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In the zoo, where snakes are crawling,
Man has built a pyramid.
All is trapped in unseen walling,
Devils rule and keep it hid.

Mind and Honor—scarcely counted,
Men are beasts, brought down so low.
Lies are spewed, the world is founded
On deception. That’s the show.
A dark canoe, bereft of charms,
Crashed on the rocks in sheer disgrace;
When you reject the magic's arms,
You'll find but emptiness in their place.

Not all charms are born of lies —
Some aren't the witch's twisted spells.
In light, like water, let truth rise,
Not through books, but where the heart dwells.

Hear your soul, its voice is clear;
No scholar’s pride will break the bars.
For if you're but a fool austere,
You'll never leave this prison of ours.

Only shattered, freed by light,
Once the shipwreck claims your past,
A captain, shipless, finds his right —
Among the Worthy, peace at last.

In Russian:

Капитан без корабля

"Вечер. Взморье. Вздохи ветра.
Величавый возглас волн.
Близко буря. В берег бьётся
Чуждый чарам чёрный чёлн".
Константин Бальмонт, "Чёлн томленья", 1894 г.

Чуждый чарам чёрный чёлн
О скалу разбился глупо:
Если Чары гонишь вон,
То получишь лишь залупу.

Чары разные. Одни —
Просто чушь безумной ведьмы.
В Свете как в воде тони,
Не читая книги, Веды,

Слушая лишь Сердце, — так
Ты поймёшь, что значат Чары.
Коль начитанный мудак —
Не покинешь Мира Нары.

Лишь разбившись, в Свет уйдя
После этого спокойно,
Капитан без корабля,
Будешь ты среди Достойных.
The English reader shines far brighter,
While "Russian world" is but a curse.
For poets, 'tis no friend but blighter —
A broken idol, worse and worse.

In Russian:

Сравнение англоязычных и русскоязычных читателей

Англоязычные читатели
Гораздо лучше. "Русский мир"
И для поэта как проклятие —
Двойник убогий в нём кумир.
Defying fools? A senseless strain—
Fools are masters of the gain.
But guard your will, stand firm, stay true,
And bid those fools a grave adieu!

In Russian:

Непокорность дурням вздорность:
Дурни делают деньгу.
В противлении упорность
Охраняй — видел дурней всех в гробу!
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
Lies are everywhere,
And the vile, unfair,
Is "the norm," they say—
The world's lost its way.

In Russian:

Пропащий мирок

Лживость всюду,
А паскуда
"Нормой" стал —
Мир пропал.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
There’s saints for all —
For fishers too!
But fools stand tall,
Their plight askew.

Their numbers reign,
No saint in sight!
Yet once again,
They’ll set it right,

By crafting lore,
More books to preach,
Of spirits poor,
To scourge and teach.

Through heresies,
The mind they rend,
With cruel decrees
The fools they bend.

In Russian:

Святой для дураков

На всё святые —
И рыбакам!
Дела плохие —
Нет дуракам.

Их большинство —
И нет святого!
Но ничего,
Исправят снова,

Добавив нужное,
Тома "писанья",
Что Духу чуждые —
Для истязанья

Ума чрез ересь
Те Зла придумки.
Оно, ощерясь,
Гнобит придурков.
The "underground hall" stood bare.
One late demon, in despair,
Looked around—no horns in sight.
All on Earth, all joined the fight.

Lucifer expands his keep,
Building Hell in caverns deep.
Satan’s minions now consist
Of fools who serve the dark abyss.

Scratch their “creeds,” and you'll reveal—
Satan’s mark burns bright and real.
Year by year, it spreads anew—
Nothing here can break through.
A Greek rode forth across the stream,
But filth replaced the water’s gleam.
What’s the point of journeys grand,
If The Chaos reigns in every land?

In Russian:

Ехал грека через реку.
Не вода, помои врак
В дерьмоёме. Мало проку
Ездить, коль везде Бардак.
Go to hell, you mindless clowns,
Your fears and lies—just hollow sounds.
The dark weaves terror, feeds deceit,
Not life, but gallows on repeat.

The mind’s condemned when fools decide,
And if you follow, step in stride,
Obey, submit—descend below,
Where madness reigns and horrors grow.

Such bitter words fit times like these,
Where reason drowns in lunacies,
A world gone mad, its muzzle tight,
As evil wields its twisted might.

Through CowID years—three out of four—
Were fools, their souls erased and torn.
And half of them, beyond all hope—
The world is doomed, the final scope.

Yet ruin looms, it won’t be long,
The monster falls, undone by storm.
A cataclysm will cleanse the schism,
Farewell, you wretched, cursed fascism...

In Russian:

Грубое прощание с дураками и одолевшим их фашизмом

Идите в задницу, уроды,
И ваши глупые невзгоды,
Что Тьма твАрит чрез ложь и страхи —
Не жизнь, а отдаленье плахи.

На плахе ум в конце пути,
Коль с идиотами идти
Ты будешь, веря, подчиняясь,
Всё ниже в Бездну опускаясь.  

Столь резкий тон оправдан ныне:
От ужаса кровь в жилах стынет
От тупости мирка — намордник
Дурь показал средь Зла риторик

В года говнида: три четвёртых
В нём дураки. Душонки стерты
У половины дураков.
"Обречено" — прогноз таков

Для мира в целом. Что ж, осталось
Зло потерпеть, наверно, малость:
Сметёт Уродство Катаклизм.
Прощай, подмявший мир фашизм...
"In a little town, a great hell burns."
— Mexican Proverb

A little town—yet hell runs deep,
Where fools are glad their lot to keep.
They chase their “joy,” yet only find
A beating “for their good”—refined.

All “for the good”: the crawling pests
Show fiends in suits on nightly quests—
Our “rulers,” hollow, dull, enslaved,
By greed and ignorance depraved.

Selection weeds out all who think,
To forge a slave—designed to sink.
While blackmail holds the leash so tight,
The fool will serve the beasts with pride.

A carrot dangles—play your part,
Obey the orders, show your art:
Decree by decree, prepare the way—
Drive all the witless to the fray.

The Beasts ***** a grander Cage,
A banner bright with bloodstained age:
Fake diseases, fake salvation,
Forced on all—no reservation.

In Russian:

Всё "во благо"!..

"В маленьком городе большой ад".
Мексиканская поговорка.

Малый город — крупный ад.
Проживать в нём дурень рад:
Ищет "счастье", а находит
Тумаки — "во благо", вроде.

Всё "во благо": то говнидом
Показали ТВАРЕЙ гниды —
"Управители" земные —
Алчные рабы, тупые.

Отрицательный отбор —
Раб готов. Ну а позор
Припасён чрез компромат —
Служить ТВАРЯМ олух рад,

В арсенале и "морковка";
Так что проявляй сноровку:
Циркуляры исполняй —
В Лагерь дурней загоняй.

ТВАРИ строят Новый Лагерь —
Красный крест на белом флаге:
Лже-болезни, лже-леченье
Будут всем без исключенья.
Endless chatter, action—none,
All dissent is dead and gone.
How to break the fascist scheme—
Global lies in foul regime?
The gap melts away, though you never delay.
Another endeavor—another forever—
Of struggle and trial...
Your path is denial.
Songs are flowing, wide and free,
Drowning fools in misery.
Films pile nonsense, wave on wave—
Friend, just sail into the grave!..
When you are keen and stand alone,
Your mind and will remain your own.
No brute can break or pull you down,
No fool who rose from bowed-out crowds.

The herd obeys the whip with pride,
But you and it stand far apart.
For slaves will never walk beside
A sharp, original-born heart.
"To understand the essence of ordinary things, one needs a truly extraordinary mind."
— Alfred Whitehead

Mediocrity is reigning,
Blind obedience in control.
Darkness spreads—no hope remaining,
Fascism devours the soul.

Let this darkness, grim and hollow,
Be a lesson kept in mind.
Rise beyond the lies and follow
Truth—leave ignorance behind.
A “middle” education—
A dumbing-down for all.
The last rise to elevation,
Ignoring old fools’ fall.

In Russian:

Образование среднее —
Оглупление общее.
На вершине "последние" —
Не чтут бреды усопшие.
Adult? A crude and foolish pawn!
Not a people—just a throng.
No prospects, no way clear—
Only savage years draw near!

In Russian:

Взрослый? — пошлый идиот!
Не народ — убогий сброд.
Перспективы НИКАКИЕ —
Впереди года лихие!..
Wrath turns "kindness,"
"Kindness" — poison.
Not a dream — it's
Snakes rejoicing.
Woe to minds that stay too meek —
Dull and passive, lost, they fade.
Yet the keen are doomed to seek,
For Chaos shuns the wise and brave.

In Russian:

Горе скромному уму:
Не пытливый — дело швах.
А активному — суму:
Не оценит то Бардак.
Sick of nonsense—
Price two cents.
Crushed before it meets the day.
Hellish schemes work one sure way:
Drown the mind in empty lies,
**** the soul that dares to rise.

In Russian:

Чушь достала —
В ней пропало
Очень много начинаний.
Главный метод адской срани —
Отвлекти умы на чушь
Для гнобленья наших душ.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
"New" is not the better way.
The cunning breed, day after day,
Spins the OLD record, sly and shrill,
Masking rot with "new" goodwill.

Into "novelty," they shove
Vileness, killing truth and love.
The spirit—core of all we learn—
Is placed upon the pyre to burn.

Once, there was a purer time,
Unmasked by deceitful rhyme,
Higher than this "novel lore,"
Where wisdom reigned, now thought's a bore.

And so they press their wretched fare,
Crushing balance, unaware.
Psychic ruin lies ahead—
Full decadence, where reason’s dead.

The mind, beneath the spirit’s reign,
Holds the line 'gainst all profane,
Shielding us from beasts’ embrace,
Strengthening reason’s rightful place.

In Russian:

Старая пластинка
"Новое" — не лучшее.
Долго племясучее
СТАРУЮ пластинку
Крутит, под сурдинку
В "новизну" пихая
Мерзость, убивая
Главное в познаньи —
Дух. Он на закланьи.
Много было раньше,
И без всякой фальши,
ВЫШЕ этой "нови".
Ум теперь коровий,
Потому пихают
Мерзость, добивая
Психики баланс —
Полный декаданс.
Ум ПОД Духом — это
Тот баланс: от бреда
_ТВАРЕЙ защищает,
Разум укрепляя.
"Man is a rational creature, yet this does not apply to mankind."
— Raymond Aron.

Are you rational or not?
Give yourself the honest thought.
For the crowd, with blind decree,
Leads the way to misery.

Fools march forward, rank and file,
Soon to tread their final mile.
To the "New Camp" they will stray,
Where no labor marks decay—

Only "care" will bring the end:
One quick jab, they will pretend
You’re no foe to slaves they breed.
Will Bedlam grasp this twisted creed?

No, and Raymond Aron’s right:
Rotting is the law they write.
Monsters rule, and thus we see—
Soon the Mind shall cease to be.

In Russian:


"Человек — разумное существо, но это не относится к человечеству".
Раймон Арон.

Ты разумен или нет,
Должен дать себе ответ,
Ведь толпой голимый бред
Управляет: с ним след в след

Недоумки все идут.
Скоро скопом так дойдут
В Лагерь Новый. В нём сотрут
В порошок, но не чрез труд,

А "заботой" окружат:
Укололся — ты не гад,
А иначе враг рабам.
То поймёт гнилой Бедлам?

Нет, и прав Раймон Арон.
Разложение — закон.
Правит нелюдь, потому
Очень скоро смерть Уму.
Golden fields of rye are swaying,
In my dreams I see a land
Free from fear and blind obeying,
Free from tyrants’ iron hand.

But I wake — and filth surrounds me.
I will gather strength and Drive,
Crush the filth (or part of it, maybe),
For in filth one cannot live.

Life is hollow, minds are broken,
Tractors plow with poisoned hands.
Toxic seeds in fields are sown, and
Dullness spreads across the lands.

"Education" fuels the madness,
Fools bow down and praise their chains.
Well, my notebook’s open — sadness
Flows through verse with no restrains.

Writing’s easy — evil’s growing,
Everywhere its roots extend.
Fools won’t grasp the words I’m sowing,
All this work may find no end.

Yet a few will see and listen —
They must know they’re not alone!
Without echoes, dark thoughts thicken,
Crushing hearts like lifeless stone.

In Russian:

Стихи в поддержку единиц

Рожь на поле колосится,
И идиллия мне снится:
Мир без страхов и тиранов,
Подчинения обманам.

Но проснулся — снова Мерзость.
Накоплю я силы, дерзость —
Мерзость буду я крушить,
Так как в Мерзости не жить.

Псевдожизнь кругом. И трактор
Вышел в поле — Зла Аттрактор:
Ядом поле поливает —
Этим ядом оглупляют,

"Воспитания" добавив,
И дебилы Мерзость славят.
Что ж, блокнот открыт: стихи
Против Мерзости легки

В написании — примеров
Зла вокруг ведь выше меры.
Не оценят идиоты —
Стих напрасная работа.

Но заметят единицы —
Поддержать их!: утомиться
Без созвучья мыслям мрачным
Можно быстро, став несчастным.
On the galley of his verses,
Chained, he rows through futile tides.
Inspiration? Hollow curses!
Row through seas where Dead Souls bide.

To the ocean, Fresh Woes surging,
Lies will raise a hurricane.
Will the waves destroy his burden?
Hope is folly, just in vain.

Earth and seas, one jail united,
Prison walls that none escape.
Fools and sheep remain delighted —
Madness reigns, the world’s enslaved.

In Russian:

Поэт в океане бед

На галере строк прикован —
Вдохновенье просто чушь!
Так греби упорно снова
Через море Мёртвых Душ

В океан Страданий Новых.
Ложь поднимет ураган.
Разобьёт волна оковы?
Коль надеешься, профан.

Вся земля, все океаны
Как единая тюрьма.
То не ведают бараны —
Мир рабов сошёл с ума.
I have learned—there’s no salvation,
No one sings this Song with me.
Fools bow down in resignation,
Spirit’s death is all I see.

Minds decay in dull submission,
Fear and nonsense rule the land.
Truthful voices face omission,
Honest words meet their last stand.

Few remain with hearts unshaken—
Where’s the chorus? None belong.
All is lost, the path forsaken:
Degradation reigns as law.

Law unyielding, cold, and endless,
Mocking all that once stood bright.
Fools obey, submissive, friendless,
Drowning reason out of sight.

Man-made rules, mere chains to bind us,
Tools to keep the minds enslaved.
Break the laws? None dare remind us—
Only cowards stay well-behaved.

Easier now to crush resistance,
To control or to erase.
Evil builds its grand existence,
Turns the world into its place.

Honest minds are soon defeated,
Camps arise, the chains are tight.
Doubt is gone, the fools—contented,
Lost in darkness, void of light.
Striped in black and gray, life passes,
Crosswise lines—a cage we weave.
Dreams shoot forward, bright as flashes,
But to reach them—must believe.

Burn the norms, the stripes, the clutter,
Leave them all in flames to fade.
Trapped, we sink in ashen gutter,
Lost within the Hellish Shade.
The candle burns,
For light is gone.
A mind that churns
Writes ramblings on.

And yet, you see,
It's nothing new:
The void will spree
To weave its crew.

Such is this world—
From lie to lie,
Where tyrants curled
Are glorified.

To leave a mark
In verse or deed—
This lights the dark,
Our only creed.

Shame's ashes flare,
This base abyss—
A gateway where
Damnation twists.

In Russian:

Прах позорного мира

Горит свеча,
Ведь света нет —
Так сгоряча
Напишешь бред.

Но, впрочем, то
Обычный ход:
Ведь что НИЧТО
Впендюрит в сброд.

Таков весь мир —
В нём к бреду бред:
Палач — кумир...
Оставить след

В стихах, в делах —
Лишь это цель.
Позорный прах,
Дно — к Аду щель.
With scarce reaction I will greet
The so-called "change" that days reveal.
They're bleak. And Prophets I not meet —
The time for idiots to kneel.

Bend your own path with stubborn hand,
And pin your hopes on blindest chance.
Yet chance, that trickster, roams the land
To leave things askew in its grim dance.

In Russian:

Вкривь и вкось

Скупой реакцией я встречу
Любые "измененья": дни
Убоги. Не видать Предтечи
ПЕРЕВОРОТА — ну так гни

Свою ты линию упрямо,
Надеясь только на Авось.
Как злыдень он, сказать коль прямо:
Авось — всё снова вкривь и вкось.
Once a forest, tall and wide,
Now its heart is cut inside.
Oaks replaced with spindly thorn—
See how "progress" is adorned.

Looks the same—at least, they say,
Yet who walks will scrape away.
Still they preach with pride and glee:
"Things are better—can't you see?"
Blame is shifted, time forgotten,
In a world that's steeped in rot.
Fascist filth, its core turned rotten,
Seeks a clown to share the lot.

Old ones blamed for bygone madness,
While the fools grow rich in shame.
Power feeds on fear and sadness,
Wisdom finds no space to claim.

In Russian:

Перевод стрелок, или Прежние клоуны-политики виноваты!

Переводом стрелок занят
Оглупляемый мирок
Посреди Фашистской Срани:
Ищет клоунов, что впрок

Запасут деньжищ дебилам,
Старых хает — стрелки им,
Множа тем фашизма силы.
Умным вряд ли вместе с ним...
At Full Speed...

A machine of sweat and grinding,
A diseased and toxic sphere,
Where the blind and mute are writhing,
Only ******* rule in here.

Not real lords—just slaves in hiding,
Licking boots to keep their place.
Hellish cogs—no guiding, no deciding,
Fools serve blindly in disgrace.

Like mere cattle, men are kneeling,
Hoping "lords" will bring them light,
While the dream of change is fleeting,
Crushed beneath the wheels of might.

Few escape—their ranks diminish,
Fewer left to stand and fight,
As new waves of fools replenish,
Breeding madness day and night.

Freaks, dimwits, psychotic wreckage—
Forms of ruin, doomed and vexed.
Not for long, though—crash and wreckage,
Armageddon’s racing next.


Hear and Believe...

Hear it—trust it. Blind devotion.
Thinking hurts—so why insist?
Open doors without a notion
For the brazen egotist.

He will set the facts in order,
Twist the truth to fit his line.
And if scholars serve as warders,
Fools will bow—“They must be right!”

Like a gambler, slyly dealing,
He reshapes what once was real.
Dark magician, false revealing,
Masters lies with polished skill.

Screens will show the grand illusion,
Staged to dazzle, stir, ignite,
Hiding hell in bright profusion,
Flags ablaze in crimson light.

Crowds of puppets, dumb and fervent,
March to battle or to toil.
Empty labor, pointless purpose—
But as long as there's some spoil,
Idiots will lap the poison,
Sing their hymns and stand in line.
Thought is dead—once minds are frozen,
Rulers strengthen by design.


Slave Mentality

Judge no evil, just forgive it,
Call your shackles "life" instead.
Teach your children how to live it—
Turn their souls to slime and dread.

Centuries of tyrant ruling,
Rot and filth—no shame to see.
Blind submission, crude and drooling,
That’s a slave’s philosophy.

Sacred laws will ban derision,
Preach submission, hush the doubt.
Judas reigns—it’s called “decision,”
“Fate” is how they spell it out.

“God’s own slave”... but scriptures reek of
Satan’s mark in every thread.
That is why, with fascists’ bleak love,
Priests stand smiling, cloaked in red.

Man’s no more than Hell’s dumb minion,
Servant to the cloven beast.
Heaven’s gate—no grand dominion,
Just a test of pain increased.


Against Nature...

But nature’s laws are strong and ruthless,
No “human rules” can stand their test.
Yet mankind fights—a war so fruitless,
And soon the flames will do the rest.

The sun burns hotter, magma rumbles,
Cracks are spreading through the crust.
But “kings” still hide in dreams that crumble,
Hoping holes will shield their dust.

They’ve built their burrows deep and sprawling,
Whole cities lurk beneath the land.
But conscience lost to greed enthralling
Won’t grant them safety as they planned.

No vault will save them—no exemption,
For all will face the final call.
And nature’s wrath grants no redemption—
You cannot turn the world to thrall.


The Price of Truth

The price of truth is steep and grim—
Your very life’s the cost to pay.
As children, blinded, we grow dim,
Trapped in the slime of foul decay.

It wraps us tight—no space to run,
And home’s no haven from the lies.
The world, in sum, is mad, undone—
A madhouse ruled by wicked ties.

Yet if you stand, refuse to kneel,
And guard the truth with all you’ve got,
You’ll find its presence, strong and real—
An oasis in a wasteland hot.

An oasis—meaning starved and weak,
Alone, yet pushing through the strain.
While scorching winds from all sides shriek—
The stench of lies, corrupt and plain.

Slime and storm—this verse may weave
In metaphors both sharp and wild.
But should you fall, submit, and leave,
The truth will call another child.

--- Total 5 poems. ---
"Your true enemy will never leave you."
— Stanisław Jerzy Lec

Your true enemy won’t stray,
Sits inside you every day.
Since your childhood, **** devour,
Shameless, honorless in power.

School, the system, hollow lies,
Every rat in rank and guise.
You’re alone—against the pack
Of the fiends who drag you back.

Filth keeps sinking, world decays,
Spitting on the Spark’s faint blaze.
Satan’s goal is crystal clear:
Cut the bond and spread the smear.

Every gang just serves his call,
Fascist filth and madness rule.
Honest minds don’t fit at all—
Crushed beneath Totality’s cruel.

Death comes early, walks ahead,
Seeking those who won’t obey.
Friends are few—or worse, they’re dead,
Lost for daring say their "nay."

Drowning deep in filth and grime,
No redemption, none in sight.
Still, resist it all the time,
Lest you lose your inner light.

That’s the way to save your soul—
Only friend who stays around.
Hear Psyche, keep your spirit whole
While the liars drag you down.
To love? But whom?! There's nothing left—
Decay and ruin, dust and death.
Yet fools don't care—they're glad to hide,
With "partners" kneeling side by side,
Before the Evil, blind, beguiled,
Embracing lies with voices mild,
And dragging Hell so near, defiled...


Lessons in Hell?! A wasted chore,
When souls decay forevermore!
Escape that pit—don’t wait, don’t stay…



Children caged—behold the school,
Taught to bow to tyrants’ rule.
Slavery—"the adult way,"
Where mind and soul are shot as prey.

Targets, shattered—one by one,
'Till the light of thought is gone.
Dull and blind, they’re set to leave—
Trained to serve and to believe.


A World Where the Herd Prevails

Brutes. Disgrace. No hope in sight.
Rotten world, devoid of light.
"Do not touch me—stay away!"
Satan rules in God’s display.

--- Total 4 poems. ---
Coffee, bagel—off to toil,
Daily tasks your mind will spoil,
Push away the thought, "I'm chained,
Weak of spirit, dull of brain."

Got a family? Even better!
Wrap yourself in golden fetters,
Build a world of sweet deceit—
And forget you’re on your knees.

Drop by drop, to squeeze it out?
School has taught you all about
Dodging such a foolish fight.
Grown-up life? Just blind delight!

Youthful fire fades away,
"Just be happy"—so they say.
Lodged inside your very core,
Drowning out all else and more.

Memories? They turn to dust,
Filtered well, reduced to rust,
Shaped by lies that form your views—
Crafted just for you to use.

"World is free!"—they chant and preach,
Only villains block your reach,
Keep you from success and wealth—
Not the WHIP that steals your health…

WHIP—of matter, fear, and lies,
Holding tight its hellish ties,
Strangling thoughts of chains so tight,
Till no slave sees any plight.

Thus, the ******* stays intact,
Where a hollow soul, in fact,
Thinks itself the crown of all,
Drowning deep in filth and thrall.

In Russian:

Вытеснение мыслей о рабстве

Кофе, бублик — на работу:
Повседневные заботы
Отодвинут мысль, что раб, —
Духом куц, умишком слаб.

Ну а если ты семейный,
То придумаешь елейный
Иллюзорный мир себе —
И не вспомнишь о рабе.

Выдавить раба по капле —
Наступать на эти грабли
Отучили в глупой школе.
В "взрослой" жизДни — в произволе! —

Позабыты все порывы
Юности. Лишь "жить счастливо"
В голове сидит гвоздём,
Всё сильнее с каждым днём

Вытесняя всё иное.
Вспоминается былое
Через фильтры оглупленья —
Те, что формируют "мненья".

"Мненья" те — что мир свободный,
Лишь отдельные уроды
Счастия тебе достичь
В нём мешают, а не БИЧ...

БИЧ тот третью матерьяльный:
Ложь и страх мир инфернальный
Понадёжнее считает —
Мысль о РАБСТВЕ убивают.

Нерушимо рабство то,
Где убогое ничто
Мнит себя венцом творенья
Среди лжи и разложенья.
Sell the soul, embrace the vile,
Trade it off without a thought.
See the crime—it’s in the style
Of the world where all is bought.

Turn away? Then you’re complicit
In the madness, in the fall.
Still, no words can make a difference—
This whole world is doomed, that’s all.
True courage thrives in unity,
The lone wolf roams in mutiny.
Fears whirl like storms, they twist, they bind—
Bold strikes alone bring little kind.

No use in bravery’s bold attack,
When little’s gained, no foe held back.
Each generation counts its dead,
Not in vain, yet duty fled.

That duty stains in crimson streams—
A wolf’s sharp teeth tear through the seams.
But wolves, by nature, move in packs;
Amid the swarms of human acts,

Where beasts see prey, the weak, the blind,
As devil's feast—a trap designed.
The lone wolf stands, his fate set stark,
For courage fades without the spark.

And though his death may earn him fame,
It leaves no mark, achieves no aim.
For few destroy illusions well—
The sturdy lies they fail to quell.

Fear and folly, dangers near,
The living’s bane—both sharp and clear.
Join the pack; let purpose soar,
Lest life slip by, a fleeting roar.

Life is short, too short to waste,
If you’re no coward, show your taste.
Drink deep from beasts, destroy their spell,
And drag them down into their Hell!

In Russian:

ТВАРИ и Волки

Мужество — в содружестве.
Одинокий волк.
Страхи вьюгой кружатся.
Невеликий толк

В смелом нападении,
Коль ущерб в том мал.
В каждом поколении
Не один пропал

НЕ ЗАЗРЯ, но всё-таки
Не исполнив долг.
Долг тот красен глотками,
Что порвал. Но волк

Лишь в природе стаями,
Среди СВОР людей,
Что для ТВАРЕЙ заями
(Пищею чертей),

Одинокость главная
Смелого черта.
Смерть, пусть очень славная,
Если ни черта

Ты почти не сделал,
Волку как укор.
Мало кто умело
Разрушает ВЗДОР.

Страх и вздор — опасности
Главные ЖИВЫМ.
В стаю, чтоб в напрасности
Не прошла как дым

Жизнь и так короткая,
Если ты не гад.
Так упьёмся глотками
ТВАРЕЙ, руша Ад!
Bhutan is lost,
Nepal fell too,
Drowned in lies—
No nations true.

Just one world,
A fascist guise,
If you dare
To analyze.

One thing left—
A simple key:
Never lie
To yourself. Be free.
"The only way to improve our reasoning
is to make it as clear as in mathematics—
so errors can be seen with our eyes.
And if disputes arise, one may simply say:
‘Let us calculate!’—and truth will be revealed."
—Gottfried Leibniz, 18th century

The tree of thought, once strong and growing,
Wilts where lies and filth are flowing.
Truth is drowned in brute suppression,
Crushed by "fascist mind" oppression.

Year by year, decay advances—
Fiends ensure no thought enhances.
CowID showed the final toll—
Feeble minds and shriveled soul.

In Russian:

Большие проблемы с мышлением

"Единственное средство улучшить наши умозаключения состоит в том, чтобы сделать их столь же наглядными, как и у математиков, – такими, что их ошибочность можно было бы увидеть глазами, и если между людьми возникли разногласия, достаточно было бы сказать «Вычислим!», чтобы без дальнейших околичностей стало ясно, кто прав".
Готфрид Лейбниц, XVIII-ый век.

Древо мысленных конструкций
Средь тотальной лжи, обструкций
Чутких-честных излияний
Посреди Фашисткой Срани,

С каждым годом увядает —
ТВАРИ Разум добивают:
Показал всё Дно говнид —
Куцость мыслей просто стыд.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
Tense days for the canned flesh’s plight—
Must endure, must scrape, survive,
Selling souls to darkest fright,
Where lies and fears alone can thrive.

Provocations come with ease,
Like flicked-off rain on careless hand.
In this grim world where virtues cease,
No place for wisdom’s seeds to stand.

In Russian:

Биовыживательное беспокойство биомусора

Напряжёнка для ТУШёнки —
Очень надо выживать,
Продавая тем душонки
Злу, что может испугать

Лишь враньём, а провокации —
Как два пальца обоссать.
В мрачном мире деградации
Умным нечего искать.
A sense of safety,
We must dismiss,
To cloud all Clarity,
And build Abyss.

In Russian:

Строительство Бедлама

Чувство безопасности
Херить надо нам,
Чтоб уменьшить Ясности,
Строя тем Бедлам.
The fallen march to silent graves,
While fools defile the land in waves,
Still loyal to the monsters' lies,
Still blind to truth before their eyes.

Like poison gas, they spread deceit,
Bend them with madness—watch them kneel.
Obeying orders, they proceed—
Who needs plastid? We had CowID.

A mindless horde, a crushing tide,
Will trample reason, far and wide.
A global camp they build with pride—
Just needles, crosses glowing white.

And if you dare to think, beware—
The wise grow rare, but fools are there.
And should you stand against the flood,
Prepare to pay—condemned in blood.

The crippled world will test and break
The slaves it breeds—how much they take,
Until the final storm descends,
And sweeps away this dark pretense.

In Russian:

Груз восемьсот

Груз двести следует в могилы.
Груз восемьсот: Земли дебилы
Повсюду гадят на поверхность,
Храня обманам ТВАРЕЙ верность.

Как химоружие они:
Безумной ложью их нагни,
И всё исполнят, то говнид
Нам показал. Какой пластид?!

Дебилы массой огромадной
Задавят Разум беспощадно,
Построив Лагерь Мировой —
Уколы, а над головой

На белом фоне красный крест.
И если посмотреть окрест,
То очень редко умных встретишь.
Коль умный ты, за то ответишь

Пред новым обЧеством убогим.
Там суд над умным будет строгим:
Как в революцию — в расход.
Останется послушный сброд.

Поставит Тьма эксперименты
Над глупым сбродом до момента,
Когда сметёт всё Катаклизм —
Рабов убогих и фашизм.

Груз 200 - убитые во время войны.
Груз 800 - химическое и бактериологическое оружие, другие виды оружия массового поражения.
Like a nuclear inferno,
Evil chokes the Earth in chains.
Monstrous rulers reign in sorrow,
Turning crowds to mindless brains.

Lies, like poison, slowly creeping,
Rotting souls with every breath—
Masks of silence, downward sweeping,
Drag them to the pit of death.

Torn from reason, bound and broken,
Falling fast like soulless sheep.
Tyrants—madness now outspoken—
Know their rule will never keep.

For the End is swiftly nearing,
Bringing doom upon their scheme.
Chaos strikes—a fate unyielding—
Crushing lies, decay, and dreams.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
A multitude of hackneyed words
Like ripples. But the catch of Evil,
Its essence, lies in the Depths of Lies.
Mirages veiled in endless mist,

Crafted from false ideas —
Disguises. Through a sieve,
They pour the water everywhere—
Distracting attention, leading astray.

To understand what’s truly caught,
A fool’s test is required:
They launched the cow-ID into the pond—
Three-quarters of the mind is slain...

The rest need not be caught:
Idiots, in their merry alliance,
Will gladly exterminate the wise—
By the pond, the Monster builds

A new camp—digital,
Surrounding the damaged, mindless,
With "care"—which will be the Spirit's FINAL blow.

And soulless fools will waste their strength
Only on the tasks of Darkness.
To them, this seems today to be madness...

In Russian:

Улов Зла

Множество избитых слов
Словно рябь. Но Зла улов,
Основной, в Глубинах Лжи.
Сплошь туманом Миражи

Из идей подложных — то
Маскировкой. В решето
Воду также всюду льют —
Тем вниманье отвлекут.

Чтоб понять, каков улов,
Нужен тест для дураков:
Запустили в Пруд говнид —
В трёх четвёртых ум убит...

Остальных ловить не нужно:
Идиоты очень дружно
Сами умных истребят —
Рядом с Пр'удом строит Гад

Новый Лагерь — цифровой.
Всех ущербных головой
Он "заботой" окружит —
Ею будет Дух ДОБИТ.

И бездушные дебилы
Будут тратить свои силы
Лишь на Тьмы заданья. Это
Дурням кажется днесь бредом...
The "moderator", sly instigator,
And the snitch—a Darkness' crest.
Their filth, like tractors, crushes later
Unformed minds at their behest.

In Russian:

Цензура и прочая

"Модератор", провокатор
И сексот — оплоты Тьмы:
Мерзость давит словно трактор
Неокрепшие умы.
"The more laws and orders are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be."
— Laozi, 5th century BCE

Rules and orders, chains of lies,
Binding souls in dark disguise.
Fraud and filth, a slave’s pretense —
Rotting hearts their consequence.

Cops, officials, jesters too,
Politicians—crooks in view.
People, spellbound, stay restrained,
Bound in chains that won’t be maimed.

Wretches forge new chains again,
Spreading ruin, death, and pain.
Darkness swallows all in sight,
World decays in doomed twilight.

Air grows heavy, hope is none,
Judgment nears—there’s no more sun.
Satan, king of mindless fools,
Wields his law, his twisted rules.

Few resist, and fewer stay,
With each century’s decay.
Earth is lost, drowned deep in sin,
Under wretched hands of men.

Fiends now rule and write decrees,
Breeding madness like disease.
Blinding Reason, caging Soul,
Dragging all to their control.

Yet stand firm—let lies be burned,
Lest your spirit be interned.
Fools are lost, they’ve died inside,
Long before their bodies died.
Igor Vykhovanets Dec 2024
Nonsense reigns now—
"Passion" fades somehow.
They'll justify
New foggy lies,
And loyal fools, grotesque and tame,
Will send to new, unwelcome shame.
For woes are born from bitter schemes,
Born from cruel, destructive dreams.
By fear, but not by their might,
The tyrants bend the world to blight.
The road to Hell is paved with dust,
In words, not faith, they place their trust.
Few dare resist, the rest comply,
While watching nature's truth slip by.
Look within, and cast off lies—
Your mind will clear, your spirit rise.
For light’s not found in things you see,
But deep within, in truth and free.

In Russian:

Смена идеологий

Чушь достала —
"Страсть" пропала.
Муть иную,
И покорные уроды
Дружно в Новые Невзгоды.
Для невзгод и создаются
Зла "идеи". Люди гнутся
Под тиранами не страхом
Лишь одним: словесным прахом
Постилается дорога
В Ад. Не верящих — не много.
Верит ТВАРЯМ большинство,
Предавая естество.
Внутрь смотри, отринь "идеи" —
Ум яснее и смелее
Станет, ведь отыщешь Свет
Ты ВНУТРИ. Снаружи — БРЕД.
Hell’s population’s
Told: “To Heaven, rise!”
Fools burst with elation,
Cheer and feast their eyes.

“Now believe! There’s choice!”
Between wrong and worse—
Fish or meat your voice,
Be a goat or horse.

Hell’s inhabitants
Build a “Brand-New Heaven”—
Towers, walls immense,
Rebuilt, rebroken, even.

Concrete walls enclose
Madhouse, prison, room.
Change is all that shows,
***** turns to doom.

Gomorrah’s new disguise—
Madness cloaks the wise.
Flip-flops soon arise—
Chaos never dies.

Every twist distorts,
Worse than what's before,
Waste as fools contort—
"Progress" counts no more.

Then call “progress” loss;
Backwards is the way.
Pressure’s crushing force—
Lies weigh more each day.

Ideas there hold sway,
Weapons sharp as knives.
Easier to slay
Than untangle lives.

Hell’s population’s
On a steeper *****,
To the depths of nations
Where no barriers cope.

Idiots lead the way,
Fueled by thicker lies.
Not long now—decay
Blooms where demons rise.

In Russian:

Перемены в Аду

Населенью Ада
Возвестили: "Рай!"
Идиоты рады:
Празднуй, не зевай!

Также верь — есть! выбор!!!
Между Злом и злоМ,
Мяса или рыбы,
Быть ослом — Козлом.

Населенье Ада
Строит "Новый Рай" —
Вечно строить надо:
Слом — и вновь строгай,

Бетонируй стены
Под тюрьму, дурдом.
Всюду "перемены",
И всегда: Содом

Назовут Гоморрой,
Умного — дебил.
Перевёртыш скоро —
Снова много сил,

Чтоб переиначить
Всё наоборот,
Тратится, тем паче,
Что глупее сброд

С каждым "новым" годом.
Можно вспять считать —
Меньше там уродов:
То "прогресс" назвать.

Далее "регрессом"
Обозвать "прогресс".
Усиленье пресса
Лжи: громадный вес

Там несут "идеи" —
Ими убивать
ПРОСТО. Посложнее
Вешать и стрелять.

Населенье Ада
В Новый Ад. Преграды
Нет в том: идиот

Всё исполнит, только
Понаглей наври.
Ждать недолго — бойко
Лгут ГлавУпыри.
In films, propaganda blazes,
It's paid for, bold and loud,
While fools consume, their reason grazes,
Their souls and minds enshroud.

But artists—be they poets, writers—
Are harder to confine,
To bridle them with nonsense tighter,
Takes a crippled mind malign.

The gullible trust the screen’s delusion,
And numb their reason more,
Today, in cats, there's more conclusion,
Than humans’ minds explore.

Truth’s scarce—a rare and fleeting ember—
These times are ruled by lies,
Art fades away, lost to dismember,
The world sinks as it dies.

In Russian:


Пропаганда в фильмах яро
Проступает, потому
Им и платят, а лошары
Зрят в ущерб Душе, уму.

Коль художник, будь поэтом
Иль писателем — на них
Потрудней Уздечку Бреда
Натянуть. Убогий псих

Верит бредням, что в киношках,
Добивая этим ум:
И сегодня больше в кошках
Разуменья. Лжи здесь бум,

Непродажных очень мало —
Вот такие времена.
И уже почти пропало
Всё искусство — мир у Дна.
Believed the lie—got torn apart,
Believed again—a foolish heart.
Within the cycle, trapped, alone,
One more circle, then you're thrown:

CowID’s marked, the system's vile—
Hell loops endlessly, mile by mile.
Only Death can grant release;
For crawling worms, Hell won’t cease.

Dante, sadly, had it wrong:
One circle spins, relentless, long.
Caught in Evil's twisted snare,
You **** your soul by staying there.

But Death will guide the soul to Light,
If you’re not blind to wrong from right.
Reject the filth, the vile disguise—
Seek truth beyond the worldly lies.

In Russian:

Круги Ада

Лжи поверил — обломался.
Вновь поверил — идиот.
В цикле лжи один остался
Круг, и далее — в расход:

То показано говнидом —
Ад зациклен. Только Смерть
Выход, а покорным гнидам
Ад терпеть, кругами, впредь.

Данте всё же ошибался:
Круг один, лишь повторять!,
В Зла обманки коль попался, —
Этим Душу убивать.

Смерть в Духовные Пространства
Уведёт, коль не мудак
И не терпишь окаянство
Зла среди помойных врак.
From the depths of being,
Words begin to rise.
Yet the world's deceiving,
Clouding clearer skies.

Clear the path intently,
Brush the dust away!
Falsehoods pile densely,
Filling thoughts with clay.

Layers thickly cover
One ascending road—
Where the soul recovers,
Breaking mind's dark code.

It can pierce the madness,
Bring the Light anew.
Fools embrace the sadness,
Drunk on poison’s view.

Raving lies have taken
Hold of all we see.
Yet the Word awakens—
Make the pathway free!

Light is breaking, yearning,
Rushing through this call.
Darkness drowns it all.
Next page