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  Oct 2016 Francis T
Vanessa Gatley
Where everything seems evil
Well now it's begun
My horror of life
In which I habe felt
Most pain
Francis T Oct 2016
So cold and motionless...
Like a puddle of water...
Going no where and soon may vanish if the rain stops...
To be forgotten...
Like a fuzzy dream...
Not able to feel any emotion...
Like someone has pressed the pause button on you...
Stopping your life and never hitting play...
-Francis Tolentino
Francis T Oct 2016
Dancing and having fun
Before you know it a slow song
Everyone looking for a person to use this song to connect there emotions together
Watching everyone find someone and some already dancing
On the dance floor alone you lock eyes with this familiar face
Slowly walking to each other as your hands connect
You sway back a forth
The song goes your hands slide down and rest on her hips
As she lifts her arms and wraps them around your neck her hands holding on
Again swaying to the song
Another moment where we stare at each other foreheads soon against each others
Still swaying
As we both start singing to the song
She wraps her arms around you and you do the same holding each other so tightly
Singing and swaying
Feeling those feelings that were hidden away for so long
The warmth you feel couldn't match anything you've felt before
The song slowly ends but our hug never stopped
I haven't slow danced with someone in so long... Last night was amazing, I felt so warm...
Francis T Oct 2016
Looking left and right but no one to be seen
Walking down this meadow grass
Bare feet softly stepping on the wavey grass
Grass slipping in between your toes

As you fall backwords your fall is cushioned by the grass
Blindly staring at the blue lightly cloudy sky
The clouds shaping into many different shapes
The wind whistling through your ears
Like nature is singing you a lullaby

As you close your eyes
You slowly fall into a deep slumber
For once I wrote a positive poem :)
  Oct 2016 Francis T
Good heart
Giving heart
Sunshine girl never gives up doesn't care if it rains
Am I sun
or am I
Is there more
to this
Is there a frown
Am I
trapped in a fishbowl swimming in circles
while everyone else is happily in the sea
because I don't know how
to get to the bright and big ocean
because it's
I have to go.
Francis T Oct 2016
I wonder sometimes if i'm real or not?
Many things in my life happen...
You know that saying?
"It's to good to be true"
But even if it's to good to be true there are still bitter tastes to it
Even having the most meaningful relationships they still have bitter tastes
It may seem amazing and so happy to others
But it may be that they are suffering...
Telling each other
"Don't give up"
Easier said then done...
Are these feeling what really makes me "me"?
  Oct 2016 Francis T
It's poem time, it poem time;
Every day now I must have a poem time
I must brush the cobwebs off my lips
Blow the dust off of my pen
And with every sunrise there must be
A poem time to define what's me.
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