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Once upon a time,

Isn't that how fairy tales are supposed to start?

A man and a woman.

Fall in love.

And live happily ever after.

Isn't that how they all end?

Oh, not anymore?

There's too many dragons getting in the way.
 Dec 2012 Flavia
Nicholas Laurent
A rupturing, promising, hell-bent accolade.
The falling out between lovers ...
And the gut-wrenching fools of this night.

Your time here is almost done.
So cover the light under a paper-thin parasol ...
And the demons are sure to grace the fountainhead.

Still, fear drives us mad.
Laughing amid the distant crashes of emerald rockets ...
And the splitting sides of smiling crocodiles.

© Nicholas Laurent 2/3/2011
 Dec 2012 Flavia
Zak Krug
Where skin meets pole,
In low society.
Is where I thrive.
This isn’t the right choice.  
Singles hustlin.
Join me in these dollar days.
This is your light switch entrance.
Sitting at a marble bar
Loveless love, pay by the song.
Selfish fun, ***** talking on the jukebox.
Jazzin’ to the music.
Standing up on that marble stage,
Showing the world whats yours is ours.
Drunken memories lived to the fullest.
I’m out trying to discover America.
Stripped down to its rawest form.
This road is laden with fallen philosophies.
Tasting of ***** money.
Fully **** girls flashing. (lights)
Blow in the bathroom.
The nightlife you’ve always wanted.
Movie star lifestyle.
Dimly lit.
Have some backroom privacy.
Conversations with strangers.
This is naked in all sense of the word.
Sensual seduction.
Classical redemption.
Primal ecstasy.
Trying to make amends with myself.
This is a haggard lifestyle.
Society frowns upon us.
Shameful scandals.
Fake lovesick mannerisms
Paid for in advance.
Exposed on stage.
You’re in love with a stripper.
Kitty, Desire, Destiny, Velvet.
All the love you’ve been looking for,
For the price of admission.
Just sit back and watch the girls on stage.
This is it.
We’re searching for love.
And if we cant find love,
We’ll settle for lust and luck.
You’re well taken care of here.
Don’t you worry about a thing.
Just don’t run out of money.
Superficial lover for a pay as you go one-night stand.
Never lonely here.
Late night tonight.
In the back of the club.
Are we having déjà vu yet?
You’ve been here before.
You’ll be here tomorrow.
Just a little longer now.
Climbing up the pole to the ceiling,
Only to slam down in the splits.
Don’t worry it can only get better from here.
This is the right choice.
Bright light flashing.
You’re finally in the spotlight.
Sold out, checked out, cashed.
“Let me do all the work sweetheart.”
We must live the way we feel is right.
We’re all trying to make our way in this world.
Lets not forget each other.
Cocktails anyone?
Is this wrong?
Living in this life.
This party
that never ends.
 Dec 2012 Flavia
Melissa O'Mara
i laugh
as i watch
fall gracelessly
from the
pedastal i
naively placed
you upon
at first
i think you
no imprefections
mark you or
disfigure you
but turns
out you are full
i think though
i placed you up there
as a distraction
while i tell you
all the things
you want to hear
i cross my
fingers and
hope to hide
all the flaws
that ive been
trying to hide
so jokes on you
my inadequete
of useless
 Dec 2012 Flavia
Ophelia Jane
 Dec 2012 Flavia
Ophelia Jane
Help me understand. Help me come to a conclusion. Why I am the way I am.
Help me decipher my inner thoughts. Help me find a way to survive in this place.
Help me figure out what I mean. Help me realize what I need. Help me get through this.
Help me get out of here. Help me.

I cannot fight the war from the inside.
I cannot get my point across from behind enemy lines.
I cannot get around my mind.
Cannot decide a ******* thing for myself.
There are always a million other people
weighing in, screaming their opinions...
Whispering in serpent tongue
paranoias and red flags.
pointing out every little thing
that means nothing, really.
but in that moment
with a million voices
my world falls down.
my heart caves in.

I am not one person.
I understand if this is hard for you to grasp.
I understand if I am too much for you.
I am too much for a lot of people.
Nothing with me is easy,
Everything is a battle.
Inside and out.
between me and me
me and you
me and her
me and him
me and us
me and them.
a battle.


at the end of a typical day
I've gone through a dozen wars
a hundred second thoughts
a thousand put downs
a million arguments
just with my self.

I'm having just a little trouble
figuring myself out
hearing my voice above the others
thinking clearly.

I'm tired of listening.
 Dec 2012 Flavia
E. B. White
The spider, dropping down from twig,
Unfolds a plan of her devising,
A thin premeditated rig
To use in rising.

And all that journey down through space,
In cool descent and loyal hearted,
She spins a ladder to the place
From where she started.

Thus I, gone forth as spiders do
In spider's web a truth discerning,
Attach one silken thread to you
For my returning.
 Nov 2012 Flavia
Canaan Massie
I'm cupid wounded,
'Cause this love was misconstrued.
You stabbed an arrow through my heart,
I still can't remove it.
Love is small,
yet we all fall into it.
It shouldn't be a game,
Yet somehow I end up losin'.
And now I'm faded,
And it seems the scars are fadin'.
The time we spent in love,
Is replaced with this hatred.
Angels turn to pagans,
and these sins become sanctioned,
I've got demons on my shoulders,
The lips of Hades at my tragus.
 Nov 2012 Flavia
 Nov 2012 Flavia
I'm unrecognizable
To myself in this costume he made for me
All I wanted was a touch
He turned it into a grip
He gripped hard and
First I thought it was my lust
He touched
More than that
My mind was fiddled with
My eyes closed
Never would I let this happen
But he dressed me
With the costume he made for me
His hands on my
Willing body
His words were real
My mind surrendered

I never knew
How much a touch could
Affect me and that grip
Oh, that god forsaken grip
He held with all his power
Even though his body said "Stop!"
But he was lost
My eyes closed
And he was lost
There was no way
Back to ourselves
The costumes glued to our bodies now
We're no longer ourselves
We're no longer each other

I'm unrecognizable
To him with this ******* costume
It wasn't made by him, wasn't made for me
It is me
He relaxed his grip and let go
Ran back blind
There was no way to go
Too late, your grip was made
Your mark is dug deep

Two strangers unknowingly
Released each other
For each other
We're doomed.

— The End —