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fdwit Mar 2022
Especially on gray days,
when the sky can only weep,
I feel your closeness

As the clouds shelter us
from all that has not yet happened
with a warm blanket into your arms
fdwit May 2021
You didn't help to heal my scrapes
You made me start loving them
fdwit Sep 2020
Words don't exist
Impressions may not discern
Mouths couldn't explain
Senses wouldn't believe
Minds can't ever think
Souls won't ever understand

How deep my love for you lives.
fdwit May 2020
For every time I was hurt,
there rolled a tear over my face
that flew  into a poem

Poems of sadness and anger
Malaise and blankness
were attempts at filling

Now that a smile is the only
occurrence on my face,
There is nothing left to write about

And I am deeply glad about that.
I am where I need to be
I am where I'm loved
fdwit Sep 2019
When there is no sadness to write about
No anger to be expressed
And all the emptiness is filled,
You know you're home
fdwit Sep 2019
Singing birds on a walk
Scenting grass after rain
Purring cats when it's silent
Buzzing bees in the summer
Gentle sun rays through the forest
Unfolding flowers in the garden
Fluttering butterfly under a tree

Is what I feel when
I'm with you
fdwit Aug 2019
Days become brighter
           When your heart shows it's beauty
                             From inside.
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