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  Jun 2014 Francis Titus
I didn't receive anything
I could hold in my hands
from you
But the best gift I received
this year on my birthday
was a chance.

I hold that
in my heart.
You told me that you would never leave me
You Lied
You told me you would love me forever and never let me go
You Lied
You told me we were gonna get married and live happily ever after like in a fairytale
You Lied
You told me that no one could ever replace me
You Lied
You told me that she meant nothing to you
You Lied
You told me you could never love her as much as you loved me
You Lied
You told me that I was your one and only
You Lied
You told me that one day we was gonna have a family of our own
You Lied
You told me that you would forgive me and forget about everything I did wrong
You Lied
You told me you would never keep secrets from me
You Lied
You told me you would never lie to me

— The End —