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Isabelle Apr 2019
73 march 14 11:16 pm
“i have forgotten her”
he whispered to me
but my love, you don’t
you have hidden her
within your words
and fragments of your love
oh i see them in your poetry
Isabelle Apr 2019
last night
you invaded my space
and today, oh darling
my pillows and bedsheet
smells like you
— sweat and lust
because i was listening to ed shees shape of you
Isabelle Mar 2019
but i am just a “once”
that you never dare
to commit again
#67 mar 08
sapagkat ako ay isa lamang
“minsan” na kailanman
ay hindi mo na inulit pa
Isabelle Mar 2019
woman, not all lost battle
means defeat, stand still
because someday,
all the tears you shed
will bloom rainbows and gardens
in your heart, in your soul
and you will flourish
oh nothing but a beautiful blossom
Isabelle Mar 2019
i didn’t know i was bleeding
until i saw the blood d
just like how i didn’t know
that you already left me
until i realized
it’s such a long time
and i was still here
staying, waiting
Isabelle Feb 2019
in the somber shade
of worn summer nights
hidden were boxes
of summer memories
left to rot in the attic
there’s a fog drifting
through the smokey alley
of memory lane
and words of promises
slowly evaporates
to the empty summer air
i stood there, reminiscing
letting flashbulb images
run through my chaotic heart
a tear falls, and more
as i finally took a step away
from a place we once called
our home
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