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May 2014 · 890
The true meaning of rain
FeelMyFeelings May 2014
Have you ever noticed…
The way that when it’s raining everyone is just so sad
They don’t realize that the rain is coming to wash away the bad things from the Earth and put them where they belong
They just see that the sky is dark and that the rain ruins their hair
They don’t realize that rain is here to keep the plants alive and keep them strong,
The rain keeps them healthy, without the rain, we wouldn’t have the little things like the trees that keep us alive
Or the oceans that we all love to swim in, or that are the homes to the creatures that so many of us like to eat
When it rains the dirt turns into mud, drops of rain fall down the window, the steps are so much harder to walk down
We just see the surface, never what lies beneath,
It’s just like life,
When things aren’t perfect and the tears fall from your eyes
You’re just so sad
Your world is dark and it’s cold and you just wanna grab your security blanket and hide from it
You don’t realize that the rain is coming to wash away the pain that you are feeling
You don’t realize that your rain makes you stronger, your rain helps grow your character like the trees that we depend on to keep us alive
Your rain is your source of strength, it’s where the weakness inside of you hides, but when it comes out, it’s gone forever
The rain makes it harder to get out of bed because there’s just so much pain, makes it harder to think because everything is just so foggy
The periods of rain seem to last forever
But the warm sunny days after them
They’re so beautiful,
So perfect,
But it takes the rain to appreciate them
Jul 2013 · 3.1k
FeelMyFeelings Jul 2013
I can’t feel it,
It’s not even beating,
I’ve been hurting for so long,
I just wanted it to end,
Now that it has,
I pray to feel something,
Even the pain was enough to keep me alive,
Enough to know that I’m still human,
or at least some type of species here living on some type
of weird planet,
can’t tell if it’s Earth or just somewhere that I’ve drifted off to in my head,
my own little planet where everything wasn’t just a
face that I had to put on telling everyone
Oh I’m fine,
this planet wasn’t a place to be anything that wasn’t who I was,
no one else was there,
no one else ever bothered,
I was just fine being me,
But now it’s like
I feel hear think nothing,
I’m completely numb to myself and the world around me,
completely deaf to what’s in front of me and blind to what I’m being shown
But sometimes it’s in plain view and I can hear it loud and clear
Once life is numb, life is over
Jul 2013 · 1.7k
My trusty eraser
FeelMyFeelings Jul 2013
This eraser is my trust,
huge isn’t it,
there’s so much to give
I have given it to you, now be careful
the more mistakes you make
the less there is,
the more you play with it,
the more it breaks,
the less you care for it,
the more that you lose it,
follow these guidelines,
you’ll be fine,
One, don’t draw on it,
it’s not a paper it’s an eraser,
it can get forget your mistakes,
unless they're written on there,
Two. don’t let anyone borrow it,
I’m trusting you, only you
to care for my eraser,
to be sure that you can handle it
Three, don’t break it in half,
or in fourths, not even eighths,
may seem like more but really,
it’s just easier to lose,
and once it's gone,
you can’t ever have it back.
Jun 2013 · 3.2k
Welcome to "Womanhood"
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
Welcome to womanhood what’s so great about being nothing
50 years ago we couldn’t even work
you would think that the people who bring you onto this earth you would respect the most
instead you hurt us
we are disrespected, disobeyed,
stay in a woman’s place, do what women do
when you say something back
it’s not proper or lady like
looks like something dangerous
we can’t do it
looks like something tough
don’t even try
but if you think about it
we’re the toughest
we risk the most
No matter what we do
somehow it’s wrong
you’re strong, you get penalized
you cry, you get stepped on
why even try when nothing will ever make a difference

Frankly being a “woman” *****
it’s unnecessary responsibility that no one really wants
we bleed about 86 days out of the year nothing to stop
pregnant for 40 weeks with children that are gonna disrespect us because their dad’s are gonna leave us and children become just like that
in the end we end up alone
no one ever really cares
what you do or how you end up
you’ve populated the world now your job is done
that is if you’re ever that lucky
some place they take that away
stabbing and degrading the only thing that will make you anything
torturing and killing the ones that are weak or
just not strong enough to fight back
some places all you are is a toy
being ***** and played with the whole time as long as you’re good you stay alive
having something stuck inside you shocking you dead
then they say
“Welcome to womanhood” what if I wanna leave?
Jun 2013 · 773
We are the slaves
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
I thought slavery was over,
not only for the blacks but for everybody,
apparently it doesn’t matter what race you are,
you’ll always be a slave,
a slave to you mother, your father,
you’re a slave inside yourself.
I thought slavery was illegal,
why are we all slaves of the law,
we’re slaves of the government,
slaves of medicine, working until you’re dead,
We’re all slaves always working until you’re nothing
You never will be anything say everyone,  
not in reality but in between the lines,
they don’t want you to see,
you do anyways,
don’t read them because they’ll discourage you,
don’t say anything because you’re head will end up empty
full of the nothingness that is brainwashing
only taught the good
only showed the best
only feel the worst
because we’re slaves
dying in nothing but our hopes to escape
from this horrible little thing that we call *life
Jun 2013 · 394
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
It’s hard,
Get over it.
Life *****.
Jun 2013 · 445
... Just another 10 words
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
I hate the way,
You make me,
Love you,
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
If I ever have a Daughter...
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
If I ever have a daughter...
She’ll be beautiful,
Inside and out,

She’ll be told the truth,
About everything, no sugar coding,
There’s no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy,
Babies come from ***, There’s no such thing as love,
No such thing as prince charming, and you’ll never be a princess,
Mom was never a queen

She’ll know the things she needs,
Always be able to survive,
Happiness comes from pain so don’t be afraid to cry,
Bravery comes from fear so just keep facing,
Success comes from disappointment so never give up
Sometimes you have to cry to wash all the bad out,
Other times you just have to put on a brave face and pretend that everything’s okay,
She’ll know that her mommy loves her no matter what she does wrong

She’ll be very smart
2 plus 2 at the age of 2,
2 times 5 at the age of 4,
I’ll push her to be the best at what she can,
Because she would be like me,
Straight A’s at the age of 8,
Harvard at 18, if that’s what she wants,
She’ll get what she wants, I’ll be sure of it.

My daughter will be independent,
She will depend on NO man,
Not her father, her brother, and definitely not her boyfriend,
She’ll cook, clean, provide, and fight,
All to prove that she doesn’t need anyone,
But Mommy will always be here.

My daughter will be just like me,
But she’ll have more willpower,
More strength, courage, and wisdom
She’ll be happier than I could ever imagine,
She’ll be amazing,
She’ll be my daughter
Jun 2013 · 1.0k
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
Sweet Honeysuckles
Around the house, hmm the scent
Oh Honeysuckles

These Honeysuckles
Yellow, Orange, Green Leaves, Brown,
Dead Honeysuckles

No Honeysuckles
Bare leaves, No Stems, Brown Around
Beautiful scenery gone
It was suppose to be 3 Haikus put together
Jun 2013 · 357
Heart Race
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
Cold Spirts,
Under My
Feel it, Hear it
Calling for,
It sounds Like
Mom, She
Me to Go,
I scream in
Daddy, Help!
Where is
Here with me
She's Not
If So, What's
Jun 2013 · 549
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
She looked into the mirror
Thought she saw a ghost,
Little does she know,
It’s only her reflection
Not who she is but
Who she used to be
Depression was eating her alive
She only saw pieces of her now
Nothing of the person she’d hope to become
Her eyes were black
Much like what her life had become
The little green monster was chewing on her soul
It wanted to ****
She wanted to forget
Forget everything that had been done to her
Everything that they’ve done to her
It wasn’t working
It still took her
Turning her green inside
And beautiful out the worse possible outcome
Beauty should be within not out
But instead of beauty green blood flowed through her body
Her heart was now shaped like a skull
Her brain now resembled a plant and
It could have been prevented if
She wasn’t lead into that
Dark dark funhouse
Jun 2013 · 410
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
I burned myself this morning,
It felt good,
Not the burning,
But the feeling of something,
Something other than sadness,
other than loss,
It was like a sensation,
Like part of me had been,
For once I had control over my pain,
Control over my response,
Cutting doesn’t do that,
Cutting is worse,
way worse,
It leaves a mess,
scars for everyone to see,
This, this is like the rest,
a scar that only I know,
Only I can see it,
Feel it,
I burned myself this morning,
It felt good,
I’m gonna do it again.
Jun 2013 · 558
Fuck my life
FeelMyFeelings Jun 2013
**** my life,
I really hate it,
Nothing can be said, felt, or even thought without someone having something to say,
Why do people always have to assume,
You have certain things now, and they turn into everything,
People always think that it’s the big things that shape you,
When in reality,
It’s the small things,
What people say, how they act, them in general,
When in reality,
It’s nothing,
Only you can make you,
*******, that’s a lie
This right to free speech that everyone brings up,
It’s *******,
It’s only okay to say what you think, if everyone in power agrees,
I don’t mean government,
But whoever's in power around you,
If they don’t agree,
Your life is over, you no longer have a voice.
My voice was taken a long time ago so then I say,
**** my life
May 2013 · 1.0k
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
That’s all we really want
Good or bad
It doesn’t really matter to me
I know either way
I’m being noticed

It’s often bad
Flaunting what you have
Crying about what you don’t
It’s just so easy to get,
It’s the dream

I guess it can be good
Awards and junk
But that’s never any fun
People forget to quickly
Your 15 minutes isn’t even close to 5
It’s okay though

Maybe I’m overreacting but guess what,
I really don’t care because you still reading right
All because I grabbed your attention
May 2013 · 1.9k
Rainbow and Pony Poem
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Blue,
and i like ponies too
Flying high in the sky,
watch as the clouds go by
Only in a fantasy land are they perfect
Watch as the days go by is it really worth it?
Now you’re searching for that *** of gold, wondering if you’ll ever find it
Dreams of looking at rainbows and the ponies I’m riding (no ****)
Floating on cloud nine knowing the ponies will always be my beautiful place to hide
colorful scenery that was a hell of a ride
I’m waking up now, bye bye ponies,
It was a dream guess it was dream everything is not what it seems
Hopefully, one day, I will get to fly
I wrote this poem randomly with my friend... It was fun
May 2013 · 543
No more home.
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
I live under a tree,
I call this tree home,
very old, very phased,
long branches, big leaves,
no sunlight let in,
nothing but shade,
it’s not the kind that keeps you cool on a hot day,
it’s the kind that keeps you frozen because it’s already cold,

The tree is slowly dying,
38 years strong,
it’s becoming unhappy, and unneeded,
unloved, and uncared for,

The tree is almost dead,
taking everything under it along,
all it needed was love,
just wanted to feel it,
it kept us protected for so long,
the stronger we try and hold on,
the faster it begins to fall,

The tree is gone now,
I have no place to call home
May 2013 · 576
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
My favorite past-time is going to the lake,
The one with all of the ducks,
Somewhere deep in a country,
Not many people knew,
“Throw the bread to their mouths,
They’ll catch it” she would say,
Jumping and throwing, seeing who could throw it the farthest
They would catch them,
Right in between their beaks, then like magic,
They’d disappear,
My favorite past time,
It’s where the wild flowers grew and grew,
They were taller than me sometimes,
I never ever knew how they grew so tall,
Until I myself did too,
My favorite past time,
It was a long time ago,
Back in the time when to know a lot made you grow,
Back in the time when,
There was no drugs, no drama, and only,
Me, us, and the ducks
May 2013 · 619
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Hi, it’s me again,
It’s depression,
I can ruin your life,
Make it terrible,
Mess up everything.
I can change you,
And take everything away.

Hey, it’s me again,
I’m bipolar
Take the medicine,
It will ruin everything,
You can’t laugh, or cry
Be sad, or even be happy.

Hello, it’s us,
We’ve joined together,
We’ve ruined you,
You’re now going insane,
You can’t stop us,
Your life’s over.
May 2013 · 392
Help her!
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Does she look happy?
If you answered yes,
You don’t know her.

Does she look happy?
If you answered yes,
You’ve never seen her cry,
Her pillow soaking wet with tears.

Does she look happy?
If you answered yes,
You’ve never seen her wrist,
You’ve never seen her legs,
You’ve never seen the heart,
The one that’s not there.

Does she look happy?
If you answered yes,
You’ve never read the suicide note,
It’s already written,
She just needs time.

Does she look happy?
If you answered no,
Why haven’t you helped her yet,
Why are you still waiting,
Why are you still reading,
Go help her.
May 2013 · 720
My poem to her
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
I miss you,
In was that I can’t describe,
There since birth,
Now I can’t even find you.
I miss you,
The way that you would sneak me things,
Hide me places,
Hold my secrets, never tell.
I miss you,
The way we would sleep,
And talk,
And how we would always cook and eat.
I miss you,
I need you more than ever right now,
But I can’t even call,
You don’t talk,
You can’t even call,
I don’t know your excuses.
I miss you,
You really don’t understand,
A bond broken,
We don’t have the tape to fix it,
I miss you,
I need you around,
Be the first to feed my kids,
The first one they know as their best-friend,
The first one they ever learn to love.
I miss you,
I need you around,
Be the one I fix the plates for at my wedding,
Take the pictures as I cut the cake,
Give the speech of how good I used to be.
I miss you,
I need you around,
Stay with me never die,
Lay around when I need to lye,
Be there when I need to talk.
I made a promise to you 7 years ago,
And you won’t let me fulfill it.
Let me keep it,
We have enough broken promises between us,
Please can we keep this one,
I miss you.
May 2013 · 4.4k
Finally Friday
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
It’s Finally Friday,

The last day of the week,

The only one that really counts,

Watching the clock all week,

5 days of sitting and watching,

5 days of waking up at the worst hours of night,

Trying your hardest to finish,

5 long long days,

But it’s finally Friday.

It’s finally Friday,

Now we can just chill,

Just hang, Sleep!

We get to sleep, 2 days of nothing but,


You know you need it,

You got so tired from waiting,

Just time to sleep,

No need to wake up early,

Or stay up late, if you want,

Just sleep.

Monday it was the worst,

Tuesday, not the best,

Wednesday, just another day to remind you,

You still have days left,

Thursday, just a day thrown in for torture,

But Guess What,

It’s Finally Friday!
May 2013 · 559
If you really knew me
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
If you really knew me,
you’d know that
I’m far from happy,
I can’t handle life,
I almost committed suicide twice,
What if 3rd time’s the charm

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I attract abuse,
Physical, Mental, Emotional
I’m strong though, I can take it.

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I can’t trust, I don’t trust,
Especially men,
They’re nothing but hurt.

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I hurt myself,
Cutting and Burning,
I wanna make the pain the same.

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I’m not that smart,
Yeah in school, That doesn’t count,
But I don’t really know what’s goes on around me,
I can’t handle it.

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I hate myself,
The way I look kills me,
I think I’m fat, always have,
Puking and starving, hospitalized.

If you really knew me,
you’d know that,
I’m not happy,
I’m not perfect,
I’m alone.
May 2013 · 376
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I hear noises,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I hear silence,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I hear whispers,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I see something,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I see nothing,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I see shadows,
Sometime when I’m alone in my house,
I see my past in the mirror
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I see nothing in the mirror,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I see not enough in the mirror,
Sometimes when I’m alone in my house,
I wonder,
Am I really alone in my house?
May 2013 · 755
"Crack Head"
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
As I look at the person I thought I knew
Sticking a needle in her arm
About as skinny as a twig
toothpicks for legs
only veins she shot up in for arms
She was my protector
until the drugs took over
Now, nothing that protects
just the oxygen tank that keeps her bleeding
It’s all she can hold and keep close
The only thing she’s unable to sell for a “fix”
The only thing trying to save her life
she gave up a long time ago

Passing this trait to both of her daughters
Can’t let it happen to me
I still have a future ahead
I can’t let her ruin my life
Even though I ruined hers
I have to leave

She was a role model
now she’s a charity case
images of what not to be

I always promised her
I would stay no matter what
what if I had stayed
didn’t let her push me away
why did I ruin her life
she always tried saving mine
why did I **** her
May 2013 · 678
My dreams
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine,
Going to college,
Even finishing would be enough.

I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine,
My own business,
Someplace to better me,
My community.

I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine,
A house,
One that’s all mine,
Small yellow house, White picket fence.

I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine.
A husband, bunch of kids, even some pets
One family,
One happy family.

I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine.
I’ll take care of my mommy,
The way she always took care of me,
Build her a house, a pool in the yard,
Money in the bank,
She’ll never have to worry.

I have dreams,
Bigger than you could ever imagine.
I’m gonna be successful,
I’m gonna be,
May 2013 · 464
The End
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
All the time wasted, all the time spent,
I don’t think you know how much you really meant,
All of nights just sitting here doing nothing,
The secret confessions, the hugs and the kisses,
The thought of you is all I miss,
I miss the arguments about our strong opinions,
I miss the way you were always unexpected,
But your predictableness is what I really miss,
The way I could finish all of your thoughts, because they were thoughts we shared,
All the long nights we spent on the phone, and the way your voice just sits in my head,
The long summer days, the cold summer nights, 3 years strong,
All ended in 1 night, 1 night of pain, 1 night of sorrow, 1 night of realizing you won’t talk to me tomorrow,
There’s still so much I have on my mind,
Everything I wanted to say to but there was no time,
I know everything I wanted to say, everything I wanted to do, no of that I did so I didn’t hurt you,
So this is my last goodbye, my last *******,
I’m sorry but I’m not, because now I know that all your ******* is done,
And without you, things will be a lot more fun
May 2013 · 865
Mix it up
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Mix it up, spin it around,
Start with the flour,
Super simple, just flour,
Everyone comes and adds,
Eggs, Baking
Powders and sodas,
Water, don’t forget the flavors,
Cocoa powders,
You can add anything you want,
Whatever suits you,
The spices of life,
The sugars of you,
Mix it up, spin it around,
My life is the cake,
I can make it by myself,
But I prefer you to help,
Just don’t add anything,
That will make,
No one wanna have a piece.
Just add the right things,
To make it look and taste perfect
May 2013 · 662
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Failure, that’s not an option
Unable , that’s not a word,
Tough? Yeah it might me,
Unsure, that’s what you will be,
Reality is , you don’t have a choice,
Everything matters, don’t disappoint.
May 2013 · 317
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Gone like the wind,
All of my dreams
They took them,
When they left me
Why would they
Leave me here with
Only voices, the voices in
Head, So quiet yet loud, so
Can't take it any more
the real me is
And they are too.!
May 2013 · 806
Shadowing Words
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
He, Btch, ****, WH*re, Smese, Fat Pig,
All those words
They hurt soo bad
And you don’t realize what you do
When you say that I find
Little pieces of myself gone
Overdosing on diet pills,
Constantly throwing up little bits of me,
Hiding myself from the world,
Letting my pride drop
But then again, you don’t really care
It makes you look “cool” to your “friends”.
Killing everybody else’s spirits and self-Image
But then again, you STILL don’t care
It should be illegal
What you do to everyone else,
Killing them not
With a knife,
Or a gun, or with a rope,
Not your hands, not your feet,
But brutally beating me,
Killing me from the inside out,
With words,
That you don’t even think hurt!
But eventually,
You have no one behind
You laughing and cheering
You on,
Now everyone has
Left you
They know that it’s not fun
They have suffered the cruelty
Of your words
They don’t want to be a part of it anymore,
They want the violence to stop too
Maybe leaving you
To your see what your words can do to
Will make you want to stop
Them, and others won’t follow
Do you know how much better
It would be without your words?
People are learning
From you
Now, you’re alone
You’re the one that
Is hurt
The one being beat down
With other people’s words
The people that you taught,
If you would have never
Did this in the first place, you would
Still be one, not pieces of
The person you could have been.
Now you’re all alone,
And need me
Because there is no one else
You think it’s
Just forgive and forget,
We can start over,
Become friends again,
But it doesn’t work because the
Shadow of Words will always remain in
My picture
May 2013 · 553
Lemme in
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Please don’t stay quiet,

I need to hear your pain,

Please don’t stay hidden,

I wanna see your hurt,

What are you thinking,

I wanna get in your head,

What are you feeling,

Let me in your heart,

I wanna be close to you,

Wash away your hurt,

Whisper away your pain,

Feel the way you feel,

Touch the things you touch,

Hear the things you hear,

Think the thoughts you think,

I wanna be part of you,

I want you to be part of me to,

Let me in.
May 2013 · 3.0k
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
This is my renaissance,
My rebirth inna way,
I wanna forgive,
I wanna forgive you for everything,
Everything you’ve done,
Everything you’ve forgotten,
Everything that we don’t wanna remember,
I wanna move on.

This is my renaissance,
My rebirth inna way,
I’ve cut all the skin,
Burned all the pain,
I’ve cried my eyes waterless,
Now I can move on.

This is my renaissance,
My rebirth inna way,
From this point on,
I will remember,
Remember all the good you’ve done,
But I will remember the bad too,
It will make me stronger.

This is my renaissance,
My rebirth inna way,
From this point on,
I will be free,
I will be free to be happy,
Free to be sad,
I will be free to let people closer,
But still keeping them at arms length,
Now, I am stronger.

This is my renaissance,
My rebirth in a way,
I’m moving on,
I’m moving on strong,
Reborn and Happy.
May 2013 · 1.0k
Once apon a time
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
There once was a girl,
She had nothing,
Until she met the boy,
He gave her everything,
Everything in the world,
They were always talking,
They were in love,
There once was the other girl,
She had everything,
But she wanted more,
She wanted boy,
She didn’t wanna love him,
He was just gonna be her toy,
The once was a girl,
Her boyfriend was her world,
They were in love,
But then the ***** came,
And took him away,
She didn’t love the boy,
He was just another one of her toys,
But he was too dumb to realize,
There once was a boy,
His girlfriend used him as a toy,
He left her all alone,
With nothing but her materials,
She was nothing,
Nothing but a *****
He thought she was the best,
The way she’d ******* when she threw the neck,
But then he realized,
It was time to go,

The once was a boy,
He really wanted his girl back,
Not a ****, or a ***,
Not a girl that everyone would know,
He just wanted her,
But too late now,
The boy lost out,
Because she now has the man that he’ll never be.
May 2013 · 400
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
I smile because

I don't know how to be happy,

Smile when the tears try

To fall

And when I know that

There’s no way to stop them

I smile while the fear of losing you builds up

And when you try to go

But when you're gone

No more smiles

Because when you leave

You're taking my world away

With you,

And I can't fight back

Tears anymore.!
May 2013 · 482
Not Seen
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
My skin is yellow, The sky is mostly blue

When I say Peek a Boo, Do you see me too

Or am I just invisible, To you and everybody else

Like when you’re in, Space looking down

At nothing, And we are all clear like the people

With no eyes all you see is black, And all feelings are disguised

Yours, mine, everybody’s
May 2013 · 871
Story of a jealous me
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
She gets everything,
No matter what it is,
She gets
Whatever, Whoever,Whenever,
It’s not fair to the people,
The people that actually have to work,
Work toward what they want,
Work toward what they need in life,
Then there’s always,
That one person that comes along,
Not even moving a finger,
But she takes it all,
I wish I could be like her,
But no,
She’s too pretty without
Even trying,
She’s a ***** but,
No one cares,
She has the perfect body,
And eats what she wants,
Tell me,
How do I become her?
May 2013 · 435
The real me
FeelMyFeelings May 2013
Look at me,
Look at my face,
It’s burnt and cold,
It’s a cover of a bone that I don’t want you to see,
Behind it is something way deeper,
Too hidden for you

Look at me,
Look at my eyes,
They’re darker than the night sky,
But when you’re around, they twinkle
Twinkle like the stars
Finally, I’m happy.

Look at me,
Look at my mouth,
It’s loud, no connection to anything,
Anything with sense that is,
It will hurt you,
But I’m just saying what you need to hear,
Forgive me.

Look at me,
Look at my chest,
There’s something under all the tissue,
It used to be warm and inviting,
But now I lock the door,
You have to knock, then
Wipe your feet before I let you in,
Just make sure you step lightly,
The floors are made of glass,
Step too hard and the glass will,
Break me.

Look at me,
Look at my thighs,
There are bruises there,
Cuts and burns too,
No one will ever see,
Especially you,
If you’re really in it for me

Look at me,
Look at my feet,
The shoes they've walked in,
They’re pretty hard to fill,
No one can judge me until they have,
If you only knew, the weather these shoes have been through,
You wouldn't wanna try
If you attempt,
Well ****, you have more ***** than I thought

Look at me,
Look at what’s inside,
You can’t see it,
I won’t let you.

— The End —