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 Sep 2013 ficklesouls
Lydia Ann
The days each filled with emptiness,
and that was all I got.
I locked myself away and hid,
then my heart began to rot.

I thought I'd clear away the dark
If I kept my mind racing.
So I filled my head with thoughts of others
And built up a strong casing.

When these things each fell away,
The darkness did come back.
And now I spend each night, here feeling
Like this is a heart attack.
Death stands above me, whispering low
I know not what into my ear:
Of his strange language all I know
Is, there is not a word of fear.
You dwindled away,
growing faint,
like the morning dew on lamented grass.
Those sleepless summer nights
Sweat pouring from every crack
In thinly layered sunburnt skins
It was all *******-on-the-floor
And *******
Living out highschool fantasies
Like the cool kids

Life before 22 was all a dream
Of midsummer swelter and
Salt water
In the mind of the dog
Chained up in the universe's yard
Tethered to the ether world
Racing rabbits through space
While I was turned into an ***
Staring at the mirror
And my expressionless face

This must be how cancer feels
Growing increasingly smaller
In a world where cabinets
And aspirations grow increasingly taller
She met the devil
For coffee on diagnosis day
But the deal they made didn't take
Her hair fell out
And her body atrophied anyway
She found herself
Floating far far away
Her blood coagulating like
A broken thermometer
Of mercury

Salvador Dali painted this fall
The house of salvatore
Minds gone to roost under warm eaves
Staring fireplaces
Hungry couches and singing windows
It's all ******* drooping like clocks
And derailing thoughts
The local biddies
Cluck their tongues
At the absurdity of infinity
And the girl in Ace Hardware
Buying shoepolish to hide her tan lines
Yawns, as her boyfriend feels her up

*Meanwhile I collapse
Like a house of cards with a flick of the wrist
Thinking about life's mathematical beauty
So I've basically been losing my mind and the only thing I can compare it to is surrealism. Which incidentally I have always enjoyed and I usually paint in a similar style, but I don't like living it.
Who is she?
She is the girl who sits in the corner of the room with an old paperback cover book and her earphones in, ready to ignore the world.
She will smile politely and make small conversation, but will immediately leave the group to be by herself.
She will never turn anyone in need away, but will often turn away when she needs it most.
She is a flutter of smiles and laughs, of tears and heartache.
She tries her best to please those around her, but will be left out in the process.
She loves her mother, but has unresolved issues with her father.
She loves to sing and music is her best friend.
Her real best friend is a must have and her "best friend" must've gotten bored with her.
She has way too many family members and will love them forever.
She doesn't have too many friends, but they are true.
She gets jealous and starts to shake.
She has a serious case of word ***** that always manages to say what she wished she didn't.
She is sorry.
Her mind is constantly veering to places of happiness and him and she will often end up staring at people awkwardly.
She has a sincere heart that never means wrong, no matter what she screws up.

She loves being herself, even if it is a little fake.
So ask me again, who is she?, and I will reply.
She is me.
Now is the time to be self revealing.
 Sep 2013 ficklesouls
anything that has once been kind
to me has left
and not come back.
So I call you 'artificial' until
you show me that
you can handle
seeing the
deepest parts of me
and still
stick around.
So far I've never had anyone
who coud handle
any part of me in
their life
And I'm stuck without
anybody or anything to
be with me
And all of the friends I have
aren't really my 'friends'
because i'll never let them get that deep
they have never and
will never
break me down to my core
like you did
 Sep 2013 ficklesouls
I'll keep saying what
I have to say, kid
You've never even walked a
mile in my shoes and
I'm up here taking a look down at your now
You have absolutely no
idea what i've been through in the past
it's bad, but the worst part is behind
me now
I still live a nightmare, but
you don't know what it used to be
this never-ending thing, it's
still with me
And i'm here still
why can't you be strong?
You have nothing wrong and
you are all ready to end everything?
Don't say you're strong, kid
because I waanna see you live with
what I've had
take a walk in my shoes, see
my perspecitive for only one day
and see just what i've been through.
loosely based off of of mice & men's ben threw
 Sep 2013 ficklesouls
"An american nightmare, I'd rather be dead."

She was sleeping in her bed, mind
racing with dreams,
thoughts clouding her small mind
her sleep drowning in the beginning of
a nightmare
die,* the voices whispered, waking her her petite ears that are
adorned with the two diamond hearts her
mother bought her for christmas last year
no one wants you here, a spirit shrieks, evading her 2 am distraction, making
her small body jump in fear
you can't live like this, her parents, teachers, new therapists have said to her
seek help, dear, they continued to preach, throughout adolescence
though not realizing she was drowning in her own voice,
her threatening mind
after days, weeks, months, she couldn't
think any more good because it was instantly
covered by her own horrid thoughts
so instead of writing or singing, she
turned to another helper, a monster
of it's own.

...the blade cut her skin, the razor
made the panic disappear and
the voices fade
for just a few moments, that was all she needed
it left her skin with a tingle, a
fiery touch nothing like she
had ever felt before
one Night particularly her father
had sought solace in alcohol that sunday evening
and instead of
keeping quiet to himself, only drown his sorrows of the day
insults, words not of endearment, were spat her way
worthless, *****, suicidal freak, *****
all that were echoes from her weeks at that prestigious, expensive private school
her parents had thrown money at
because she wasn't grotesque or proletariat to even be seen in 'public schools'
and instead of voicing concern over her distraught father
she calmly stepped into her small, cozy bedroom
adorned with every expensive thing she desired
and she grabbed her blade and cut just a touch deeper,
a smidge further,
a small bit sharper than before.
Now she lays sleeping with a gravestone at her head
that reads her name
and no nightmares to cloud her young mind anymore
however, she hadn't realized that her nightmares
did not go away,
they were left back on earth
with her loved ones as their newly sought homes.
this is long, i hope it's worthy
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