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2.1k · Nov 2014
Never again.
faith Nov 2014
Did it hurt? Seeing the disgusting look upon my face?
I bet it did, the monstrosity of how you tried to fix it.
No one cared. Not once, about you but I guess you already knew.
Three seconds. Three seconds is all it took.
1-despair and agony filled up you along with regret.
No wonder why you longed for her.
2-our life was ruined , because of you.
I bet she liked how much she ******* us up.
3-wake up *******! You may be the one who was wrong this time.
No longer do I have to wait for you. No more. Never again
0-have fun ******* your life up.
And are you sure you won't cheat on her , too?
I was watching a show about how a women walked in on her husband cheating on her and I just had to express how I think she was feeling
322 · Nov 2014
faith Nov 2014
Breathing ,steady and fast.
His heart against mine,
Wanting it to finally last.
But when his eyes shine ,
Looking so close to me,
I finally decided to tell ,
And with one glance of glee,
He wanted to only sell,
The last glimpse of hope ,he had,
With me finally begging
Led to him being disgustingly mad
And him tearing off my leggings,
Only to find his last tear shedding

— The End —