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99 · Jan 2019
Beyond The Eyes
Folie Jan 2019
The dull grass holds more then you might be thinking
The hills hide secrets and the cogs are spinning
A hidden a city under the ground
None of the brainless can hear it’s sound
Come see my grand imagination
Even death is seen as pretty
No wait it’s not twisted, stay with me
My world of thoughts are waiting and you hold the key
Beyond the gate, a golden city.
98 · Oct 2018
Spotlights In My City
Folie Oct 2018
Lights, lovers, I want the fame
Bright face and it to cover, guess there's only me to blame
But since the start jealousy’s lead my city
Oh so pretty
Locked in a trance, don’t give me pity.
For now I’m falling
Hope sprawling
Take me back home, I’m crawling
Don’t be sorry, there is no worry
I’m getting out of here, but I’m in no hurry
Cause if I run the spotlights will follow
They guilt me back, oh so shallow
And now my meanings are hollow
I will return to my hometown with my pride, I swallow.
98 · Nov 2018
Folie Nov 2018
There’s an empty illusion, my mind cloaked in utter confusion and I
Interrupting my own thoughts with unfinished conclusion. My minds losing, sanity spewing,
I’ll lose
in trees
I wish I didn’t tell you what I’m doin’ but my mind grips desperation and it’s not you I plan on fooling
This is one of my first poems. It’s its 1 year anniversary actually
98 · Feb 2019
Thoughts I Sleep On
Folie Feb 2019
I'm walking through days and nights
don't know I am but I see me in spite

I'm troubled every day and night
On who I can be and if I can continue to fight

Who am I really when I don't do what's right
When my eyes don't seem bright
When I question my hope, that's when I lose the sun's light
I see me as a coward at night.
97 · Apr 2019
Shallow Water
Folie Apr 2019
God’s teardrops
Drown me till the rain stops
I’ll wait till tomorrow
The weight of a great sorrow
Has caught my mind with an arrow
Precise as the line of a hunting sparrow
Hiding my real feelings
If I’m doing well or if truly caught by hell, there's no telling
96 · Nov 2018
Forgotten Graves
Folie Nov 2018
Timeless trifles occupy my eyes as
I break down issues stuck inside my ill-mind.
But with this thought, it’s too dreadful to put aside
Hollow hope we do all yet fail at flying
and most deaths we leave their grave alone and crying
as they lose their legacy and all of their pointless trying
how could we just let their efforts fade as it beckons to be learnt for their mistakes and accomplishments
only for us to do everything they did but once again
Their gravestones get destroyed more and more every year as we neglect something we always claim to always fear
Yet we’re repetitions stuck in the past
and the future unwilling to remember
If history continues to repeat itself we will not last
95 · Dec 2018
Lion’s Pride
Folie Dec 2018
Accepting mistakes
I hate it
My pride’s at stake when it’s not perfect
So many times I’ve given up because of perfection
So many times I’ve ruined something because I thought I could do better
I just want to be happy.
95 · Nov 2018
The Loner
Folie Nov 2018
Amongst the ****** of crow off to the show
far apart a dove has better know not to go rather stay here
95 · Dec 2018
Frozen Boots
Folie Dec 2018
Treading through snow
They’ll walk into territory they don’t know
Half the path is frozen over and they cant see down the road
The cement is cracked and dead, it’s wear was sold by the red soldiers abandoned to the ones in black
The angel's of death go along as if made of golden prosperity
Slower and slower they continue till the same road wears their cold bodies
Hey Let’s play: guess that historical event.

I'm not sure why I made this I just got bored and thought this was a good idea
94 · Oct 2018
Folie Oct 2018
I am on fire
Seas need to drench me, dire
conspire against the sun and I'll try harder
consume my body in painless addiction, water
93 · Dec 2018
Winter Branches
Folie Dec 2018
Drunkin as I stride
Stumble through forest of memories Trying to find a door before I get lost in trees
The tigers of nightmares see the innocence in me
They want me to bleed
Eyes of the predator pitch blacker the closer it gets
Speed by cold weather
I never plan on getting caught so I’ll hide amongst the winter branches till summer and forever.
92 · Dec 2018
A Lifeline From Lonliness
Folie Dec 2018
When my bones turn old
Stay on the phone so I’m not cold
Company will always warm my soul
Until my last day, when you put down the phone
89 · Nov 2018
Anniversary Mask
Folie Nov 2018
Lost in confusion
I know I’m not safe and I don’t use illusion
Lie to myself but no ones getting fooled then
I’ll try again before I start shattering
The glass is
I’m glad it’s happening
Cause hate who I see in the reflection
I’m regretting even
That I’ve been set in
I’m upset again
Do I look fret my friend?
This is a play on of Masquerade. I highly recommend it if you feel a bit lost at some parts or if you want to see what I did when it came to word play
88 · Feb 2019
Dripping Cyanide
Folie Feb 2019
What happen to our walks home where we didn't think about the differences
What happen to being self grown and understanding who the other is
How could you become so blind yet try to describe me
I'm annoyed by you're attempts to hand cyanide to prescribe me
88 · Dec 2018
Folie Dec 2018
Hostile fangs of a snake
Trusting would be a mistake
Knowing its heart’s fake
Defile my respect when it’s my trust you break
Show me wear to bare my scars
Endure the venom as I tread along leaving a trail so long it won’t lose me when I lose myself
So long.
Folie Nov 2019
A pure soul bares used fangs with blood dripping down their lips while they carry a soft smile knowing know one saw what they did
To that husk devoid of a soul with two holes left in their heart knows pain yet that wasn’t what left them for dead
That was left to knowing they didn’t die after the tragedy and that the rest only hold fury toward them just because the husk won’t pretend to have a heart left in their chest.
I’m not done yet.
Folie Nov 2018
I can't find the rest of the water in me
Lost searching for the inner meaning
Stuck in pointless thinking, sinking
Only halfway down than it hit me, reality
Only half a face and the rest a hollow disgrace
A mask I use to hide a trace,
Of fear that might show cause if it's hidden no one will know
that I've lost my soul but this mask comes with a toll
Water, now let me use the rest to paint the act
A young kid struck trying to a meaning to his mind. He searches in the stage till he finds out he must hide his intentions no matter the price. So he puts on the mask and flaunts it’s envied beauty as he looks in the crowd only to see strife. The audience is displeased at his vacant self care and now he’s realized he wants to please the crowd.
That, is my life.
Folie Dec 2018
You glisten, glow, warm my heart through snow
Melt my feelings when I watch you go
Warmth pulsing from your presence
I love the show
Show me not to fear the showers of lonely dreams when you’re holding me
I’m falling through my thoughts I need to get a hold of me
Walking through a colder scene so I use you in my poetry
But you feel like you are never here
Your thoughts are holding me
And mine keep you from going but little did I know I’m the only one that’s holding me
I’m the only one warming me
I’m the only one warning me to stay away from the glowing
77 · Sep 2020
Folie Sep 2020
Gold can hold its weight but you can’t hold your own
Fools coin in your purse, I think I, found who cast the first stone
Ten years older and you still don’t live on your own

Bottomless cup but you never filled it
Take your emotions and, bottle up
I hope you, “bottoms up” till you lose feeling
Cheap whisky made you  warm up
Bet I got you thinkin as if it matters anymore, boy you’re sweatin’

Spilt your cup, I got you pouring
Most the time this sites annoying, buncha pent emotion placed aside like a toy, that barrel of feelings is pulsing
The slump ain’t the issue, just don’t stay it, correct your posture and keep pushing off the pavement, It’s time I dip, my toll is your time and thank you for the payment
Hey you, don’t turn around, boi Vulture’s keeping an 👁 on you from SoundCloud 😂
75 · May 2020
Folie May 2020
Perfection is a beautiful thing
Something we’ve always been fascinated by
But there is a subjective to every true perfection
To many, it’s a god, the true perfection, the one we’ve sacrificed love and life for
To some, a way of living, believing that we as humans, we can reach true perfection
But is there even a true perfection?
73 · Mar 2020
Dead Optimist
Folie Mar 2020
I’ll wear my heart on my sleeves so when I sleep I can feel the weight of my soul but I don’t hear a beat
I hear a scream, it says
Let me spread my wings, set me free
Don’t hold me down, just let me seek
My brightest thoughts, my darkest hours
I didn’t live if I died a coward, but I’m buried alive
My flame will burn through my coffin and only get brighter
Till Im tired of this rock and go among the other lights
I’m a star you should look up at
Folie Mar 2020
Simplicity’s a mistress I won’t sleep with
A fine line between quality and quantity can often be read in the lines of what a poet says
Though most people can’t get past two lines or achieve either
So call me jealous, I’ll call you shallow
66 · May 2020
Folie May 2020
Skin peeling off
Apple core rotted in a crack den
Needles for stems and the seeds are much better off
One’s barely on the tree and the other already fell off
Bitter taste left on the grass but there’s still time to grow
Winter just ended and everyone’s waiting to be blown away
Folie Jun 2020
The poet stood their, defeated, harrowed by how he was wrong, dead yet still hung on the last sound , not able to let all his limbs slip into the void, but you see the poet needs to let go, the poet needs to understand that all mistakes will be known as something of the past but will be forgotten far before rhythm

Who’s to say, that no matter how reality checks out, we’ll be thinking something different, could you think it? Or is it rather holding a gift you don’t want, who’s to say the tangents are beauty if that’s tangible by the eye of the observer you see that must be beautiful, the poet struggles to imagine the idea of starting off the wrong foot

The poet stood their, thinking, how much muddier is it gonna get before I can have an opinion, how many times are you going to tell me why he killed him, but the poet doesn’t care for cause or reason, the poet sees that body, and lays a flower on it.

We seem to hate each other yet we all run from death, and the killer cried, who’s the one with the bloodied knife, I’ll **** you! , and the victim will scream ‘******’ but the killer gets away, just for new white gloves to comes to get stained and

the observer stood there, crying...
You see the poet thinks, it’s bad to wrap yourself in lines you pretend can’t break, cause when you shed them, what’s left?
The poet stood their, spitting, what if I’ve already told you this one, as he sat their thinking of what to spit.
52 · Feb 2020
Cold Shower
Folie Feb 2020
Drunk and stumbling to my room again
I think somethings broken but I can’t feel what’s sinking in
My head’s killing me, I feel heat against my skin
But before know it , Im falling over myself
Didn’t even notice I was looking ceiling
Heeling it to the dresser
Pick it up and put it against the side of my head
That’s it, I’ve had it, I admit, I’m an addict
Can’t even make it through one shot without thinking about my bad habits
Dial up 911, take the safety off and squeeze th-
I’m not suicidal, Incase someone goes through the trouble of thinking it

— The End —