and the first thing on your mind is them.
When you remember all the ******* they put you through but still smile.
When you look up to the clouds and you swear you can spell out their name if you shift some clouds here and there.
When Alicia Keys "No one" is playing in your head.
When you forgive them before they even tell you what they did.
When you see something and you know they would like to have whatever you saw or do whatever you saw.
when you know that at that moment and possibly forever they are the only ones who can make you feel loved.
Just thinking of him really.... Anthony....Anthony....Anthony.....
Francisco DH Apr 2013
When I shake my head I can hear it swish and I know I let some out but there is still more
My hands are not yet cramping, are not yet begging to be rested
I must keep on going until I shake my head and it makes no sound.

Some say that every minute is too much
Some say everyday is too much
But I say it's not enough
it's better to have too much then not having any at all

So I keep on writing whatever comes to mind
I keep penning love poems
I keep typing acrostics

You can never have too much
Can't. Stop. With. Poetry.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
The love for you is
Heart Warming
cheek heating
mind spinning
Heart pounding

Your love for me is
Not there

The truth is
not welcomed
To hard to know

The pain inside is
Glass smashing
Earth Shattering
Mind splitting
........ Heart breaking
Francisco DH Dec 2013
Go and cast the stone
Forget all about your sins
Focus on my own.

Look into my eyes
With your righteous conviction
Go and cast the stone.
Francisco DH Mar 2014
I was taught many, a many lessons ago
To fall in love with the first one I meet.
To obey the orders and not question the theme.
To follow the Simon and follow my dreams.

I was taught many, a many realities ago
To lock my heart for the one with the key.  
To break the rules when arise a need.
To be the Simon with achievable deeds.
Was just thinking of what I have grown up learning by listening to adults and watch kid movies compared to what I am told now and what I have experienced.
Francisco DH Jun 2013
I just want to be

I just want to have
Peace within myself
            within my life
a Husband who will love every aspect of me and enjoy all my love

I just hope for
Change for the better

I need
*solitude at times
Writing supplies
Francisco DH Aug 2014
So he told me.
And against my better judgement I must take him at his word.
But someones word is a good as watered down wine
Unless the seller is an honest man
and we don't have to many of those in this place we call home.
but maybe in the corners of his circular mind he feels like that.
Then his word is wine aged to perfection
and I the content buyer.
Francisco DH Jun 2013
I am
The boy who walks with his head down low
Blocking the white static that leaks from their mouths with the sounds I create with my mind.
I never look people in the eye not because I am afraid but because if they look into mine they will see all the secrets and all the pain. Shadows of my past, a past not worth mentioning.

I am
The girl who stares at her reflection and only sees the imperfection hanging from her sides.
I cover my arms with black sweaters  to hide the rough edges, the roads that will lead to a damaged heart.
I stare at the ceiling and see a world beyond my reach and the beatings of reality come and bruise my skin.

I am
The child who looks up to the one's who are "right" and mimic them, I am their puppet.
I see the world with colors.
The word "why" is always on the tip of my tongue always wanting to come out
like some popper.
I am too young to know what the world is really like so I stay safe in the comforts of my imagination.

I am
the stranger who longs to be heard but can never make a sound. My voice is a series of silent syllables.

I am.....
Francisco DH Dec 2013
I am a puzzle
Who's pieces all fit 'cept one
The one that does not fit
is not one but several
which one will be the one to complete me?
Francisco DH Feb 2013
I no longer see with broken glasses
I use to squint to see the perfection
And letting the rough edges fade in the background
But now they are fixed and I can see clearly

Those rough edges I was talking about
They are popping out.
I now see that the way you act and how you acted was wrong
I now see that you playing with my feelings was also wrong

I no longer need a hearing aid
I use to turn the volume up to hear your laugh
And turn the volume down when you would say certain things
But now I have my hearing fixed

All those words, all those things
I hear them clearly now
Those the “I like you” turned to” I have mixed feelings”
I hear them clearly

I use to be broken
I use to not function as well
And would be blinded and deaf
And would continue to like you
But Now I am fixed

I fixed myself
And see that it is you that is broken
But I am not going to take time to fix you
Francisco DH Aug 2013
I don't mean to hurt people
But I end up doing it anyway
One way or another.

I don't mean to be how I am
I try everyday to better myself
But it seems what I am slips through the cracks.

I guess this is an apology
for hurting the people I do.
For being how I am when the
Person I am is a selfish *******.

I am sorry.
Francisco DH Aug 2013
To be happy, I can never be happy
Not when I put my happiness in the back of the line and escorts hers
to the front.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
So cold, I feel so cold
Ice driven through my heart
Freezing every artery every pore
This cold is all I have left as reminder of you
Francisco DH Feb 2014
I closed my eyes
  And watched your face become the black
      That my eyes see.
Francisco DH May 2014
Where are the grass stains I must obtain on my white t-shirt to establish my wiliness to “get *****”?
Where are the ****** urges I must purge with ******, lewd, and snide jokes of the opposite ***?   Where is the confidence I must amplify with impulsivity so reason is kept captive somewhere, hidden from consciousness?
Where is my preordained disposition in giving commands to ones not fit for a position of authority?
Where is my masculinity?

Where are the words, long in lettering, that captivate not the attention of comprehension but of curiosity amongst others?
Where are the capabilities of manipulating numbers in a way one performs faster than the standard calculating machine?
Where are the messages I must retain once I completed the reading of a book?
Where is my Intellectuality?

Where is my sense of correlation of colors and patterns, of fabrics, of style?
Where is my aversion to the concept of bruising one’s body for rough play tends to direct in that direction?
Where is the decibel of higher vocals?
Where are the strides taken with more movement ‘round the hips?
Where is my homosexuality?

Where is my ability to manage my tongue in that it is capable of switching spoken words to fit them who cannot understand?
Where my culinary skills in creating edible sources of energy that are saturated in spice and colors?
Where is my Latinity?  

Where are my products of raw originality?
Where are my thought provoking notions held together by a commonality: my mind?
Where are my blueprints, harboring designs for the business I have yet to construct?
Where is my Americanity?

Snitched into my fabric,
Welded and wrought into my frame,
Liquefied and pressurized
Revised and ratified
Into me.
Just alot is going on
Francisco DH Nov 2012
I did that once
Hid my shame, boxed it away and gave it to my friend the closet  
He was a good friend that kept all my secrets
He would never betray me

I did that once
Laughed at their little jokes that were towards women and girls
They were ****** and had all laughing both in and out but for me it was only out
I boxed my feelings away and gave them to The Closet

I did that once
Shut my eyes tightly and force images of women's privates
And when A thought of a boy or a man entered my mind I would boxed that too
The Closet took it with open arms and hid it away from the light

I did that once
Chose a girl that would help mask me
I hid behind her and used her as a front
When a question arosed I pulled her closer

My closet has hidden many things about me
Things that I have done are carefully wrapped in newspaper
Hiding in the Closet

I did that once
Shed some light on my trueself
and opened The Closet's door a crack
I let some things come out

I did that once and I don't have to do it again
I am no longer ashamed even though I might blush
I love the way I am
I am who I am
The Closet door is Now opened for all to see
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I told you
and you yelled at me
with hate pouring out of your mouth
acid and poison

I cried but my tears did not mean a thing
You are caught up in the hate for my step dad you even compare me to him
You are caught up in the bible that you don't see that your son is hurting inside

Last night we were arguing
you told me all this
My dad must have molested me
some one must have touched me
But no
I was born this way

I now feel at peace with myself
and you know I might have someone  else
who will accept me

I don't care any longer
Whatever you try it's not going to work
I will never change
Francisco DH Aug 2014
I escaped

the truth of reality
for a wisp of lies
         if not for a moment of peace.

my room tinted in shallow puddles of gray
        assured tranquility
                                  if only for a moment.

I escaped
             If  i return is of no consequence to me.
[I married]-
By Lorine Niedecker       In influenced the  beginning.
Francisco DH Jun 2013
If I can't kiss you
Let my lips say your name sweetly

If I can't hold you
Let me close enough to where I feel your presence

If I can't love you
Let me show it in hidden smiles and gestures

If I can't do anything
Just let me try
Francisco DH Feb 2013
If I could speak what needs to be heard
You would hear that I want to be the one.

If I could show what needs to be showed
You would see that I want to be the one.

If I could send mental messages
You would know that I want to be the one.

But I can't speak, can't show, can't think
You will never know
Francisco DH Jun 2014
If I were famous

Ha! Not a single human being would be able to match the words I spew out daily.
They will faintly be a former,  former fragile shell of themselves cracked as I step all over 'em.

If I were famous

I will have not only the amateurs but the professionals lapping up my words begging to be fed the wisdom I conjure but hehe I will only feed them the bones.

If I were famous

I wouldn't give a rats *** 'bout what you saw, who you saw, why you saw, What you gonna do about it, Nothing cause you a wimp ;)

If I were famous....
I decided to go with a cocky unkind I'm entitled to everything persona
(shrugs) What I was in the mood to write well in this case type  
(don't hate me lol )
Francisco DH Feb 2013
“Not today”
If not now then when?
When Will these boxes you place for us be crushed and burned and not recycled?
When will the doors will be open for all?

“Not Today”
IF not now then when?
When will we be free and not look upon when distaste?
When will we be treated all equal?

“Not today”
If not now then when?
When will be accepted like others before us?
When will be talked in schools to make sure what we went through wouldn't be repeated?

If not today, then when
Cause I would really like to know.
Francisco DH Dec 2012
IF there was a day when you need a hand
I will be there to lend you mine

If there was a day you need a hug
I will be there to wrap my arms around you

If there was a day when you needed an someone to listen
I will be there my ears opened for your words

If there was a day you felt lonely
I will be there beside you

If there was a day you grew afraid
I will be there to face your fear with you

If there was a day when you thought your life was meaningless and You should throw it all away
I will be there to tell you that you have meaning and prevent you

And  if there was a day when you said you will never be with me and just want to be friends
I will be there, fulfilling all my promises that I made
Francisco DH Sep 2013
If you are not sure of what you want then you should leave me alone.
Don't come up to me and expect me to fold your problems and place them neatly back in your closet.
Don't come up to me with your arms around me to hold you up when you want to fall down.
Because every single time you do I want to
Not fold your problems but take them to Goodwill because someone else can use them.
Not hold you to keep you from falling but hold you to keep you close to my heart.
If you are not sure then stay away from me.
Francisco DH Jul 2013
If you were to read my poems
it would be in the safety of your room.

If you were to asorb every I love yous and I want yous
it would be under the watchful eyes of the stars and the moon.

If you were to develop feelings of pleasure and were to, in result, smile
It would be when all were asleep.

If you were to love me because of my poems
It would be in the corner of your heart this secret you would keep.
Francisco DH Apr 2013
If you were to leave today,
Pack my love in your suitcase
make some room and tuck it nicely so it won't wrinkle

If you were to leave today,
Don't say good bye to me
But instead say I  will see you later
Because the idea of you leaving for good
Makes me want to cry

If you were to leave today,
Leave slowly and keeping looking back
So I know you yourself didn't want to go

if you were to leave today
I would want you to know that I would miss you terribly
I would be the bird who's wings got clipped
The dog without his bone
I would want you to know I will never forget you
If you were to leave today
Francisco DH Jan 2014
Let the ignorance
be the repeated subject
through out history.

No one bothers to
Look through all the pages
Go through the chapters

To see that we have
Done this time and time again
Time and time again.
Francisco DH Jan 2013
I guess Kelly Clarkson was right
What doesn't **** you makes you stronger

I haven't died from the pain held inside
Nor have I bruised much
My heart has broken but nothing a little Duct Tape can't fix
Nothing a little glue can't fix

Maybe it is like when you break a bone
It hurts like hell
But Once in a cast it begins the process of healing
It itches like hell
and I might have to use a pencil or two to get rid of the itch but
then Once the cast is off I will be able to use it

Yeah maybe My heart will be like that
Wrote this a while back
Francisco DH Mar 2013
There was no bells that rung
No angels that descended from heaven and sang
No there was none of that

Only my words being ****** away by the noiseless night
I just don't know why but I did
And I can try but I just don't know

There was no heart fluttering like the wings of a Hummingbird
No fuzzy-wuzzy feeling in my heart
No there was none of that

Only me thinking out loud and wondering
Just me and you "Running like *******"
I don't know what possessed  me   but I did it

Don't know what is going to happen
I just don't know
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