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I  smell the earth
In your words
Shall I read a book,
or make a little ryhme,
but the million dollar question,
is ******* the time!
Few suggested take a walk,
grab the phone begin to talk,
another friend says try to cook,
but I gave him a crazy look,
someone advises, watch a game,
follow chelsea, they got fame,
My brothers idea was kinda creep,
he said forget everything, go to sleep,
I made my move, a second it took ,
Thanks to Zuckerberg, I got facebook !!
 Jun 2016 Francis Chapman
 Jun 2016 Francis Chapman
and i have never really understood why i hate luggage.
why i barely own handbags,
and would much rather fit the necessities in my purse.
why school didn't seem so bad if i had less books on my back.

i had never really understood why i hated so much baggage.

until i realised that it was because i already had all of me,
to carry.
Words like backpack, espresso, and morning
they make me want to thrive.
Ideas of the pas, the now and the future
they make me want to run and let go.
Bed, sleep, snuggle
I want to fall in love again.
Adventure, summer, single
make me warm and wanting inside.
My whole being has missed this freeing feeling,
No current control, no connections to have,
Now, finally, its I and my sweet lost soul.
I am so much better than I used to be
in every way possible
I don't cry as much anymore
I don't scream as much anymore
I don't let unworthy men put their ***** hands on my body anymore
Recovery comes in waves, big and small
and sometimes it is hard to celebrate the little victories
so here's to those triumphs, the forgotten ones
Here's to getting out of bed before noon
here's to not calling in sick to work
remembering to return the dvd's on time
eating food that will make me feel good
eating food in general
bringing my inhaler with me when I know I'm going to smoke cigarettes
not beating myself up for smoking said cigarettes
here's to a summer in which I am actually comfortable in my own skin
and here's to daily progress
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