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There was a time
When animosity throttled me
Draining my life force
Slowly but Surely

But that time has passed
I've grown stronger
Or have I just grown
subtly ignorant

Where did my emotions go
Why can't I feel the pain
Without it I'm nothing
With it I'm something

If we are not worth fighting for
Then why bother
If there's nothing left to say
Why do we pray

Pain and Love
Goes hand in hand
Like Night and Day
A seasonal display

What is the night
Without a bright day
Nothing but Darkness
a Chaotic disarray
It's me
It's always me
Blaming myself
Relentless Guilt Trips
Always failing
To see the light
At the end of an endless cylinder
A conflicted mind
A desolate plain
Among the stars
In the dark of night
Is where I cry my plight
Away from the anger
The pain and the sorrow
I know it will get better
Not to day
But maybe tomorrow
Welcome to my crypt
Where dreams dormant lie
Covered in cobwebs
and gathering dust
Calcified veins
Once abundant with blood
Now a coniferous wood
The truth is...
Pain is inevitable
Heartache is a fact
The truth is...
It's unavoidable
as the rising sun
and the season's dawn
Scream it from the roof tops
Shout it to the heavens
The truth is...
We are human
 Oct 2016 Finley in Despair
my anger is a submersion
and like a deep current
that pushes its darker waves
I go under

my anger is a fear
that growls its last hurt
as the hunter chases
and strangles
veins that
turn blue

my anger is a question
of strange events
too painful
that now bare no connection
to me

my anger is a plea
that I am not
the hunter or the hunted
but I am free
to walk upon the fields
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