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fdwit May 2019
The heaviness of air
Pressed a little bit harder
On the hole in my chest
When I laid there,
Beaten speechless
By my own words
That were not yet cold
fdwit Aug 2019
Days become brighter
           When your heart shows it's beauty
                             From inside.
fdwit Nov 2018
You can look but not see
You can like but not love
You're the one who's broken
fdwit Sep 2019
When there is no sadness to write about
No anger to be expressed
And all the emptiness is filled,
You know you're home
fdwit Feb 2019
The truth echoes around
fdwit Dec 2018
Excuses, excuses.
I think it executes.
I overthink so.
In the moment of finding.
Losing it says the whisper.
It is you.
I lost it the moment
I lost you.
fdwit Feb 2019
For the one with the glasses
For the one with the talks
For the one with the ego
For the one who's dead

May the pieces reform
Because a broken heart still beats.
fdwit Sep 2020
Words don't exist
Impressions may not discern
Mouths couldn't explain
Senses wouldn't believe
Minds can't ever think
Souls won't ever understand

How deep my love for you lives.
fdwit Nov 2018
Show me on which spot on the road you lost them.
I wanna search with you
So you won't feel cold anymore
Now let's go because time is also a thing we lost and
We still got miles to walk
What are we waiting for?
fdwit Dec 2018
If I die
And you cry
Know that I admired you
And everything you do
Know that I was confused by you
And by all of your given clues
Know that I was mad at you
And what we were into
Know that I was afraid of you
And that you might knew
Know that I loved you
And that I kept loving you
When I die
And you cry
fdwit Mar 2022
Especially on gray days,
when the sky can only weep,
I feel your closeness

As the clouds shelter us
from all that has not yet happened
with a warm blanket into your arms
fdwit Apr 2019
Let me paint you.
Let me chart your defined shoulders
Followed by a smooth line for your chest
With a small notch at your middle
Your hands will seem dynamic
But your hips will stand firm
Sharp cheekbones will dance on the paper
And your hair will point at all directions

Let me paint you.
Let me paint my pain away.
fdwit Apr 2019
Now that I mount back toward happiness,
I ask myself
Will it ever be the same again

Even these days I find myself
Writing words with tears on paper
I'm asking myself

Because you are still the surviver
Of more than one line
fdwit May 2020
For every time I was hurt,
there rolled a tear over my face
that flew  into a poem

Poems of sadness and anger
Malaise and blankness
were attempts at filling

Now that a smile is the only
occurrence on my face,
There is nothing left to write about

And I am deeply glad about that.
I am where I need to be
I am where I'm loved
fdwit Feb 2019
It is proven by the unspoken
The silver rule still stands
With silence as a witness
And some questions filled by regret.
fdwit Nov 2018
Before dawn we'll reach the horizon
Where the laws don't know us
We'll scream the mountains away,
And make peace in our pajamas

Because mother is reading a letter
that makes her weep
While we just burried our worries
Let it be our dusty and kept secret.
fdwit Nov 2018
I'm the queen of thorns
The one who sneaked underneath your skin
And walks on the edges of your mind

Now open your rough hands
Here are the long forgotten ashes of my heart
Feel how they slip trough your fingers
And be carried away
Silently, like air, I'll rise because
I know why the sun is shining
fdwit May 2021
You didn't help to heal my scrapes
You made me start loving them
fdwit Jun 2019
Winter breaks slowly through
while th colours of the paintings change.

Some birds sing their last tune of the day
as I take another sip of lukwarm coffee.

Dust flies around and sun rays cross the hall
when I hear your voice die on the other end of the phone.

The wooden floor under my feet is slightly bent
due to the shuffle of people over the years.

Yet it was the sullen silence that made me realize that
even the memories are fading away.
fdwit Jan 2019
The sun rises and what seemed like
Doesn't seem so
A new day dawns
A first thought blooms:
I'm free and couldn't care less.
fdwit Mar 2019
He won't show
She don't want him to know
Together they make a Nirvana song
fdwit Nov 2018
For the nights taste bitter and shallow
The night hunter fled to the ones who owe
The night hunter, who creates a red eyed soldier
Now sprinkles a blur.

He curses words with tears
Expresses time in years
Makes the poison slowly spread
'Til there is a chaos in your head

He'll crosses your path, for sure
Thoughtfully mold all what's yours
By sliding away rather than confronter
That handsome cold night hunter.
fdwit Nov 2018
Maybe if you keep staring long enough
My skin gets see trough
Then you'd see flowers in my lungs
Paint trough my veins
Stories in my eyes
Stars in my stomach
Music in my bones
And gold in my heart
Just stare long enough
fdwit Sep 2019
Singing birds on a walk
Scenting grass after rain
Purring cats when it's silent
Buzzing bees in the summer
Gentle sun rays through the forest
Unfolding flowers in the garden
Fluttering butterfly under a tree

Is what I feel when
I'm with you
fdwit Nov 2018
Here I am.
Knowing what's bad
More bad
And best.


— The End —