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I like early in the morning everything is fresh and new

I enjoy the smell of your perfume and waking up next to you

I love the sound of your laughter it takes away all my blues

I have so many memories that all consist of you

You and me make two

Then you went away from me and left me all alone I can't seem to find you

We had a love like no other

I loved you better than any other

You would delicately dance so graceful and pure

Your soul is that still near?

I know you had to go away sometimes I may forget your name

May I call you dear? I wonder when I grew old and my hair turned this color?

I look out this window that I now call home

Its not the same without you

Do you dance about so delicately like you use to?

Have you remembered my name and my tender ways with you

My body is so feeble and my mind is too

I am sorry if I forget I don't mean to my mind isn't what it use to be

Either is my body? I sit in this chair I cant hardly move my legs

If you come home right now I couldn't dance anyway

I look at myself and wonder where the years went

Being so young and growing so old

I don't think I look good in old man clothes

I hope you hear me at night when I pray sometimes I cry and want to go away.

I will see you once again up in the sky I can remember the day you died

My heart was broken I no longer cared I miss you like crazy and the wonderful smell of your hair.

I am going to come and see you just wait for me I will unite with you

Have no despair in the mean time I will wait for you

Hoping and longing to have you near

I love you and miss you dear
Mar 2012 · 339
Kisses that Weep
When I see you I don't know if I really see you

Turn around let me look at you

Don't let this disappear

The lack of color

The cry in the night

Love your hungry hands

So desperate and weak

We make gentle kisses as I weep

I will own your heart make it my mine

Won't put a price on it

It's not meant to be sold

I go crazy with fear

Afraid you will go leaving me here

I dream

Want to scream without you

Our worlds seem so far away

If I could just reach you and have you as my own

Unyielding deeper into the core

I go and find you there

Impatient and fevered

Naked and torrid

Strength that takes me

Dampens my eyes

Escape reaches me

And I don't know why
Mar 2012 · 348
Speak,Weep and Rhyme
You ask me what a poem is I shall tell the truth

What it means to me

I could  write it on  paper or write it in  dirt

It's the words that escape my mouth every time I try and speak

It's the hurt that runs way to deep

If I could make a poem speak

I would whisper all my words quietly and slowly until the end of time

If only I could weep

Touch the tenderness of the page

Watch all the letters dance off into space

Through my fingers into the air

All my memories slowly disappear

Through stars and bright skies and sunshine and pain

I engulf my sense of grace

My muse sort of speak

Makes it easy on my mind

Let is all escape until its that time

Form a sentence make it  rhyme

Perhaps this time I will be heard

And not left behind
Mar 2012 · 467
Looking For A Dream
I have a house made of paper

A house made of dust

When you put your hands on it there is nothing to touch

Gathered all the strength I had

Put it into this

Composed what I thought I knew

Existed as this

Crumbled falling and poor

Lost along the way my home hit the floor

Searching for something so I know I’m real

Looking to the streets

Looking for a meal

Put this bottle to my lips

I’ll be warm for awhile

My legs are tired my soul is asleep

Then as darkness comes there is a job for me

I’m full of shame bitter and hate

I can defeat

I study the cracks along my path

That I have walked so many times before

I see the same old man

Looking for his dreams under the stars

I look for a moment just to see

When the next one will come for me

Up against the building so cold

I fall to my knees stuffing the twenty dollar bill into my jeans

As this stranger walks away

I raise my hand to the sky and I begin to plea

Save me from this hell I’m in

Wash it away take my sins

I pick myself up off the ground

Go to a little coffee shop just down town

The people stare at me all battered and cold

It Burden’s my heart just to let you know

I want to shout I was once was like you

My house crumbles between my fists

I take the warm coffee let it hit my lips

The lifeless color in my eyes

As I look at my reflection I ask why?

Out into the cold September night

Wrapping my arms to cocoon myself in

Fighting for what

Will I ever win?

As I drift and my mind roams

Looking into the next day

The winter moon will be coming soon

Will it ever erase the pain I feel

Or take me back to what was once real

Something solid something I can feel

As I close my eyes heading for shelter

Hiding behind my enclosure

The rain starts to fall ever so light

I feel the need to just fight

As the streets call my name

Tonight its my only friend

I study the brick like a piece of art

Where and why did this begin

To the stars and tears that fall along my way

Give me hope for one more day
Mar 2012 · 401
Something Real
Beyond the moon is a place for me
I would like to think its nothing but heavenly
That faith will give love a chance
Where hope is the only choice
There are no holes in the heart of humanity
Where we  don't need weapons  to solve problems
Everyone has a voice and it can be heard
All the sickness disappears
All our tribulations are gone
We don't hesitate just go for the moment
Let me reach a place that I want to know well
Give me inner strenghth
Give me faith as well
Stand for what you believe
Believe in something real
Mar 2012 · 447
Giving up
Love is about giving up

Giving in

Letting go

Only warm sacred sea through wild promises

Under the naked light

Together we devour the soul

Remember the kiss with a moist fear

Whispers under the tree

Worshipping the soft breeze

Embrace explore me

I shall soak with a gentle heart

Hanging on to the sweetness of the night

Painting drunk harmony

Trying to make it right

Passion imagining the moment

Through wild pain

When young hearts are shattered my life is long

I lay in bed your so far away from me

Where did it go?

What has happened to my once vibrant soul?

As I turn away the days seem to collect

A  little corner of my heart

Tucked away like a broken piece of glass

Laying shattered laying last

Let me cry

Let me sorrow

Let it go away
Mar 2012 · 568
The summer days seem so far
The ground is covered with snow
I ask myself why
The flowers seem to be at bay
Hiding beneath the snow
I feel so alone
Far away from where I’ve roamed
The streets don’t look the same
Broken buildings what a shame
Nobody dances or rises above the pain
We all gather just the same
I can feel you around me
Embracing the air that surrounds me
I think of days that I lived my life
I once was complete
The sky is dark the sun don’t shine
I know I have made mistakes
Follow me into my defeated heart
Perhaps I may have a new start
Mar 2012 · 427
Heading down the highway just me and my truck
I don’t think there is anything here that could bring me comfort or luck
To take a moment to feel my love
Where did we go wrong?
I have no place to belong
I crawl down this darkness of  this empty path
Looking behind me yet I should leave it in the past
I Pray to the lord this open road will lead me to where I belong
Free like a bird but without the wings
I shall learn to fly all by myself with just me by my side
I step out into the morning light trying to  be one with my soul
Embracing myself like it’s the only thing I know
I have isolated myself in a place where only I exist
Speaking so faintly that my voice is missed
I’m exhausted I have no fear
I have given all that I have
Made mistakes  now I’m bound here
I’m locked inside the empty soul of mine
My core has been pierced way to many times
I feel as though I may disappear
I have nothing left lost my shine
I wish I could just leave this life behind
The road is long and lonely
Collecting my tears setting it free
Did you hear the stars whisper so insistently
That my essence was uprooted
That should never be
I have no vision left yet I can see
I know what’s approaching I know it all to well
So do not tempt me
I can’t seem to find anywhere to hide
You are alive in the very substance of my soul
Please be kind let it go
Don’t make me weak don’t make me need
The light has dimmed into the night
In this place where nothing else matters
I just wish I knew what was right
Mar 2012 · 246
Release The Sky
I don’t want to write a love song
In fact I’d like to tear it apart
Rip the seams exposing the bareness of my parts
I don’t want to love anyone
Don’t need you cant you see?
This void is meant to be
See this needle that lives in  my arm
Hardly moving can’t even speak
I betray I display moments that create memories such as this
Here comes that feeling that eats me alive
Will I one day wake up clean?
Can you see I’m tired ? I want to sleep
Forever in a place where nobody dreams
The cell of my soul will be ready to let it all go
I once had a vision when I was young and free
Now I live every day in misery  
I collapse
I don’t want to surround to you
Lose all my senses
I sit here in a slumber  
I have given all that I need
This is the place
Engulfing me set me in flames
Gather all the pieces that you find of me
Release them into the sky let them be  
Somebody else will take my place
You shall see

— The End —