I think it’s been too long
Since I last told you
How much I really love you,
I think it’s been a while since I could
But now that my chest is free of pressure
And my heart is free to fly
I can finally tell you this again:
You are my breath, my heart,
Woven into the fabric of my soul
Every single growing cell of me
Loves more than the last
And every day I love you more
Than I did the past
And I don’t care how cliche it sounds
To say I would take a bullet for you,
It’s true.
And I know, with zero doubt,
You are the other half of my soul
The perfect match for me
Irrevocable and true
I want nothing more than to spend
the rest of my life with you.
So don’t forget this, my love:
I won’t ever leave you.