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 May 2014 Felicia Lisandra
And tonight, I cry so hard..
I'm wake up, and I don't know where I am.
I'm alone and lost.

And tonight, I cry so hard..
It's like I've been sleep-walking these few months..
I don't know what am I doing here..

And tonight, I cry so hard..
This is not what I'm dreaming of..
This is not what I want..

I opened my eyes. I just knew, that I'm lost.
I see that tiny light. yeah, that's hope
but it's so far away.
so so far away.. and I just can't walk anymore.
I just can't take this life no more.

Fate is kind. that's what I always said.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.

Now I kneel down. I ask God.
Dream is the only thing I've got.
Why did he take it from me?
Hope is the only thing I've believed.
Why did he take it away?

And tonight, I pray.
*"Thy will be done."
 Feb 2014 Felicia Lisandra
 Feb 2014 Felicia Lisandra
i will never care what we are
i need no names, no reassurances.
i will never ask what this is
i need no decisions, no ultimatums.
i will never wonder what we could be
i need no possession, no claim.
for the scratches on your back,
the kisses on my neck,
the curves of your body
fitting effortlessly
into the curves of my body,
will always be enough.
 Feb 2014 Felicia Lisandra
maybe i'm just exacerbating everything

i don't know if this sadness is real
this social anxiety
this fear

this never-ending ******* fear

i just want to get away from it all
get lost in someplace beautiful
someplace safe and someplace good
someplace i can call my home

when will this struggle ever end?
do you think our hearts get stronger?
do you believe there's something beautiful
on the other side of the fence?

my faith exists
but so does fear
and constantly they wrestle in my mind
and sometimes the voices in my head
just won't shut up

i believe there's something good out there
life ***** sometimes, i know, i know, i know
but hope is more powerful than anything i've ever felt

so i guess the struggle will end
and our hearts get stronger
and there's something beautiful
on the other side of the fence

i don't know how and i don't know why and i don't know when

but i believe it'll get better,
and for now that's more than enough for me.

— The End —